Help with Zetaz

Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
I apologize in advance if this doesn't belong here.

i'm currently doing my first play through of CoC, Lvl 7 and a minimum libido of 15, 267 hp, 40 strength, 50 speed, 10 sensitivity, chain mail shirt (DEF 9) and the beautiful sword (17 ATK). my character is currently getting their ass handed to them every time i go against zetaz because he ends up maxing my lust before i can even get him lower than 50%. is it because i'm massively under leveled or is my gear just shit, or is everything fine and i'm the one who's shit?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd say you're underleveled indeed. Also, I'd suggest you getting a better armour if that's okay with the way you play (Chitin/Spider Silk comes to mind, using Benoit if you can't find the pieces for crafting them) and check your corruption in case it's interfering with the Beautiful Sword.

Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
I'd say you're underleveled indeed. Also, I'd suggest you getting a better armour if that's okay with the way you play (Chitin/Spider Silk comes to mind, using Benoit if you can't find the pieces for crafting them) and check your corruption in case it's interfering with the Beautiful Sword.

zero corruption, and thanks for the info, ill check the wiki to find the items, because im sure it will take a while to get corrupted enough to enter the bazaar


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You're welcome. Remember that, if you're playing a pure Champion, Benoit is not needed to fetch the crafting items-he just makes it easier to get them without relying on luck.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You can also look into increasing your stats using stuff like Giacomo's items (explore).  It's very easy to max out intelligence and relatively easy to do so with strength and toughness as well that way.


Aug 26, 2015
The most convenient method of stat-maxing is to get a little Corruption via various means, then get purified by Jojo.  All of your stats will increase slightly every time you do this.  Repeat and max out your stats in about fifteen minutes.

That said, perks become very important for damage output and durability, which is why a level 1 run can't go any further than the Mountain without encounters becoming nigh-impossible.  But leveling up will also reduce the amount of XP you get from battles, so the hypothetically optimal strategy is to gather enough experience to go from level 1 to level 40 in a single shot, which is enough to buy every perk.  If you're fine with skipping some of the crap perks, you can easily get by with just level 15-20.

EDIT: Removed a falsehood.
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Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
thanks for the info guys, doing a second run through just to get up to speed, already doing better than my previous character

also, gel armor kicks all kinds of ass early game apparently 
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New Member
Sep 11, 2015
Do you have the Double Attack perk yet?

I've found that Double Attack basically trivializes all but the hardest encounters, and it's extremely helpful for those, too.

Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
no, i don't think i got it yet, hell, if it makes grinding imps (non-sexually) for xp even easier though, then ill look out for it


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Just be aware that even you got more than 60 str those two attacks per turn (which as name imply) would have dmg value dealt calculate with max 60 pts of str (but still one hit with 100 str and two with 60 str giving more dmg totaly (plus with weapons that allow stun or put other debuffs on enemies it makes more chances to proc them). But to be able pick this one you need to have 1 or 2 other perks (Evade and Runner I think).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Go cat morph by eating whisker fruit until u get the flexibility perk. doesn't help much but it's an extra chance to dodge. You can get the from the lake and keep visiting the lake at like lvl 1 until you get your speed to fifty. Explore forest until you are able to get The runner and evade perk (requirements for the DB) and the DB perk and also get jojo at camp (important). Explore deep woods and submit to akbal until your speed maxes out or if u get sick of waiting 70ish-80ish. You will also gain 2 powerful abilities just don't attack him or u wont get the firelord attack. Now u are a corrupt perverted bastardm if you want to be pure and have a trail of skittle fall out of your ass where ever you go and have the mannerisms of Marry Poppins. Then you need to goto mountain and get infected with worms. Which means losing A LOT. Fantasize when you meet the colonies, lose, and go to joj and get purged repetitively. Repeat until your corruption is low. I think there might be a point this method stops working or stops being as effective. Maybe around 20? grab the beautiful sword from the lake. Boom you have an extremely low level character with an extremely high dodge chance. I managed to kill a tentacle beast by doing this at lvl 5 and i shoved all the lvl up points into int and maxing my speed. The higher your int the stronger your firelord attack. Also if u see the iron man perk GET IT.

I am just picturing a neko doing the moon walk and teasing (not sexually) the shit out of minos atm
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Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
thank you for the strategies, ill keep the attacks in mind to take him down as quickly as possible, because its not my health that i worry about, its that zetaz must be a professional male stripper or something because by the time i bring him to 70% health he has my lust at 87 or something around that


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh lust gains are due to your libido score and think sensitivity too. Lust resistance rising normaly with lvl-ing but having like close to max libido makes you gain lust like a runaway train. So beside improving your other stats look if you not have too high libido (reading one of shark-morph books lowers it and not sure but maybe meditation with JoJo too).

Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
ah, so ill just keep on leveling then to get my resistance higher, because my sensitivity is at 10 and my libido is at 15 (the very minimum i believe)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you shut down factory and not blow it up Marae gave you Pure Pearl. Eating it will give you perk that add some lust resistance too.

Un-done screw

Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
If you shut down factory and not blow it up Marae gave you Pure Pearl. Eating it will give you perk that add some lust resistance too.

yeah, got that too,but as i said before, zetaz is a top-of-the-line male stripper

so what is the recommended level for him


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I usualy beatin him around lvl 18-20 with having spider silk armor, minotaurs heavy axe and maxed already all stats save libido, senisivity and corruption. Also took all warrior way for heavy weapon perks so I hit pretty hard anything that is in my path. With him I think it's I do getting much lust but always making pulp of him before he lust beat me.


New Member
Sep 11, 2015
yeah, got that too,but as i said before, zetaz is a top-of-the-line male stripper

so what is the recommended level for him

Level 9 or 10 should be enough, assuming you take a break between battles to heal up and reduce your lust.


Oct 21, 2015
One of the easiest ways to get a rather powerful character is to create a female and get the 6 slot chest and visit Tel'Adre as soon as possible. This is so that the Raphael encounters will start. At the very end, Raphael will attempt to evade some guards in your camp and you get the option to either cover for him or turn him in. If you decide to cover, that will open up some sex scenes (as long as your physical characteristics are within Raphael's limits). If you decide to turn Raphael in, you'll be able to get a 1000 gem reward. Take the reward, then go exploring for Glacomo. Once you find him, you ought to be able to max out your strength, toughness, and intelligence quiet easily with the performance enhancing potions he sells.Also visit the forest often to get the bee maiden encounters. Initially, just talk and don't let her lay eggs in you. Eventually, she'll ask why you won't permit her to lay eggs, When that happens say you're afraid. There will be future encounters and Bee Chitin is a fairly frequent reward in those encounters. 5 of 'em and you can get bee armor made (+18 defense). That, along with a fair number of visits to the lake while level 1 and it's not uncommon to be level 4 with str, tou, int of 100, speed of 60, using the beautiful sword and bee armor.... And as a nice benefit, Jojo is likely to be in your camp as a corruption, libido, and lust reducer (Train and meditate with him nightly after you can't explore any more areas and before you go to sleep. Won't cost you any game time and helps your character immensely). 


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
You can also get the Berzerker perk which makes you all but immune to lust attacks (though note its not passive, you need to actually activate it in combat). When I had that I could even do the herm centaur and succubus gardener in Lethice's strongold without my lust going up in any noticeable way.