How do I trigger the Salvaging The Mastodon quest?


New Member
Jul 12, 2022
The game shows that I'm a favourite at the Crash Landing, but it's been more than two weeks since my last visit in-game and I still haven't received the invite email for the quest. My stats for the Crash Landing are as follows:

The Crash Landing * Status: You’re a favorite! * Karrah: Met her * Karrah, Times Sexed: 1 * Monika: Met her * Josie: Met her * Josie, Times Sexed: 1 * Kiki: Met her * Kiki, Times Sexed: 1 * Kiki, Pool Games, Win/Loss Ratio: 1/0, of 1 games * Evening: Met her, Remembers you as human * Evening, Times Sexed: 1 * Evening, Times Played Darts: 2, You won last time

Hopefully someone can tell me what the issue might be here? Thanks