How to beat slimes consistently?


New Member
May 20, 2019
So far I've been losing to the slimes about 9/10 times, due to reaching max lust. Anyone have some tips for how to beat them?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
They’re super weak to tease attacks. Like taking from 30 to 50 resolve damage per. Go manual control and have everyone tease to victory.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Or take them down one at a time.
I freeze them (AOE or individual) Brint cleaves and Cait fireballs. Major dmg if all hit.
Then I cleave Cait blinds and brint hammers highest HP one with his major attack,
From there it's clean up. Focus on a target until it's out. This keeps regen from being a major problem.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Charmer gets an AoE tease called "Allure". That plus sexy armor and teases will win in two turns most times

Big Papa Coyote

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2015
Ah, maybe i should give it a try. I almost always have FoxWife instead,
I'd definitely recommend it during more difficult battles if you prefer to tease your way to victory (like I do). Since most of your companions lack any tease moves beyond, well, Tease (Berwyn does have Charm Spell, and Brint has one that deals both lust and hp damage I think), being able to bust out two AoE tease moves back to back really helps make say teasing Arona's gang into slutty submission a bit less of a challenge (and even then I wind up losing sometimes). Plus it gives your whole party a boost to sexiness for five turns, making their Tease attacks better.

On the other hand, I do love me some FoxWife.

I always gear my character up for max sexiness, and I prefer having the girlier companions in my party (Cait's kind of the constant because of her healing, and then I just switch between Ber and Ryn [although if you're strategic enough, you can get by with having both Ber and Ryn in your party and use their Group Heal, but since those moves have longer cooldowns even with two of them it's more risky than having Cait "I can use Heal every turn" in your party]). Of course this makes the few enemies who are immune to lust based attacks more difficult since I kind of lack muscle (Brint) on my preferred teams.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2019
what i did is went thief class, but i got the Blostering dance stance, takes a bit to widdle em down but i have yet to lose on normal, because the stance gives resolve every turn, and evade and mental resist