How much centaur content is there in TiTS?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I only recently started sniffing at TiTS and I'm wondering... How much content is there actually for it? I remember the centaur scenes in CoC were great, but very few and far between. Are there more scenes in TiTS, or are they still super rare?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As far as I know, the only centaurs in the game are Aina and Dryad. You also have "space centaurs" in the shape of leithans. There's also Sylvie, who's a moose quadruped.
Steele has access to centaur contents in the shape of Holiday's "Equine Centaur Suit" scene as well as mixing up TF items (I don't know which ones, since I'm not interested in that kind of body frames - sorry about that).


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
So you can make yourself a temporary taur, is that so? (With the centaur suit)

If so, that would be pretty fun to try...

Also, on an unrelated sidenote, it is hilarious to start a new character intending to make him horse based, and when the doctor at the start asks about penis size he goes "You’re gonna make your kid a stallion here, aren’t you? Why do I even ask?”
He has never been more right in his life :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
There is very little content for taurs, mostly because nobody wants to write it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Awww.... Is there any reason for that, other than "I'm not into taurs"?
I'd imagine it's because fewer people play 'taurs, maybe something to do with coding or simply not wanting to write them.

So you can make yourself a temporary taur, is that so? (With the centaur suit)
Holiday's costumes permanently transform you, so if you put on the suit you become a centaur until you mod yourself to not be.


Jul 11, 2016
Awww.... Is there any reason for that, other than "I'm not into taurs"?

Mainly because most players play biped races/characters, and besides scenes that need to be accessed for story progression, writing scenes specifically for taur PCs is near-pointless, and writing taur-able variants for other scenes is just tedious and not fun unless you're really into it.

Honestly, I'd be much more keen on writing a centaur NPC with scene for bipedal PCs than the other way around.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
The lack of interest is mainly because bipedal x 4+ legged character scenes have an inherent awkwardness that keeps most scenes as they're envisioned from working - so unless someone is thinking up the scenes with horsebutts in mind they often have to be adjusted and most don't bother so there's not much support for the playstyle.

All the scenes that -are- written specifically for centaur-type characters are good for it; there just aren't that many.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Non-bipeds should have been limited to NPCs and genderless should have never been a thing.

That's Genderist and Centaurist, jk But your right about the genderless thing, it shouldn't be a thing.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Actually I think you can still use racist and sexist in this case, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Those two words have been so over used and lost their meaning that it would've been seen coming.

But focusing back on the taur content, I wouldn't mind like gear for centaurs only, like some armor, or something like a rocket backpack like Riley's fire works cannon, shes the chick you meet on liberation day in game.

I kinda understand both sides, like nobody wants to go through tons of words just to edit in [Centaur body goes here] into the coding, but I kind do want to see more content for the 5 to 7 players that actually are taurs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I think some of the problem is that the taur content tends to gate players in some way.

Take Ushemaa for example. If you're a biped and you have sex with her, it's anal unless you supersize your dick to fit her. The problem then is that you're locking yourself out of a lot of content by doing that simply because other characters can't hold that size dick. So it's a lot of going back and forth for what is a minor change of scene.

At least, that how I see it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I think some of the problem is that the taur content tends to gate players in some way.

Take aa for example. If you're a biped and you have sex with her, it's anal unless you supersize your dick to fit her. The problem then is that you're locking yourself out of a lot of content by doing that simply because other characters can't hold that size dick. So it's a lot of going back and forth for what is a minor change of scene.

At least, that how I see it.
You can satisfy most other taurs with just a footlong of dick (Though surprisingly Aina for some reason can feel you if you have a little 4.5 incher).

Ushemee is the only Taur atm who needs a dick much more that to sex her in the vag.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
You can satisfy most other taurs with just a footlong of dick (Though surprisingly Aina for some reason can feel you if you have a little 4.5 incher).

Ushemee is the only Taur atm who needs a dick much more that to sex her in the vag.
Ellie only does anal unless you have a massive penis, and Sylvie won't even do that, which is sad because that's exactly what I want.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Ellie only does anal unless you have a massive penis
Ellie only does anal if you are under 12 inches in length.
Which is the literal minimum for vag stuff. And why I never stated that she needed anything bigger than that.

Ellie doesn't require a HYPER penis to even get a chance to vaginally fuck her, unlike Ushemee who needs 24 inches to even do vag stuff.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Ellie does vaginal in her first scene, but unless your dick is large satisfy her in that scene, you'll only get anal with repeated scenes until you make it larger.
Sylvie requires Steele to have a dick that's at least 50 cubic inches, but if you're a biped, you're pretty limited to a titblowjob.

So in order to get access to most, if not all their scenes for three NPCs, requires Steele to lock themselves out of the majority scenes for other NPCs, unless they have multiple dicks. And despite what we might hope, you're really only going to use two at the most.

Unless you want to be popping Condesol or Throbb like they're candy.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
There are dozens of us! Dozens!

I know fam, I'm just joking with you.

I think some of the problem is that the taur content tends to gate players in some way.

Take Ushemaa for example. If you're a biped and you have sex with her, it's anal unless you supersize your dick to fit her. The problem then is that you're locking yourself out of a lot of content by doing that simply because other characters can't hold that size dick. So it's a lot of going back and forth for what is a minor change of scene.

At least, that how I see it.

Yeah, that's why I said I see both sides of it, nobody wants to be gated, but for some of the taur lovers who like horse pussy like Raindrops I think like a little something should be giving to taur characters, not something that's like too big that requires a lot of change, but something that would please taur players all in the same.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Ellie only does anal if you are under 12 inches in length.
Which is the literal minimum for vag stuff. And why I never stated that she needed anything bigger than that.

Ellie doesn't require a HYPER penis to even get a chance to vaginally fuck her, unlike Ushemee who needs 24 inches to even do vag stuff.
Ah, my bad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Taur is niche body, so there is very little unique content for it. CBA writing it if like 2% of players are ever going to see it.


Dec 6, 2017
Nah but seriously, the Naga body type is just as unique as the Taur body, but it has just as many limitations as the taur body but with fewer unique scenes, if any at all.


Nah but seriously, the Naga body type is just as unique as the Taur body, but it has just as many limitations as the taur body but with fewer unique scenes, if any at all.
If you want Naga scenes write/commission them.