Hn0's Custom Image Pack [Version 6]


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Group by jassbefrold.jpg
Camp Picture by Jass Befrold. Note: For corrupted characters, camp may appear very, very different.
Image Album v6 (What's New!):

Latest Download:

Mediafire Download - CoC CustomImagePack v6 [RevampMod]

Mega Download - CoC CustomImagePack v6 [RevampMod]


Also Available:

Centaviara's Custom Image Pack Collection

Fergusson's Renewed ImagePack for CoC (Revamp) by AF


Have enjoyed this game but felt it was a shame there aren't any extra image packs. So for people looking to build theirs, here's mine.

The pack contains 726 different scenes for images roughly as an innumerable images are repeated across a few scenes.

Pack was built with the Revamp mod ( in mind, as it adds hooks for other scenes that vanilla doesn't use images for. The pack does not need the Revamp mod to be used, but you won't see the images in-game that Revamp makes usable so still download the latest image pack, even if you don't plan on using Revamp.

Most of the pictures i found on e621, g.e-hentai, furaffinity, hentai-foundry, monstergirlencyclopedia, coc.booru and other corners of the internet. Especially e621. That site has one of the best tagging systems i've come across. There isn't a list of the artists names, which is beyond rude, so for sources, you'll have to try reverse google image search.


The image pack can only be used if you download CoC rather than playing it from the site. There have also been no reports on successfully using an image pack with the Android version unfortunately.

For immediate use, just drag the img folder into the same location as the .swf file. The folder structure should look like:

<CoC Folder>

...and so on...


CoC Official Image Guide:

The included images.xml file contains a list of all the different scenes and filenames CoC can use. The images.xml itself is not needed to load images as CoC already contains a pre-packaged version it can use.

To add your own image, just name it the same as a scene in the images.xml, as well as adding a number to the end, as described in the above link, and CoC will load it next time you start the game.

If there's an image you don't like, it can be deleted no problem, but make sure that it numbers correctly with images with the same name.

e.g. If you delete monster-beegirl_3.jpg, make sure to rename monster-beegirl_4.jpg to monster-beegirl_3.jpg or CoC will skip it.



Due to Ember being able to be 3 different genders and 2 (ish) different races, and that CoC doesn't know either when it loads an image, Embers images are located in the img_backups/Ember folder included in the download. Just copy over the folder you need once Ember has hatched.

Or, could download the nifty .bat file I wrote and included below to easily and quickly switch between different Embers. Just save it into the same location as the .swf file and run it. You can choose Embers gender and race and it'll quickly and easily replace and switch the images for you.

In order for it to work, you'll need to save the img_backups folder to the same location as the img folder.

Note: It deletes any image in the img folder with ember in the title. Move any images youve included yourself into the correct img_backups/Ember folder before running the file.


An image loads slowly

- The image is probably too big. If it becomes too annoying, just delete the image.

Space is made for an image but it doesn't load

- CoC knows the picture is there and tries to load it but can't. The image is likely incompatible. Delete the image.

There is no image/space for an image

- Is the image titled correctly? Check the images.xml file or the CoC Official Image Guide linked above.

- On the main menu in Debug Info, check that Current Sandbox Mode is not localWithNetwork. If it is, and you're playing the game in a browser, a possible fix is to play in a standalone Flash player. I recommend Flash Player Projector.

- Playing Revamp mod? Make sure in Settings > Interface, that Image Pack is set to ON

- The code for CoC can be...special. Consider looking through the code available on github here:

Or for Revamp users:

- Or just leave a comment asking if anyone can help


- Amily images will only display while she's living in the ruins and hasn't moved into your camp.

- If using v5 or lower, remove urta-fills-her-condom.png to avoid images looking funny in the Urta 'Vag Fuck' scene. CoC doesn't like loading multiple images at once.

- The image imp-win-male-fuck doesn't show up in game. Not sure why.

- If using v6 or lower, images of Katherine giving a BJ will show up while she's meant to be drinking your breast milk due to my incorrect naming. I suggest either renaming katherine-suckles-you images to katherine-suck-and-fucks-you or just removing them.

