How does Busky's affection system work?


Oct 22, 2020
I read in the Wiki that:

"Busky has a dynamic affection system with a rating from 0% (complete stranger) to 200% (completely affectionate). Various interactions with him (primarily talk and sex) will raise his affection by 0.5%, 1%, or 1.5%, depending on the action.

As of now, Busky's level of affection has no impact on him."

It says it has no impact on him *as of now* so I'd like to know if this means it may offer changes in the future and does essentially nothing now - or if there's already any change in lines caused by affection and nothing else yet aside from that. I also don't know if there's a way to tell how high or how low the affection is so I'm asking just so I can know if it's worth trying to interact more in hopes of something or not? Thanks in advance and sorry if I didn't explain myself well.



Well-Known Member
His Affection score is tracked, but there's literally nothing that uses it (not even dialogue variations). Any future uses of it would depend on someone (most likely his author, Altair Hayes) making an expac where it's used; given that he's been in-game for over four years without any real changes, I doubt anything like that's in the works.
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