Homegrown tail parasites


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2022
Right now, tail parasites practically require you to seek them out, in highly hostile areas. This might be fine if you're high level, but then it's still tedious. If you have one specific version you're looking for, chances are you'll be looking for a while. Or, if you've had little parasite babies already, you already have a few slithering around your nursery. Chances are, you have one you'd like there. Or if not, you could take one you don't want, breed it until you get one you do, and then switch them out with the assistance of our good friend v-ko. This is 100% a convenience idea, but I think it would make sense. Wouldn't be too challenging to implement either, I don't think.
Cockvines multiply on their own, growing bigger and more numerous, so it would be reasonable to have the full buffet of flags available once they're adults. Or even from the start, since you spawn so many at a time.
Cunt snakes could be assigned flags on birth, and tracked similarly to other children.

The scenes could look something like this:

from cockvine nursery -> selecting [merge] instead of [back]
Your lovely garden of phallic plant life has given you a fine spread of options to choose from for your new tail. Which one would you like?
1[Cockvine] 2[Human] 3[Equine] 4[Canine] 5[Ribbed] g[Back]
selections 1-5 -> cockvine tf scene using selected option, with tweaks for being accurate to the location.
selection g -> You decide not to give your <ass flag> ass up to a parasite for today and leave the garden behind for now.

from cuntsnake nursery -> selecting [merge] instead of [back]
Watching the drooling slits on the backs of your serpentine offspring makes the base of your spine ache where you were last bitten. If you wanted, you could offer yourself up as a host to one of these.
1-f[options as dictated by predetermined flags] -> cuntsnake tf scene based on selection, with location tweaks
g[back] -> You decide not to give your <ass flag> ass up to a parasite for today and leave the snakes behind for now.

very rough concept, but if people like the idea I'd be willing to make the tweaks to the existing scenes to make it work.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
I like this because it seems like a logical leap from raising them in your nursery. Do you know if the nursery parasites are fully-grown or are they still immature when you visit them? That's the only issue I can think of. I'm also not sure if there's an option to release the adult parasites from the nursery into the wild, but if not, that would be nice to add too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2022
I like this because it seems like a logical leap from raising them in your nursery. Do you know if the nursery parasites are fully-grown or are they still immature when you visit them? That's the only issue I can think of. I'm also not sure if there's an option to release the adult parasites from the nursery into the wild, but if not, that would be nice to add too.
They do age with time, and the cockvines do mature, so there might be a variation for if you pick from individual tentacles early on or the great big bush later on. Cuntsnakes seem to have no effect from age. They are either eggs that you manually hatch, or hungry snakes.
The release option would work, but feels redundant since at birth you have the option to hide the cuntsnake egg or let all of the cockvines go. Besides, releasing them on tavros might get you in trouble with the UGC.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2022
Cool, people seem to be interested, so once the semester ends I'll start working on tweaking the existing scene and figuring out how to submit the scene.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016