How Has Your Champion Changed Over the Course of the Game?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
There have been several neat threads about your champions appearance and RP aspects, but I was curious as to how some of you may have changed your champion over the course of the game, whether it be appearance wise or roleplaying wise (or both)!

My Champion started out as a basic archer, but over the course of the game and multiple run ins with Kayyra and other demons, they've embraced the corruption to an extent as "necessary evil" to stopping this threat. They've become a chimerical entity, as to help with both hunting down their enemies as well as fulfilling the growing urge to breed and spread their own influence and seed. Taller, stronger, faster, more well-endowed and how to improve on this new form takes up a good portion of their passing thoughts. Alchemy is a game, mixing and matching the best aspects of nature to create the ultimate form for breeding and hunting.

Despite the changes, at their core they do remain merciful to some degree. Many of the creatures they've encountered have also been victims of the Corruption to a degree, but there are still those among those numbers that deserve nothing less than a well placed arrow to the heart .They've also developed deep connections with their new family in Cait, Arona, and the rest of the crew. However the remainder of their humanity finds itself at odds with the mind of their new form. Are they family or "territory?" Physical assets to defend with their fine tuned hunting instincts? Perhaps both?

They know and accept they're not fully human anymore, but they're still not totally lost to the corruption. They're something in between. Something more.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
No I stayed the same but being a warrior with duelist stance is my at will is useful. My powers are shatter, cleave now fire ball, bull rush, and ultimate unbreakable. I rarely learn new powers or play other classes because as I learned go with what works. All my characters are mainly warriors and I only occasionally change things on my Champions like this white furred Lupine herm with black colored dick cackle berries turgid mushroom TF.

After acquiring the dream plate I have realized that the it can make your warrior class more effective with spells in short I use fire ball instead of cleave.
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Well-Known Member
The Champion is so generic that I'm not as invested in my Champ as I am with my Steele. As such, the only real changes my Champ has undergone are the TFs offered by Kasyrra (equine pussy and demonic eyes). I'm planning on making a second Champ who's basically the opposite of my current one, and at least one of them is going to sell her soul for a divine TF at some point, but I haven't figured out all the details yet (and probably won't until all divine TFs are implemented at the earliest).


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Most of mine haven't changed terribly much as I RP them, with the exception of my Noble Scion who previously had an extremely black and white view of all corruption being Evil that needed to be righteously smote, I blame her upbringing. The aftermath of Harboring a Fugitive was a bit of a nasty surprise to her and she's starting to think that maybe there's room in her worldview for a few shades of gray. Not that the game has let me do much with that yet (aside from interacting with Elyon as opposed to ignoring his content) but I'm sure it's coming.

Oh, and my catboi Thief wound up as Arona's bitch and has started to enjoy being dominated, so I figure that now his original plans of 'lie low in the Frost Marches, maybe make some money, move on to somewhere more urban' have been replaced and he's really looking forward to retiring to Evelyn's future estate as her full-time maid and cum catcher.

Appearance-wise I generally tweak my Champs' looks ASAP and then keep them there, imagining that they've 'always' been like that. I don't do much TFing so it's mostly minor cosmetic stuff anyways. The one exception is my cowgirl Warrior, who exists largely because of some future stuff Wsan's talked about and I realized I didn't have a Champ who met the twin conditions of 'Brint became Brienne' and 'has a vagina'. In her case I like to think that she took some of Kas' comments about prize cow-girls too seriously while high on portal fumes and Kas' pheromones and started transforming herself into what she thought Kas would like. By now she's seen enough of what corruption can do to cool that ardor (ie, why she won't be accepting future TF offers) but she still gets a bit weak at the knees around Kas.

