How did you Decided on Your Steele's Final Appearance?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
I know a lot of us tend to find a particular look and stick to it but I'm curious on how some of you have determined the "this is it" look for your Steele. For me, my main character was was kinda simple. I like dragons. Daddy likes dragons. Always have. When I play Pokémon, I reserve a team slot just for a dragon (even though they're a pain in the ass to level and evolve and a lot of good ones are in later areas). I refuse to kill optional dragons in Dragon Age and I even rolled a reaver for my warrior because dragon power. When I played Yugioh, my main deck guessed it! Dragons! If I played tabletop RPGs, I'd be the guy that rolls to bang the dragon. Dragons are just awesome.

So, when I saw that there were options to be a dragon-morph, I went all in. Other details like demon horns and hyper curves, multiple cocks/rows of breasts just kind of fell into place messing around with various transformatives and save editing. It was kind of a game in itself: finding the perfect balance of nonsense for my horny dragon-demon Steele.

Magenta Needle

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
I modeled my Steele to my coc2 champ. Poor bimbo moth forced to do the most debased and stupid things asked from her maker.
The in-universe reason for Steele's appearance is the aftermatch of fighting the Overseer Maïke, she wanted to look as sexy and strong as her, so she modded herself with Illumorphene and continued to become a curvy fluffy space moth


Well-Known Member
Isabel started as a half-gryvain because that's one of the only two options to start the game as a hermaphrodite (the most practical of sexes), and half kui-tan a) lacked flight-capable wings, which can be useful in some situations, and b) come with 'Nuki Nuts, which while sexy can be a drawback after giving blowjobs. I decided on blue hair/skin/scales because that's my favourite colour, and olive skin to make her ethnically ambiguous (especially since that's not a natural skin colour for gryvain). I later decided for roleplaying purposes that she should start out female and get a cock later.

Her final appearance is based on what I find sexy. I like both 'furry' and 'scaly' kemonomimi, so I decided she should end up as both; since I prefer 'furry' ears and tails to 'scaly' ones, I decided she'd wind up with ausar ears and tail, and ovir arms and legs. Gryvain genitals are the ones I feel would give the most pleasure, so she kept those, but with external testicles because without them just doesn't look right to me (except in special cases which don't apply to her). She kept the wings for their utility. And, for the final touches, she's also rather curvy, often pregnant and packs many other features including vanae markings, a huskar mane, myr venom, the honeypot gene, SnakeByte, flexibility and quite a few pheromone perks.

Admittedly, I actually mocked this up in TiTsEd rather than making it in-game, but I've also set out a well-researched roadmap (attached for those who are curious) to get everything I want (bar a few minor details; mainly height, thickness and tone) so it should, in theory, be possible.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I always play (or try to) the same archetype in my main runs, so achieving it is the "this is it" look. I like to check new TF items as they're included, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
I have several. I make themes based on things I like... sometimes themed off characters in media I like or sometimes just abstracts I think are funny or neat. Like my Alicorn Mercenary is based on Una from Gargoyles, or I have a Galotian smuggler cause I imagine her walking around trying to smuggle things inside her body. Also a techno spider lust themed tech character.

I also do little non-canon RPs in my mind, an example of which is like I have a playthrough where my character is a gablani twin of Mitzi called Moxi ... not because she started that way of course but because Mitzi did it with her drugs and cuntnosis. In my head canon Mitzi wasn't actually a prisoner but knew who Steele was and heard she had landed on Tarkus hatched a long con to manipulate her way into a piece of the Steele fortune by making Steele think she is her long lost sister and through further sessions her smarter sister which is why Steele does all the heavy lifting while her much smarter sister stays on the ship and plans .. and sometimes sleeps with her. Because TiTs of course.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, one could see her smuggling items for the shop. And, as Arthur C. Clarke said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Daft Hellians

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2017
I make and finalize them the same way I do my D&D characters: I think about what would (look) cool and work my way backwards for the mechanics.

My main TiTs character is Egyptian Anubis half-ausur capable of powerful disabling magic (tech powers), and a desire to seed every hole he can. The only other character I put any real work into is a half-lethian designed to be a cavalier unit, ardent in only laying with someone that can beat her, which no one has yet.

Wait, I made CoC2 marital pony.....nice.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Made a galotian. Pondered what color/s I should make her. Started thinking about Slime Rancher and all the wonderful variations of slimes. Initially I was going to make a cat galotian, but then there was the Tarr. All I needed was jet black for the 'skin', vanae marks colored iridescent, glowing purple eyes, and voila, a bimbo version of the dreaded all-consuming slime.



Mar 16, 2021
I could be playing a game or watching something then an idea pops up in my mind and I think, "This could work for a character." My characters are either hybrids of sometimes existing races and/or animals or characters from existing fiction.

I do have an entire list of builds I want to do as TiTs keeps developing, like this omni-rabbit build that combines Laquines and Raskvels plus that one egg laying race, I forgot the name.