

May 5, 2016
I am much more interested in male content and i was wondering if there is a list somewhere that has males? i dont really care about the genitals they have, they just have to identify as men

it's been a long while since i played last, and i found kase as a crew member, so thats one character in my boy-harem...


Well-Known Member will have most of them, though do note that some people in this category are a) not fuckable, b) gender customisable, or c) come in a pair with a woman. It also hasn't been updated with everything past the Javascript conversion (I think Mitch is the only one), so there's a few missing - the ones I can recall are all femboys and almost all found on Dhaal: Chance, Malai, the harem in Malai's quest, and hyrax raiders (the only non-Dhaal one; they're on Phaedra II, which is backers-only for now).