Help finding Lorelei!


Active Member
Jan 18, 2019
I'm returning to TiTS after a LONG break, and the next character on my list to look at was Lorelei.
One small snag though: she seems to have vanished. Unless I'm getting astronomically bad luck she's not appearing in any hostile encounters, and she's not in her private suite on the recreation deck.

Is there something else that stops her from showing up? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!

Update: it also seems to be impossible for me to free the slaves. Maybe my save file is just too old and I need to start over?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Only thing that stops her showing up as a hostile encounter is her inviting you to the Rec Deck either by collaring you/gaining respect for you, sets your encounter rate with "Minuet" to zero (According to her wiki page). Going to assume you already beat Maike for the remote which let's you free them, so for both cases it sounds likely something isn't playing nice with your save, I'm not a coder though so might be best to let one of them weigh in on this first.