How do i add Dicks on my character in the java version


Jan 16, 2018
Ok so here is the question i am sure everyone here is asking.
How do i add additional Dicks and Vaginas on my character in the java version of this game?
Also has any one figured out away to do so through save editor online or in JSON FILE EDITOR ?
If so how did you do it, and plz instruct us how to do it as well, so those of us who do not know how to operate java can.o_O


Active Member
Dec 29, 2021
I was playing around with save editing one of my characters and I figured this out. I did "save to file" then opened it in Notepad. The player information is listed right at the beginning so if you have an existing dick or vagina go to where it says "cocks": or "vaginas": and then copy everything in between [ ] starting with { and ending with } add a , between the } and the ] then paste what you copied after the , but before the ] repeat until you reach the desired number of dicks or vaginas then save and do "load from file" and check your personal status to see if it worked. If you do this correctly it should work. I was able to give my character 10 dicks and 10 vaginas using this method. edit I just learned you cause your game to go to the error screen if you give your character too many vaginas.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Virection has a 10% chance to copy an existing penis if you have < 10. So does Dong Designer, but it increases Taint and decreases Length.
Pussyblossom is guaranteed to give you a(nother) vagina if you have < 3.
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Well-Known Member
If you're willing to use the browser's console, there are several handy functions you can call to make new cocks or vaginas, and edit them. Note that for each function, you need to include the brackets, but the arguments (i.e. numbers inside the brackets) are optional; if you use arguments, you need to use them in the correct order. Everything is also case-sensitive.
  • Make a new one: pc.createCock(clength,cthickness), where clength is the length and cthickness is the thickness ratio, and pc.createVagina(). These will not set any other values.
  • Set default values: pc.setNewCockValues(arg) and pc.setNewVaginaValues(arg), where arg is the position in the cock/vag array of the cock/vag you want to change; or, it's the number of that cock/vag minus 1 (so, if you want to change your first, it's 0; second, 1 and so on). For cocks, this will reset the length to 5.5 (adding or subtracting a bit if you have the Hung or Mini perks); for both, it will use the appropriate shift function to match your current race, and sometimes change other flags/stats.
  • Shift values: pc.shiftCock(slot,type) and pc.shiftVagina(slot,type), where slot is the same as arg and type is the type you want to shift it to. This will change the type, as well as the flags, colour and sometimes other stats to match.
  • Make a copy: pc.copyCock(target,donor) and pc.copyVagina(target,donor), where target and donor are the same things as arg. It copies all stats from the donor cock/vag to the target cock/vag; both must already exist for this to work, so if you don't already have the target, use the appropriate create function first.
After those, you can edit the values for length, wetness, etc. by using pc.cocks[arg].stat=x and pc.vaginas[arg].stat=x, where arg is as before, stat is the stat you want to change, and x is the value you want to change it to. You can do the same thing with balls. The only exception is flags, where instead of stat=x you have to use addFlag(x) or delFlag(x).

Note that type and flags are stored as numbers; to get around this, start x as GLOBAL.TYPE_ or GLOBAL.FLAG_ and find the appropriate type/flag in the list.