My Noble Scion will eventually accept the Valkyrie TF because it fits her character to take the offer in the first place and she'd also want to do it because she's fallen hard for Ryn and that's pretty much the only way she has to be able to grow old with her. This won't affect her appearance all that much though; she already had the build aside from the wings and pointy ears.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Appearance wise, nah she hasn't changed. I mean eye color from contacts but that's minimal. Now roleplaying wise? Definitely. She started out as a noble scion looking to escape from a life of expectations and others forcing their view on her as well as hoping to find purpose. First feeling guilty for thinking Kasyrra's invasion is the best thing to happen to her but thinking of herself as a hero from a story, trying to save everyone and being a shiny paragon. After meeting so many different people, being attacked by them, and learning the dark truths of the world she's become jaded and increasingly violent. Resorting to combat from the start and not giving people the benefit of the doubt, despite purifying the hive and saving Taldas. She's also becoming obsessed with gaining power, both political and physical. Because after getting the shit kicked out of her at the Winter Palace by Kas and barely surviving, she's convinced that only she has the potential to save the world and that she just needs to reach Kas's level, git gud, and stop being a scrublord. But the main reason, that she'll never admit even to herself, is that she's terrified of losing her agency and freedom to the demons and gods and that fear and anxiety is consuming her. She's also getting more and more interested in demons and wraiths, viewing them as powerful monsters and slowly starting to think that she could have that power but still be herself. She's not planning to join Kas or anything but if a demon witch or a disguised Kasyrra came to her and offered power and cool loot at the cost of her soul, she'd take it. Less edgey doom and gloom, but she's also learned that she likes cow girls and anubian women. Downside, she's still immature and will do things to humor herself. She's banned from commissioning building and smithing stuff without approval from someone else because of just how outlandish and kind of scary some of her requests are. An explanation for all the sex she has is that she's trying to fill a hole and craves love and affection, but can't form a proper connection on her end to be fulfilled. So she thinks more partners=da wae to luv. She's also embraced the fox weeb culture and loves her swift sword. Maybe a little too much. She still dumb as hell though. The only reason people think she's smart and don't realize it is because the portal shenanigans gave her a perfect memory. She doesn't always understand what she's heard, but she can sure sound like she does.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
my main champ hasn't changed much in appearance. starting as a lupine but getting a human face and body my head cannon is that he was always half human( also I don't really like muzzles) the only physical change for them is growing a second dick.

as far his life goes.

His parents died when he was young but taught him how to survive on his own in the wilderness as a hunter. He wandered into hawkethorne to avoid the unnatural blizzard where he met Cait. After trying to help her save her sister and meeting Kas his life has changed dramatically. Being a huge seven and a half foot tall, rugged half-lupine, he seems very imposing but he has a very kind heart. He is very protective of his allies and family for fear of losing them like he lost his parents. It took some time getting used to fighting as a team and even now he still likes to operate alone, but by now he can utilize his companions skills to take down any foe. He cares for those he loves deeply having been without a family for so long and though he won't hesitate to kill when deemed necessary, he tries to understand his enemies as well, won't turn them away if they're in need and is rather forgiving about past transgressions. He's somewhat in love with Kassyra and wishes for a way to help her. not in taking over the world but to get her soul back and help her start a real family. He was never religious and didn't care much for the gods but the revelation about them during the convocation of mirrors made him distrustful of them. Coming from being a lone wolf and thrust into the role of a leader he accepts the titles of champion of frost, champion of hawkethorne and marcher baron with uncertainty, questioning whether he can live up to titles but willing to do his damnedest anyhow.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2021
Not much. Hes kinda the same white bread as fuck human warrior he started as besides some tweaks. He got gold eyes from banging Kass(think he had blue eyes originally), he got a bigger dick and balls(from 8 long 1.5 wide to 12 and 3), he got buff from working out, and got all the rune tattoos cause runes are cool as fuck(like just look at Atugia, shes sick). Never really cared for transformatives in coc or tits honestly. Im just boring like that, I'm the kind of guy who makes human fighters in DnD.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Wow some of you are serious about roleplaying.. maybe I'm just shit at it. I don't have a background or story for my champions. Usually I stick with the species I chose at the beginning, (Lupine, Catfolk or Elf) add a cock and balls to them as there is no herm option straight off the bat (except shemale Elf). Shrink my champs height to around 4ft. The only time I may use a fully body TF in CoC2 is if I sell my soul to Keros, I'm just waiting for more meaningful TFs from other gods or the Tanuki TF from Lady Evergreen (so praying very hard for that one) before I change any of my other champs. Usually corrupt, very enjoyable that way.
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Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
There's supposed to be more than one tanuki tf? Ring peaches already serve that purpose.

