How much gets transformed?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
So, transformative items aren't just about visual appearance. You can get wetness, milk production, feracity, etc. changes from regular transformations. However, things like permanent combat stat boosts are not tied to such TFs, and as I understand it the only way in which a Champion might get one of those more significant effects would be in the form of a major event like the Champion trading their soul to one of the Seven or something.

What else gets changed, though, when a Champion - a thoroughly-magic-dosed Champion - undergoes normal racial transformations? And what doesn't?

Say an orc Champion chugs a shitload of wyld wine and TFs into a wyld elf. Since orcs have a shorter average expected lifespan than wyld elves do, would the Champion then have the expected lifespan of a wyld elf? Or would they age much more rapidly than natural-born wyld elves, in line with orcish expectations?

Or take a catboy Champion stuffing himself full of Brute Beets and TFing into an orc. Would the former catboy be more, say, acclimatized to everyday cold as an orc than he used to be?

Tristan Black

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Hard to tell, since we're not really living the game. It's a fun series of questions to ask, though.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2019
It depends because we are talking about magic if this magic only changes the external appearance then it only changes the appearance, but I at least believe that it changes the internal organs too soon changing the entire system of the champion's body.