Horse cock


Well-Known Member
There was never an official horse-cock cheat; the closest would be inputting grabARubbahTube into the Impulse cheat. That cheat never worked with typing it into text boxes, and it doesn't seem like typing cheats on the keyboard does anything in the JS port. There's a different way to get a horse-cock in the JS port, though; open your browser console, input pc.inventory.insertItem(new (Serialization.getClassByName("HorseCock"))()); and press Enter.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Really? That’s a thing?

thanks, I’m not confident nor expirenced enough to go messing around with my laptops console

also, sorry if this is a stupid question, but how you toggle the on/off cheats? Do you just click on them? Cuz it’s not working
for me

one more thing, was the saurmorian railgun removed from the js version?
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Well-Known Member
also, sorry if this is a stupid question, but how you toggle the on/off cheats? Do you just click on them? Cuz it’s not working
for me
It's not working for me either. Might be a bug, or a result of WIP systems.
one more thing, was the saurmorian railgun removed from the js version?
No, it still exists; its internal name is SaurmorianRifle.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Do you know if the devs added new weapons to the game? Cuz in the items/weapons section of the cheat menu, I saw some weapons I never saw in tits, it could cuz I haven’t played since 2019

do you know what the level 1 next to weapons mean? And what’s the max character level?

I noticed that in the cheat menu, the toggle on/off options work, it’s just really delayed
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Well-Known Member
Do you know if the devs added new weapons to the game? Cuz in the items/weapons section of the cheat menu, I saw some weapons I never saw in tits, it could cuz I haven’t played since 2019
Some of them (like the ACE Cannon and TST Armour) are debug/test items, and may break things if you add them; others might be ones that the player can't legitimately obtain in-game, while others might be ones you've simply never heard of - or, you have heard of them, and its internal name is different enough that you don't recognise it (e.g. ManDown is actually Twink-Ease). There's also ship equipment in there.
do you know what the level 1 next to weapons mean?
Weapons, armour and shields have levels which determine how powerful that weapon can be. Specifically, each item gets a certain number of points based on their level (with a bonus for unique/reward items) that can be distributed between the various stats (damage, resistances, defences, etc.); higher level weapons get more points. Presumably, it's balanced so that Steele should have access to weapons of around their own level.
And what’s the max character level?
I noticed that in the cheat menu, the toggle on/off options work, it’s just really delayed
I've just tested it, and it seems that the cheats menu doesn't update until you leave it and go back in.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
The weapon leveling sound cool, but that means that the saurmirian railgun is a level 1 weapon, I guess I need to get used to it, this is new to me

how do I use the tent?

what’s the max level for stats like aim?
do you know if it’s possible to get different colors with the horse cock? Cuz I’ve been trying and all I get is mottled

do you know if it’s possible to get different colors with the horse cock? Cuz I’ve been trying and all I get is mottled

do you know how to remove laquine ears?
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Well-Known Member
how do I use the tent?
Equip it, then go to sleep in a hostile/dangerous location.
what’s the max level for stats like aim?
5 per level by default, but they can be increased or decreased by certain status effects, perks, combat implants and equipment.
do you know if it’s possible to get different colors with the horse cock? Cuz I’ve been trying and all I get is mottled
It isn't; 'mottled black and pink' is the only colour available for the SynthSheath.
do you know how to remove laquine ears?
Wait until there's only 5 minutes or less of remaining time, then go to the Appearance screen; there should be a button to remove them there. At least, that's how it works in the Flash version; IDK if it carries over to the JS port. If you were looking for a way to remove them significantly earlier, no such option exists.
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