- If using v6 or lower, images of Kelly will show up while you're busy dominating Kelt due to my incorrect naming. Remove kelt-farm-subkelt and kelt-farm-naga-subkelt images.


By all means, feel free to upload your own image packs too, even if they're just a few pictures to add to this one. It's a wide, wide internet and there's only so many NSFW images I can browse. Plus, these are all images i like. People are going to have different tastes. I'm confident people would peruse any image pack they find.

Tip - There are slots for images of your camp, watching the sun set (Revamp only) and watching the stars (Revamp only). Get images of what you think your camp looks like and nice pics of suns and stars and save them, labeling them as camping, camp-watch-sunset and camp-watch-stars.

Latest Download:

Mediafire Download - CoC CustomImagePack v6 [RevampMod]

Mega Download - CoC CustomImagePack v6 [RevampMod]

Viewable Albums: Note - I've trimmed images all the time. You'll find images in older versions below that aren't in newer versions.

Image Album v6 (What's New!):

Image Album v5 (What's New!):

Image Album v4 (What's New!):

Image Album v3 (What's New!):

Image Album v2 (What's New!):

Image Album v1:

Official Image Album v0.12:

Legacy Lethice:

Can only be used with Revamp Mod v1.3.13 or lower. Make sure via the images.xml that they are named correctly if downloaded.

Legacy Lethice for Revamp Mod

Old Downloads:

Mediafire - CoC_CustomImagePack_v5_[RevampMod]

Mega - CoC_CustomImagePack_v5_[RevampMod]





CoC OfficialImagePack v0.12 Fixed

Communal Bath by midisilvi.png
Communal Bath by Midisilvi. Again, corrupted characters should not expect this level of innocence.


    757 bytes · Views: 694
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New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks for sharing this; I always wanted to add more images, but was too lazy to actually sit down and look for stuff/edit the XML and test it all.

As for having multiple images, does that mean it will select one at random every time an image would be pulled up?  Or are they all used in specific situations?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Nice pack there. There are some duplicated ones, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Everytime a wall of text is generated, a single image from multiple selections will be picked. So for sex scenes, you'll get a single random image, while battle scenes will randomly pick a new image once you and the enemy have taken an action.

My bad about the duplicated images in the album. They were just uploaded from my image folder and don't keep their titles, so in the actual pack, some images will be used in multiple scenes. An example would be ones that are vague about vaginal or anal so i used them in both.

There's also an issue i just remembered about that a few images have a female/herm/male player character while the scene itself doesn't specify. These will likely be ironed out as I play through the game. So here's a heads up if the image makes you suddenly think your sex changed while you weren't paying attention (something that frequently happens to me in CoC regardless of images).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i wanna use these pictures but i cant find the place to drop em 

*Edit, i dont know how but when i re-downloaded it the .txt files came along this time, strange
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The img folder located in the pack needs to be in the same place as the CoC_0.9.4c.swf file you can get here Which means that you'll needed to right click - save as... the file rather than straight playing it in the browser.

I've actually just started Rubi's route for the first time so im hoping to get some images for him. And i'm a fan of Kelt, but its proved surprisingly difficult to find sex images with focus on the male centaur so if anyone can point to something like that, it'd be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd recommend the galleries section of e-hentai or e621 for the centaurs, I can't guarantee quality pics on those sites, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I assume you have, but... have you tried the official CoC e-Hentai gallery? Or even the CoC booru? I guess you'd be able to find more images for characters that I haven't seen on the pack, such as Maddie or Lottie.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not an official one, mind you, but I like to remind people of it as having as many correctly tagged pics on the same place could be handy at the very least. Too bad I don't know how to upload images-if I did, I would have spent hours on it.


New Member
Aug 31, 2015
Thank you Hatter. I thought the xml file would be in the beginning or end of the folder.  I found it in the middle.  Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Love the pack better then my personal img collection save for one thing.

