William, I recall (thank you for that great response by the way) you stating that she doesn't get upset due to a supposed lack of intelligence, but due to the significant alterations of the Treatment, but you just stated that Amazon's are allowed to interact with her, despite going through the exact same process bimbo's and "brutes" (bulls, every other treated male you meet acts nothing like you) do? Both treated males and females are stated as not having any form of reduced intelligence in the lore, but nonetheless are treated differently from amazons, so I don't exactly understand.
It stopped being about The Treatment especially and more about the state of mind that comes from a variety of very grim sources - Dumbfuck, Dr. Badger's Programming, and the New Texan superdrug itself. I believe you must be
referencing this post (and others on the page), and I still stand by what I said then. For that matter, Amazons do not come strictly from the Treatment - don't forget that Amazona Tea is part of the game, and don't forget that the core conceit of Amazons is being a tall, dommy female. I think treating the nature of being an Amazon as one and the same with bimbo/bull would be especially dishonest, particularly in Bianca's case.
If you luck out and get the Amazon version of the treatment, then yes, you escaped something rather awful. And what you escaped makes it very clear that as you've underwent the process, you've changed, and you can't care that you changed because of course you're a bimbo. You've lost your concepts of propriety, because that is how TiTS is. It should only be natural that characters like Bianca will quietly shake their heads when they see you. Disregarding Bianca's unimplemented (and most recent in her timeline) disdain for the state of being that comes with Bimbo/Bro, what is also part of her content are discussions about Dzaan Alphas (once Ardia becomes crew) and her very clear nervousness when it comes to the matter of the Bothrioc.
Once you've actually gotten to the subjects, she ends up demonstrating that she despises anything that robs an individual of their individuality and transforms them into a simpering creature of pleasure and thoughtless horniness. And if you can't get to the subjects due to being a bimbo/brute, then so be it. You have to accept the consequences of your actions, accept that not everyone is going to want to connect with you, and accept that nobody is going to tell you to your face - least of all an impeccably polite doctor - why they're avoiding that connection.
Upon glancing through Bianca's content, I find it a little frustrating that instead of communicating clear boundaries with Steele, she merely acts immensely cold to someone attempting to show genuine affection and empathy (because apparently empathy is a clear sign of self lobotomy), without explaining why.
As current Bianca lore stands I explained as such: bimboism and brutism are mannerisms with very real and very specific connotations for your character, [pc.name] Steele, whom we are writing for.
I seriously try to avoid making Bimbos sound or act blatantly stupid, but we are not writing for anyone's given character, we are writing for Captain Steele, and Captain Steele, generally speaking, after going through these motions to become something like that, has specific mannerisms that we've all sort of silently agreed on. That is, a total love for sex in any form, very little awareness or inhibition, and a carefree and casual disregard for the concept of depravity.
To that extent, for Bianca, it's the mannerisms unique to Bimbo/Bro Steeles that will set her off. That's what her backstory and motivations were tuned to. I can assure you that her character doesn't lock because she considers you stupid, but because of what you become that reminds her of something painful. Those mannerisms remind her of something similar that was an exceedingly awful experience.
Corruption in CoC means a loss of empathy and respect for consent, opens the door to forcing people into things they may not want to do. In CoC2, it's the same deal: you become rougher, more selfish. In TiTS, you occasionally have the option to force some TFs on Generic enemies. Bimbos act in a very uniquely carefree manner that symbolizes your character's corruption. Bros too - bullish body language, insouciant attitudes. There are other types of 'male bimbos' out there, as I had a talk with Nonesuch about it a while back, but this is what you get in TiTS, and I adhere to the TiTS canon portrayals; I cannot speak for how others choose to portray the alignments.
You don't just "be" a bimbo in these games. From CoC1, to TiTS, and to CoC2, having your brain, not just your mind, but your character's very brain and personality altered in a permanent and disconcerting fashion... the games never allow you to start in this state. It is borne of corruption in CoC1+2, where you're nobody special. CoC1 was whatever the writer felt like using, and CoC2 has the corruption scalar for the PC: Champion, Dark Knight, and Bimbo (which, again, comes from a source of corruption).
In contrast, the universe of TiTS is a hyper-dystopian hell-shard, and those elements bleed through into what is essentially an all-expenses paid adventure for the PC, a megacorp inheritor-to-be, and that aspect never changes. Steele was designed with five alignments in mind.
All of this coalesced to give Bianca the characterization and inner life she has, which is a hard sell in a game where you can get your rocks off with just about anyone due to a lack of preferences. I understand that Bianca as a character treads in a specific direction - that is, what you envision for your character is impugned like the fifth wall of sorts.
But my rationale has been to go with the alignments. I love them, because it means adding characterization otherwise not present for the PC, and it means have a rock solid foundation as a character rather than just whatever the writer wants to do in any given scene.
However, I can't agree that Bianca being gated is a detriment. Like with your Dragon Age 2 point -- yes, you would be able to see that character's writing. You would just have to do it on another playthrough, and see parts of the story that were previously unviewable to you for a variety of reasons. A lot of the quests in TiTS have checks for your character's class that open up different methods, and more often just add more flavor to your interactions with someone. I personally feel more excited to play other characters and styles to get at content otherwise unavailable.