How comprehensive is the Fuck Sense substitution?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2015
So my understanding from older threads and the wiki is that using Fuck Sense to make things like the Tech Bimbo work because in Int calculations there's a bimboIntelligence variable that checks to see if that perk is active, then uses the Libido instead of the Int stat if true.

I was wondering how comprehensive that is though. Can you replace any Int interaction that way? Or are there some perks or items that strictly use intelligence, and fuck sense won't help you with them?
If so, is there a way to tell in game?

Syth Dracous

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
In so far as I've found Fuck Sense only works on Sense as it states on the tin, it would be blatantly overpowered if it allowed the use of libido in place of Int in every action. This is one of those things you'll have to make a choice on (or save edit,) being the smartest being in the room and winning that way or being the bubbly sex monster that win's by the power of boners lady or otherwise.