How do I get past sigrune?

Jul 18, 2023
So I've been doing a usual playthroughs, but I have never done the convocation of mirros quest out of fear there might've been another way past sigrune, besides fighting her. I've saw on the wiki that you can talk her down by completeing the princess dilemma quest, but It hasn't triggered in my last gameplays! Anything I can do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
You've likely misread what the wiki said. There is no way to peacefully move past sigrune, you have to fight her.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2023
I'm also waiting for a peaceful way to get past. I refuse to beat someone down who is honorable enough to continue fulfilling their oath after however many years it has been.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Dang so their is really no way past her without fighting?
Not until the content that the diplomatic solution is gated behind gets written, which isn't going to happen soon. Savin needs the time to actually write the bare minimum Tychris content needed before that can get in the game (right now he's working on MSQ stuff and other things related to Khor'minos) so it's going to be a while. Tychris is also gating the Astrida soulbind. It'll happen eventually but it's not the biggest priority.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Not until the content that the diplomatic solution is gated behind gets written, which isn't going to happen soon. Savin needs the time to actually write the bare minimum Tychris content needed before that can get in the game (right now he's working on MSQ stuff and other things related to Khor'minos) so it's going to be a while. Tychris is also gating the Astrida soulbind. It'll happen eventually but it's not the biggest priority.
out of curiosity, why is the peaceful option gated behind tychris content? does the champion need to get access to a tychris library or something like finding a descendant who can speak some sense into her a la Hiroo Onada and Yoshimi Taniguchi?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I have no idea what that's a reference to but yes, based on what Savin's said it's something like that. We know from attempting to talk to Sigrune as-is that you need to know more about this 'Prince Philandros' she mentions in order to successfully talk her down and that means going to where the people who might have that information live.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
I have no idea what that's a reference to but yes, based on what Savin's said it's something like that. We know from attempting to talk to Sigrune as-is that you need to know more about this 'Prince Philandros' she mentions in order to successfully talk her down and that means going to where the people who might have that information live.
Hiroo Onada was a Japanese soldier who was left behind in the Philippines before the end of the war with deep cover commands,(basically, be as much of a nuisance as he can for as long as he can, and they'll come back for him when they push back the Americans), however, the war ended before that happened, and this dude spent some 20 odd years in the jungle being a nuisance to farmers and policemen. They dropped leaflets, letters from family, orders from superior officers, nothing budged him. Finally, they had to drag his former commanding officer, Yoshimi Taniguchi, out to the Philippines from where he lived in Japan as a book seller just to get this guy to stop. dude took loyalty to an insane extreme.
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