Not by itself; all TFs that affect ear length either include a racial TF, or are ReductPro (which can only decrease ear length). To get waist-length lapine ears, TF to a different ear type, then use Laquine Ears. At the end, you'll have a 50% chance to get floppy ears, with length randomly set to between 12 and 36 inches. If that length is at least your height divided by 2.5 but not more than half your height, the transformative text will state that they go down to your waist; if it's less than that but at least one-third of your height, the text will say it's just above your waist. There's a lot of RNG involved, so I recommend save-scumming, though if your ears wind up too long, it might be easier to instead use ReductPro on them (reduces length by 1-3 inches).