While my only champ is still human, throughout the course of the game he obtained demonic eyes and had became an orc for a brief period. The demonic eyes were because he took a nap with Kasyrra. It was a little awkward at the time since he was barely over 5ft. This was compounded upon when visiting Pupperidge Farm and being unable to 69 the amoozons. He began eating brute beets to reinvigorate his growth spurt (titan's tea wasn't in game at the time). By the time he grew passed 6ft, he became a full-fledged orc. Not liking the black nipples or the tusks in his mouth, he started taking root of man concoctions to revert back to being human which also changed his eyes back to human.

Even though he is human, he took other transformatives to help with his incessant need to breed. This resulted in having hyperactive sperm production and cask sized nuts for a short time (running bowlegged with your sack dragging across the floor isn't comfortable). He ate some double pupperidge peppers just in case he ever needed to use two cocks at once. This only lasted until the effigies "gave" him gaia leaflets, now he's got a great, big, bushy beard groin. Lady Evergreen also saw fit to gift his knobs with knots for better plugging action.

All in all, my champ appears human to most people. Only lovers and fuck buddies know what's underneath the armor and clothes.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
There's supposed to be more than one tanuki tf? Ring peaches already serve that purpose.

While my only champ is still human, throughout the course of the game he obtained demonic eyes and had became an orc for a brief period. The demonic eyes were because he took a nap with Kasyrra. It was a little awkward at the time since he was barely over 5ft. This was compounded upon when visiting Pupperidge Farm and being unable to 69 the amoozons. He began eating brute beets to reinvigorate his growth spurt (titan's tea wasn't in game at the time). By the time he grew passed 6ft, he became a full-fledged orc. Not liking the black nipples or the tusks in his mouth, he started taking root of man concoctions to revert back to being human which also changed his eyes back to human.

Even though he is human, he took other transformatives to help with his incessant need to breed. This resulted in having hyperactive sperm production and cask sized nuts for a short time (running bowlegged with your sack dragging across the floor isn't comfortable). He ate some double pupperidge peppers just in case he ever needed to use two cocks at once. This only lasted until the effigies "gave" him gaia leaflets, now he's got a great, big, bushy beard groin. Lady Evergreen also saw fit to gift his knobs with knots for better plugging action.

All in all, my champ appears human to most people. Only lovers and fuck buddies know what's underneath the armor and clothes.
It's been said that Lady Evergreen will offer the TF, I'm waiting for that than using Ring Peach.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
It's been said that Lady Evergreen will offer the TF, I'm waiting for that than using Ring Peach.
So... what's the point of Evergreen offering the TF, then? Do you get a special perk or two if you get it through her specifically, at the cost of a buttload of EC or a few children?
Or is it just supposed to be a faster version of the Ring Peach?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
So... what's the point of Evergreen offering the TF, then? Do you get a special perk or two if you get it through her specifically, at the cost of a buttload of EC or a few children?
Assuming nothing has changed, Evergreen's TF is permanent in the same way that a pantheon TF is (but those would be capable of overriding hers) and presumably offers you something in return, though it may be something she can also do to you involuntarily based on some of the wording. Her design doc mentions that the plan is to turn you into a 'curvy futa tanuki like herself'. Presumably then that would include a penis, which the Ring Peach doesn't provide.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
My main character (Pertinax) from awhile ago that I played the most on started out as a Noble Scion, Warrior, Human. He grew from 5'11 to like 8' is the main thing. I also used the Shield of Brawn so he was pretty much as masculine as you can get. I got a bunch of White Mage abilities to become a Paladin. Other than that he didn't really change much at all. He had like 50 kids I guess. Always fought against anything corrupted or evil. Helped everyone possible. Collected a large harem of ladies around him.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Wow some of you are serious about roleplaying.. maybe I'm just shit at it. I don't have a background or story for my champions.
Valid. The point of the game is to have fun, ideally by releasing some tension. Not everybody needs to RP their ERPG character in order to do that.

