Hilda's Misadventures (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A sudden shuddering ran through the hull of the Stormwuuld as it came out of light-speed, and the sublight engines kicked in. The small personal cruiser was enroute to Tavros station for routine maintenance and supplies. As the massive space station came into view, the pilot paused to stretch. Hildegard Vesyr was a tall woman by anyone's standards. At eight feet, she dwarfed most people she came across, and had to bend down to get through most doors. Coupled with her height, her bovine ears and legs, not to mention curvy frame and enormous breasts, marked her as a native of New Texas, something of a rarity in the wider galaxy as the docile cow-folk were rarely found traveling abroad.

As the ship drew closer, a small holographic image of a human woman in a business-wear, sprang from the main command console. "Hey there, good looking. Just thought you might like to know, the station is hailing us," the tiny image said, before disappearing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Letting out a yawn, she shook her head still a tad sleepy from her hyper space nap. Blinking the drowsy looking out of her eyes she quickly hits the blinking coms tab to open the line. "Hildegard Vesyr, captain of teh Stormwuudl, requesting permission to dock."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Permission granted, Stormwuuld, we are bringing you in," came the reply from the station.

Hilda relaxed as the tractor beams slowly guided her ship into the docking bay of Tavros Station. Once they were secure, she made what arrangements she needed with the dock crew before stepping into the elevator and heading into Tavrose proper. As the elevator carried her to her destination, a strange rippling seemed to run up the length Hilda's grey jumpsuit, a small piece of which seemed to melt off and slither up onto her ear to take the shape of an earpiece, through which she could hear the voice of her newest traveling companion.

"Oh, is this really Tavros? I had no idea there were going to be so many people. Are we going to meet some of them? Where are we going? This is so exciting!" As the grey goo, Beatrix, chattered away, Hilda could feel her outfit tightening up as her friend became more and more excited.

[Let's say you have five thousand credits in you pocket at the moment]  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda laughs at her new friends eagerness and nods her head. "Yes Beatrix! We are going to meet my friend Lerris first. She used to be my co worker when I lived here and it has been far too long since I stopped by to say hello." She squirms a bit under the tightening suit. "Beatrix, honey...getting a bit tight here, calm down please."

"Other than lerris we can check out any store that you like, they have all sorts of stuff here, though the three big contenders are mod shops. There is a tailor and hair stylist here too!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, I've always wondered what a haircut felt like, but I guess I would need hair for that," Beatrix chirped. "Ooh, but could we swing by a clothing store, or two? I could use ideas for new outfits to shape into." Hilda felt her suite grow even tighter around her breasts, and balls. "Maybe something sexy to show these babies off with, when you finally decide to cash in that v-chip of yours," she whispered into Hilda's ear.


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Oct 1, 2015
She blushes and moans softly at the squeezing "Oh stop it you tease. Yes we can visit the clothes shop later. It will be fun to see what shapes you can take."

She steps out of the elevator at the second floor and heads down to Tamani corp. "Lerris! are you here?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
In response to Hilda's voice, a pair of bright purple ears peeked over the counter, followed shortly by Lerris herself. Upon seeing Hilda, the kaithrit sprang over the counter and ran towards her, arms outstretched. "Hilda!" Lerris cried with joy, as she threw herself into the much larger woman, burying her face between Hilda's massive breasts, and pulling her into a tight hug. "It's so nice to see you again," came her muffled voice from between Hilda's boobs.


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Oct 1, 2015
With an excited laugh she returns the hug to Lerris. She scratches between her ears while holding her close and eventually pushes her back enough so they can talk clearly, but still has the cat girl stuffed between her breasts. "Lerris! My favorite kaithrit in the galaxy! How have you been my friend? Geeze it has been several months since the last time I saw you. You look great as always!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Lerris let out a purr as her ears were scratched. "Oh, business as usual, for the most part. What about you? What kind of trouble have you been getting into?" As she spoke, Lerris's hands slowly slid down Hilda's back to rest on her considerable rump. "Manage to find anyone to pop that cherry of yours yet? If not, the offer I made when you left still stands," she said, with a lick of her lips.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No, i am still being an up tight prude about that. But there is someone I want you to meet!" She takes Lerris by the hand and leads her into the back room where she quickly closes the door. "Surely you have noticed this stunning gray outfit of mine yes? Well, her name is Beatrix! She is actually a gray goo! Come on down and say hello in person Beatrix!" She smiles at Lerris as her outfit literally falls off of her body leaving her naked as the day she was born.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Lerris jumped back a bit as the Goo melted off of Hilda and assumed her humanoid form. "Holy- Hilda do you know what that is? That's a grey goo! I've heard they were popping up on space stations, and planets all over the place after some big fiasco went down on Tarkus."