Hel bathing by monorus. *edit Now that a look at it much of helia is not in the pack. use the key words monmusu salamander, its who shes based off of.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Love the pack better then my personal img collection save for one thing.

Hel bathing by monorus. *edit Now that a look at it much of helia is not in the pack. use the key words monmusu salamander, its who shes based off of.

Thank you! Found a bunch more images for Helia thanks to that. And the bathing picture is lovely
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New Member
Sep 3, 2015
Little issue here.. I followed the instructions on where to put the folder and images with the .swf file I'm using (the mod) and I haven't been able to get the image pack to work with the mod or regular version.. Am I missing something?

Neeeeeevermind figured it out. Call me impatient.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just want to let you know that these image IDs are going to be added in 1.3:


* location-bazaar
* location-bazaar-theblackcock
* location-farm
* location-ingnam
* location-ingnam-farm
* location-ingnam-inn
* location-ingnam-temple
* location-owca
* location-owca-tavern
* location-teladre
* location-teladre-thewetbitch
* dungeon-entrance-factory
* dungeon-entrance-deepcave
* dungeon-entrance-stronghold
* dungeon-entrance-desertcave
* dungeon-entrance-phoenixtower

The Black Cock NPCs

* anita-intro
* anita-song
* anita-sex-eaglefuck
* anita-sex-vaginalfuck
* anita-sex-sixtynine
* andy-intro
* andy-smoke
* andy-sex-blowjob
* andy-sex-cunnilingus
* andy-sex-rimjob
* andy-sex-analpitch
* andy-sex-analcatch
* andy-sex-vaginalcatch
* harry-intro
* harry-sex-getfucked
* frida-intro
* frida-order-cake
* satyr-gang-intro
* satyr-gang-bang

Existing NPCs

* callu-intro
* callu-sex-fuck
* callu-sex-facesit
* helia-swim


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I just want to let you know that these image IDs are going to be added in 1.3:

Oh fantastic, thanks. I came across the perfect likeness for Callu and was dissapointed to find she didn't have hooks.

And i'm also looking forward to finding out what an eaglefuck is


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Looking through the pictures it is missing the lynette pictures by lurkergg

The lynette impregnation scene was specifically a gift from fenoxo to lurkeregg, who then recipcrocated by drawing the scene. So, its pretty much the ideal picture for it.

I...didnt know you could go further than oral with lynette. My character has something to do next time. But it looks like there aren't any hooks for Lynette, so no images are gonna load for her unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Speaking of Lynnette... The salon will get image pack support as well.

  • location-salon
  • lynnette-blowjob
  • lynnette-fuck

I can already see myself spending hours browsing through filthy image sites for all these new potential pictures. *nods* I think i'm okay with this


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I...didnt know you could go further than oral with lynette. My character has something to do next time. But it looks like there aren't any hooks for Lynette, so no images are gonna load for her unfortunately.

well, if its added to the unofficial pack, then coc-mod author will probably add a hook to the mods.


Aug 29, 2015
I have CoC running on my intranet web server, I can't get the imagepack to work on it (I can if I run the swf directly in the browser).

I have an img subdirectory below where the CoC_0.9.4C_mod_1.2.18.swf is with the contents of the image pack.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I have CoC running on my intranet web server, I can't get the imagepack to work on it (I can if I run the swf directly in the browser).

I have an img subdirectory below where the CoC_0.9.4C_mod_1.2.18.swf is with the contents of the image pack.

Sorry, i'm not sure what that is. You have put the folder in the right place though. Shot in the dark and in vague terms, i'd imagine it has something to do with CoC not having permission for/blocked from opening another folder.


Aug 29, 2015
I poked through the source so I think the problem is the game is looking at the *local* machine (since it runs in the browser, not on the server) - not totally sure though.   It would be nice if it tried to open images.xml via http/s using the referrer url as a base.


Oct 24, 2015
Quite some images are not working. For example the imp male fuck, edryn preggo fuck and niamh.
Anyone got a solution for this?