[Halloween][Completed] Paige's Spooky Halloween ExPack!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Hello! My name is B, and I am entering this Halloween contest for the promise of potential money and acclaim!

Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dh6l5d2kIjCL3EsSFOUD3T1GLrr6qamosAZXuseTYww/edit?usp=sharing

Most people entering the contest go with costumes, or pumpkin patches, or other, similarly-festive October themes. I decided to try something a little traditionally spooky: in this expansion pack, Paige, everyone's favourite Ausar yoga instructor, gets possessed by a poltergeist that's been haunting her yoga studio ever since she bought it. She then takes on the appearance the ghost had in life - a Kui-Tan hermaphrodite. On top of entering the Halloween contest, this also gives me the excuse to write Paige as a dickgirl, something you'd be surprised how often I was requested I make her one. And yes, there is a flowchart.

This expansion pack is non-canon to Paige’s content. I have no intentions of making her a dickgirl as part of her main, story-related content, and it would go against her character if she wanted to be one too. But, if I throw around the words ‘non’ and ‘canon,’ then fuck it, I can make her do whatever.

Sexy tags for this content are poltergeists; possession; body-hijacking; and transformation, although that last one is hardly a new thing for this game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
There was some confusion about this in the Discord channel, so let me clarify what I mean when I say this expansion pack isn't canon to Paige:

When I initially wrote Paige, I made her pure female for three reasons: the first is because her character has spent a lot of time crafting her body to be what it is, and she's very careful about making any changes to it. That includes giving her a dick, or bigger boobs; she's very stoutly anti-cybernetics even though it would have made her life much easier. The second reason is because Paige is supposed to be Brooke 2.0, and Brooke didn't have a dick. And the third is because I just didn't want to make her a herm: there are plenty of those in TiTS already and sometimes, myself included, players just don't want to be surprised when they meet a character that is, by all appearances, a woman.

What I mean by this expansion pack being non-canon to Paige is that, outside of this expansion pack and any expansion pack that is directly related to this one or future Halloween events, Paige being possessed and being able to spontaneously grow a dick will never be referenced in her base content or in any future, canon expacks. I certainly didn't mean to pull a "it was all a dream" copout bullshit or whatever, given the doc ends with you being able to access the content again at any time you want. This is just supposed to be an excuse to satisfy all the players that wanted a futa Paige (and maybe win some money doing it).

Whether the TiTS universe is okay with possession and spoopy ghosts isn't up to me, however.


New Member
Oct 5, 2015
I don't know if this was already asked but the ghost says she kicked it thirty years ago on a Overdosed on Red Myr venom but wasn't myrellion just very recently discovered?


Oct 16, 2015
I was thinking that myself, from all I can tell its only been about a year or so at most since myrellion was discovered, when I read that in the event it really jumped out at me.i could be wrong, but the myr conflict and introduction of the UGC and the planet rush itself doesn't feel like it started 30 years ago.


Maybe the ghost time travelled. Really enjoying her content


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The ghost from future past?