Gothic Purple Goblin

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2016
Started with, no brats for me, now I have populated a quarter of the marshes with all kinds of combinations. God damnit Kiyoko, now everyone's having my kids grumbles
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Jul 16, 2021
Started as a Charmer, but trained with Garth for a warrior outlook. Shacked up with Kiyoko, and was really taken by the different outlook, dove into the Kitsune life. Kitsune equipment, Kitsune specials, go all out. I have a lot (a LOT) of kitsune children to set an example for.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Mine went from fully male Lupine to cuntboy with a magicock. Also plenty of runic tats.


Oct 29, 2015
Haggis Land
Yes, in a way. But that's because I've had the character since the game first began so I've needed to change aspects of them as more of the main story is added. I don't really have other saves since I'm not nearly as invested as I am in my 'main' character. They become my own 'canon' character as it were.

They started off human, as always, but as I expanded their back story I decided they were a werewolf who was essentially a nomad since they couldn't allow themselves to settle (works well with the traveller narrative the game already gives them). Its all I have currently, but as more of the main story is added I hope to see what they do with the Kasyrra interactions (non-sexual that is) as I've decided to add an internal conflict about his identity. He really resents being a werewolf and honestly wouldn't mind turning into a demon if it cures him since literally nothing else helped him. Obviously I need to add my own twist to the dialogue in my head to make it relevant but you get the idea.

Honestly, I put too much into the backstories of characters that are meant to star in a porn game. Way too many OC of mine have stemmed from fenoxo games and idk if that's a good or bad thing lmao
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
Yes, in a way. But that's because I've had the character since the game first began so I've needed to change aspects of them as more of the main story is added. I don't really have other saves since I'm not nearly as invested as I am in my 'main' character. They become my own 'canon' character as it were.

They started off human, as always, but as I expanded their back story I decided they were a werewolf who was essentially a nomad since they couldn't allow themselves to settle (works well with the traveller narrative the game already gives them). Its all I have currently, but as more of the main story is added I hope to see what they do with the Kasyrra interactions (non-sexual that is) as I've decided to add an internal conflict about his identity. He really resents being a werewolf and honestly wouldn't mind turning into a demon if it cures him since literally nothing else helped him. Obviously I need to add my own twist to the dialogue in my head to make it relevant but you get the idea.

Honestly, I put too much into the backstories of characters that are meant to star in a porn game. Way too many OC of mine have stemmed from fenoxo games and idk if that's a good or bad thing lmao
Hey I don't see it as too much because these characters are ours to build and mold you know? I like what you're working with.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Honestly, I put too much into the backstories of characters that are meant to star in a porn game. Way too many OC of mine have stemmed from fenoxo games and idk if that's a good or bad thing lmao
Like Alypia said earlier, it's all about having fun, so if you put a ton of thought into your characters and like to imagine extra dialogue and such in their scenes there's nothing wrong with that. I do it for mine to varying degrees like I kinda implied with my earlier post (then I have some that I don't put so much thought into) and for some of them I imagine extra content that's happening 'off-camera', like lots of adorable snuggling by the fire between my Noble Scion and Ryn.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
My character is a human who is a former courtesan and thief who has also trained in archery.

My champion is a person who tries to help others and do the right thing whenever they can. This included helping Arona depose her brother in the Foothills, helping Ahmri save her father, Chief Taldahs and the centaurs from demonic influence, and giving the slaved catgirls a chance to make a new life for themselves. This especially came to a head in the Palace of Ice, in which, thanks to the Champion's influence, has helped Etheryn gain the confidence needed to confront her sister.

The Champion also try to be as pure as possible, not wanting to take advantage of others or succumbing to temptation. When it comes to Kasyrra, the Champion keeps a neutral relationship towards her, wanting to tell her that what she is doing is wrong.
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