how to easily decrease pregnancy times


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
i want my character to have super short pregnancy times without cheating and idk how to do it very easily/quickly


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Incubator (character creation perk) Increase pregnancy speed by 100%

Breed Hungry (either from Dumbfuck abuse or using the Doll Maker, Doll maker gives less chance for additional negative perks) +100%

Laquine Ears (transformative)
Has vagina
Incubation speed female less than 1000%
Incubation speed female becomes
200% if Incubation speed female is less than 200%
400% if Incubation speed female is 200% or more but less than 400%
700% if Incubation speed female is 400% or more but less than 700%
1000% if Incubation speed female is 700% or more but less than 1000%

Synth Womb (cybernetic implant) +800%

Totals out to 2000%
Note: increasing Fertility Speed has no impact on current pregnancies, you will need to finish the current pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Totals out to 2000%
The way pregnancy speed is calculated, this will result in pregnancies progressing 11x faster than usual. Motherhusks also increase pregnancy speed, and unlike Laquine Ears the TFs are guaranteed, but each use comes with some Taint and it only goes to +700%, so you'll still need Laquine Ears to get the final +300%. The other sources, being perks and an implant, are counted separately from the bonuses from these TFs, so it doesn't matter which order you get them in.


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
The way pregnancy speed is calculated, this will result in pregnancies progressing 11x faster than usual. Motherhusks also increase pregnancy speed, and unlike Laquine Ears the TFs are guaranteed, but each use comes with some Taint and it only goes to +700%, so you'll still need Laquine Ears to get the final +300%. The other sources, being perks and an implant, are counted separately from the bonuses from these TFs, so it doesn't matter which order you get them in
this is very helpful thx