[HTML] Fantasy Slave Trainer


New Member
Feb 24, 2017
Fantasy Slave Trainer is a text-based game that emulates the slave trade of a fantasy world. The player gets to play as a brothel owner (only one available at the moment), slave breeder or a slave trainer. Slaves all have their own personalities and characteristic so the player must keep that in mind while they're interacting with slaves. There is a lot of depth to the slave training system, as you can train your slave to be more feminine, masculine, slutty, etc or any combination of them, unlocking special titles for the slaves. Training can be done through physical (punishment/rewarding) or mental (hypnotism) means.

Development blog here.
Patreon here.

The game is in its infancy but there is still hours of content for the player to explore. Since its a text-based game I can go in deep detail with how slaves can be trained.

Fantasy Slave Trainer 0.3.3 - Exoticism + Piercings | FST 0.3.2 Public

I added another stat to the game, exoticism! Depending on how wild a character looks due to piercings, tattoos (not implemented yet) and clothing (not implemented yet) a character's exoticism will rise. Currently this stat will increase the amount of money you can earn from the brothel.

Piercings were added! There are nine different types of piercings; ears, eyebrows, nose, tongue, lips, nipples, navel, cock and pussy. Each piercing type will have its own piercing tree you can go down to get more complex piercings but the trees are very simple. More will be added in the future. Changes

  • Exoticism Stat Added
  • Exoticism Affects Brothel Price
  • Piercings Added
  • Piercing Shop Added
  • Nine Piercing Trees created
  • Piercings affect exoticism

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Version 0.3.3 [Patreon Version]

Version 0.3.2 [Public Version]


New Member
Feb 24, 2017
FST – 15 New Races + Brothel Adventures [Patreon Version]

At the end of the week you will be able to see your slave’s interactions with customers when they work the brothel. There will be a lot more interactions to be added, as well as interactions for the ranch, but this is just for testing. Depending on the slaves interaction their sensitivities can increase.

I’ve removed the old beastman races and added 15 new races. They all have their own ups and downs and some are more expensive than others. Starting gold has been increased to 100k because slave quality is a lot higher now.

Humans | Common
Humans are the most common and average traits. There isn’t anything special about them other than the fact that they are cheap.

Dwarves | Uncommon
Dwarves have small breasts and cocks, and all of them have facial hair. They’re short too, but their redeeming factor is that they’re a very fit race.

Gnomes | Uncommon
Gnomes are the smallest race alongside goblins. They’ve got really small cocks and breasts but they are very intelligent.

Giants | Rare
Not only are giants extremely tall, they have large cocks, breasts and are generally very athletic.

Forest Elves | Rare
Forest elves, like most elves, are extremely beautiful. They also produce good quality nectar naturally.

High Elves | Ultra-rare
High elves are patriarchal in nature and their looks reflect that. The men have larger than average cocks, while the women have smaller than average breasts. Like most elves, they are extremely beautiful and produce good quality nectar naturally.

High Elves | Ultra-rare
High elves are matriarchal in nature and their looks reflect that. The women have larger than average breasts, while the men have smaller than average cocks. Like most elves, they are extremely beautiful and produce good quality nectar naturally.

Canus | Common
Canus features are mainly human, but they do have dog like ears and tails.

Neko | Common
Neko features are mainly human, but they do have cat like ears and tails.

Mongrel | Uncommon
Mongrels are a race of anthropomorphic dogs that live mainly in the forest. Male mongrels have knotted cocks and all mongrels are generally fit.

Pantheran | Uncommon
Pantherans are a race of anthropomorphic cats that live mainly in the forest. Male pantherans have barbed cocks and all pantherans are generally fit.

Minotaur | Uncommon
Minotaur features are mainly human but they have larger than average cocks, bull horns sprouting from their heads, hoofed feet and are male only.

Holstaur | Uncommon
Holstaur features are mainly human but they have extremely large busts, produce high quality milk, small horns sprouting from their heads, have hoofed feet and are female only.

Moon Rabbits | Rare
Moon rabbits are a rare, forest dwelling race that have mainly human features but have bunny like ears and tails. They are known to be intelligent and beautiful.

Goblin | Common
Goblins are a male only race of very small, large cocked monsters. They’re very dumb and ugly, but also very cheap.

Orc | Rare
Orcs are very large athletic monsters that are generally stupid and very ugly. Males have extraordinarily large cocks that produce high quality cum except for the taste, which is generally very bad. Females have large breasts. Changes

  • Added Brothel Events [Affects Sensitivities, Gape]
  • Added 15 new races
  • Common [Human, Canus, Neko, Goblin]
  • Uncommon [Dwarf, Gnome, Mongrel, Pantheran, Minotaur, Holstaur]
  • Rare [Giant, Forest Elf, Moon Rabbit, Orc]
  • Utra-rare [High Elf, Dark Elf]
  • 100k Starting Gold

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Version [Patreon]
FST – Brothel Paraphilias [Public Version]

I’ve added paraphilias to the brothel so that the player can focus building their brothel around. There were nine added in all, in three different categories. Some paraphilias are harder to build a brothel around than others, some give more customers, some allow slaves to build more personal popularity. Changes

  • Popular, Common & Niche Brothel Paraphilias added
  • Popular Paraphilias; +++Customers
  • Common Paraphilias; ++Customers, ++Popularity
  • Niche Paraphilias; +Customers, +++Popularity
  • [Popular] Megalophilia (Large Erotic Organs; bust, cock, butt, clit, girth, pussy, balls)
  • [Popular] Caligynephilia (Beautiful Women)
  • [Popular] Musculophilia (Muscled Men)
  • [Common] Androphilia (Masculinity)
  • [Common] Gynephilia (Femininity)
  • [Common] Dominance
  • [Common] Submission
  • [Niche] Gynemimetophilia (Sissy)
  • [Niche] Genophilia (Sex)

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Version [Public]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
You have an interesting here cant wait to see it develop more


Sep 28, 2015
So there's a lot of requests for a male slut, what kind of training does that take exactly?


New Member
Feb 24, 2017
FST – Active Sex System | FST Public
I’ve added an active sex system into the game. Its fairly straightforward but it has quite a few options for the player. I’ll be adding more sex options during regular updates. Obedience is a major factor in whether or not your slave will hate you if you have sex with them, so unless you like having fearful slaves you should only sex obedient slaves.

  • Added an active sex system
  • Slaves have new sex stats, only stamina (sex stamina) & control (orgasm control) are being used, stats are race based
  • stamina determines how long you can last
  • control determines how much stimulation you need to orgasm
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Version [Patreon]

Version [Public]
If you want to make a male slut you could feminize him, train him to be submissive, use hypnotism or transform him into a woman and train him/her in strumpetry. There will be a lot more options in the future, but I'm just getting some of the bigger features out of the way atm.

If you just want the title, you'll have to transform your slave into a female, train strumpetry to the max and then transform them back into a male.
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