"Hi, I'm Beatriz," the goo chirped.

"Oh, my god, it really can talk," said Lerris, giving Beatriz an experimental poke, only to have her finger sink inside the semi-solid being. Pulling her digit back out, Lerris said, "Wow, it's not wet or slimy at all. Hilda, where did you get this thing?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I found her on Uveto. She wasn't wearing any thermal gear and was going to freeze. So I told her she could wrap around my body to warm up. Turns out she is really comfy and more than happy to help me out with my urges! So I asked if she wanted to come along with me, she said yes! She fits me just right unlike most other clothes that are way too tight! ..she also feels amazing wrapped around my cock AND she eats up all my honey, so no more giant messes like usual." She hugs Beatrix from behind. "I don't think I could get around without her these days!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Speaking of that shlong of yours, has it gotten bigger since the last time you traipsed around the store naked? I swear, how a girl build like you has gone her whole life without getting any is truly beyond me."

[How old is Hilda, anyway?]  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"that isn't for lack of trying. I swear, every time I get into a bad situation is because someone want's to get into my pants! I admit that over the past two years I have been exploring I have dipped my dick into many people both male and female alike....but I still hold my virginity in tact proudly!" She coughs awkwardly "I mean...I just haven't found someone I want to let penetrate me is all. I like being more in control and giving the dick makes that easy."

[she is 25. worked with Lerris for 3 years and has been adventuring for the past 2]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, let me know when it happens. I hate to think of you going your whole life with only rubber and plastic tickling your nethers," said Lerris with a sigh. "But enough reminiscing, what brings you to Tavros? If your looking to buy, your discount is still in effect, although you're still banned from anusoft. Don't think I've forgotten how you O.D'd on that stuff."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Shut up! I know that already...it was a weird time alright? Geeze go on one binge and no one will leave you alone about it." she grumbles for a few more second before shaking her head. "No, i just wanted to stop by for a bit, show Beatrix the station and relax in a place bigger than my ship for a few days." She rubs her milk filled tits. "I already know that Milktank won't have any more effect and while I could sit around stimming up on even more lactaid overdrive, I don't want to throw away my money. Beatrix, could you come back dear? Can't walk around the station naked."

She waits for Beatrix to ooze back over her body, shivering at the wonderful contact. "I will stop by again soon Lerris. Right now though, I promised Beatrix we could check out the cothes shop."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Alright, don't be a stranger now," Lerris walked them to the door and gave Hilda one last hug.

"She was nice," commented Beatrix. "I wonder what she tastes like? So, where to next?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"She tastes like milk. As much as she gives me guff about my anusoft phase, she is a milk junkie. I let her suckle from me once and couldn't make her stop for nearly three hours." She heads down the hall way, walking at a normal pace but still her assets bounce around.

"We are heading to Mi Amour. The clothing shop. I haven't actually been in here much as they specialize in more flirty things. Sexy bras and panties." She steps into Mi amour and looks around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As they entered the shop, Hilda's eyes widened in surprise. 'Clothing store' may have been a little inaccurate. The more appropriate term would be lingerie shop. Hilda had been in underwear stores before, but this was her first time in Mi Amour, and she was not expecting the employees to be modeling their products. All around her, young men and women strutted about in underwear of every shape and style. Eventually, one of the employees noticed her standing at the entrance, and came up to help. "Anything we can help you find today, ma'am?" She was a young human woman, with short red hair and a well toned body; and despite wearing nothing but a plain white bra and panties, she was probably the most modestly dressed person in the store.

