Hot blooded - minimum lust tf

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
A concept for a simple item that boosts minimum lust.
Please give me your thoughts.

When used on the PC, boosts minimum lust by 15% of maximum, rounded down.

Overdoseing is achived by minimum lust being the same as or higher then maximum, or when minimum lust is 100 or higher regardless of maximum.

Similar to becomeing imobile from giant balls, overdoseing in an unsafe location causes a bad end, and overdoseing in a safe location just causes negative events depending on verious factors.

Overdoseing in a safe location resets minimum lust to 0 and maximum to 100, before perks (eg, inhuman desire will still give you over 100 maximum), at the cost of 30k credits.
Or if the player does not have 30k credits, minimum lust resets to 50 instead of 0, and the player loses 10k credits (or all money if has less then 10k), and libido goes up by 10.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think most would prefer it to give fixed amount of lust. Specifically 33.