Does anybody know better bust reduction method, than periodically going to Keira for Scaly Salve and to Ivris for Wild Melon to make it target chest? I have 23 crit chance, so it is little annoying. And Hornet Ring is too good to take off, because it allows things like this:
Level 6 boss with good defence one-shotted.You channel thunderous divine wrath into your Flametongue Blade, enchanting it until it glows with radiant power. Only then do you turn it towards the Blood Knight. Charging forward, you bring your weapon down with an explosive blast of argent light that suffuses you with enchanted resolve! (-338) Critical Hit!
You recover HP! (+59)
Etheryn recovers HP! (+55)
Azyrran recovers HP! (+57)
You gasp as your prodigious tits tightens, pushing against the front of your witch's corset. D-did your chest just get bigger!?
The Blood Knight's Frenzy is disrupted!
The Blood Knight is too hurt to keep fighting!