[This will be my last post for a little while.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Shaking her head to clear out the awe she smiled at the little human woman. "Oh, actually yes. I am looking for some new fashion you could say. What are the more popular items from this shop? Also, what are the more...exotic pieces?" She couldn't help herself, seeing so many people in just their under clothes was enough for her to start getting an erection, her large member rapidly filling out to its impressive sixteen inches long and four inches thick. she could only hope that Beatrix would cover up for her.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The young woman was all too happy to lead Hilda on a tour through the store, showing her a bewildering variety of undergarments that were never truly meant to be covered. Through it all, Hilda's dick only grew harder, and while Beatrix did her best to hold it at bay, the long bulge that made its way down almost to Hilda's knee was impossible to miss. As they browsed, Beatrix took it all in, and while she would never be able to condense herself down enough to simulate most of the tiny garments, the corsets with matching leather boots definitely had potential.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
When the tour finally ends she lets out a small sigh or relief. "Well, thank you for the display, but I need to get going now. I will come back another time to make a purchase but something just...came up...is all. Thank you again!" She quickly turns and leaves the shop. "Ugh, why did they all have to be nearly naked?! I had to fight against the urge to just claim that girl right then and there! Come on Beatrix, lets head to the bar and bed, you can help me calm down there." She heads down the next all, moving as fast as he can with her erection getting in the way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hold still a sec, let me try something," said Beatrix. Hilda stopped in her tracks as her jumpsuit rippled and began to reform, flowing up off of her arms and unfurling from her legs, until she was wearing a long light grey sundress with a big bow on the back. Underneath the dress, two thin tendrils of goo emerged just above Hilda's hips and coiled down her thighs. About halfway to her knees, they lashed out to wrap around her erection and pulled taught until it was securely held between her legs. "There, now I can keep this baby under control, without having to keep it glued to your leg."  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shudders in bliss as her large and sensitive member is expertly handled by her friend. She does a light twirl and smiles at Beatrix. "Hey, this is actually really cute! Keep this outfit in mind, I wouldn't mind going to the beach in something like this." A throb from her eager cock reminds her of her current goal. "Ugh...relief first, future trips second." She sets to her path again, heading for Anon's bar and bed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The heady smell of smoke and sex filled Hilda's nostrils as she entered Anon's. Making her way to the bar she sat on one of the adaptive seat cushions, Beatrix being kind enough to lift her balls for her so she didn't accidentally sit on them. Scooching forward so that her genitals hung over the front edge of her seat, Hilda was able to close her legs, and actually look lady-like for a change. It wasn't long before one of Anon's famous tri-legged waitresses noticed her and made her way over.

"Good day, Miss, I'll be your server this afternoon. We have a wide variety of drinks on tap, as well as food from all corners of the galaxy. Or, if your looking to rent a bed for a while, just let me know and we'll set you up with one of our workers; we have a much wider selection than that dingy brothel across the station," she finished the last part of her speech with barely concealed contempt. "Now then, go ahead and make your selections and I'll be back shortly." With that the waitress handed Hilda two menus and promptly turned to trot away, shaking her ass as she went.

The first menu was exactly what you would find in any other eating establishment. The second one was much more explicit. It was a list of the working girls/guys that were on call for sex. Each of them featured a close up of their smiling face, next to a close up of their genitals, as well as a list of likes and dislikes and special skills.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh my...do I even need a working girl? I already have you Beatrix. I would hate to hurt your feelings." Despite that she starts looking for someone who likes Cum bathes and lactation while also browsing the food menue. "Hmm the three moon stir fry is always great if you ask me. you want anything Beatrix?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, that cute little ausar with the big jugs looks good. Although, so does that kaithrit, and you know how cats are with milk. Of course, you could get really crazy and hire someone with a dick to take you for a ride. Look they have a raskvel if you want to start out small, or a leithan if you really want to test your limits. But, it's up to you, pick whatever you like."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"If I wanted an kaithrit I could just go say hi to Lerris and shove her on my tit" She giggles and points to the ausar. "She looks cute though. Lets get her. Do you want to join in the fun? I am sure she won't mind once things get heated." she waves to the waitress from before to place her order.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Seeing that she was needed the waitress bounced her bay over. "Hey there, sweaty, fide something you like?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes I did, I will take the three moon stir fry and that cute little ausar with big tits when I am done."