Guide to playing TiTS as a celibate


Sep 16, 2023
Papal States
Here I will describe the path to enlightenment in a dystopian, degenerate world.

Now before I get into it you might be thinking, "Why? Why play a sex game as a celibate?" Because fuck it, that's why.

1- Build and early game:

First thing's first, pick tech specialist. There are multiple points in this game (most notably when meeting Kiro) where your only options are to have sexual relations with someone or fix their masturbation machine, and only tech specialists can do the latter.

For your build, I suggest picking ice cold (obviously), a skill specialty in physique and a bookworm background. Every time you level up, you will maximize willpower and intelligence, with the remainder of points going into physique or other skills (physique, aim and reflexes will be raised at the gym primarily, not at level up). You will pick perks focusing on melee and will use melee in combat, with charge weapon being your go-to once you unlock it.

Your first obstacle will be getting off the introductory space station as fast as possible. You need to finish the dungeon without your lust maxing out, as you will have no way of lowering it and having maxed lust will automatically fail combat. You also don't want to rest as this can also increase lust, so try not to use your abilities and keep your fatigue low. Use whatever weapon does the most damage, which may be your gun despite having not putting points into aim. You can alsocome back here later, so you don't need to worry much about leaving things behind (but do unlock the western terminal for some cash). Once you've beaten the boss, head straight for Tavros. Once there, head up to the nursery and use the stairs around the corner. Right after you get up the stairs you will reach a vending machine where you can buy focus pills, which you will be reliant on for the rest of the run.

Focus pills will lower your lust by 25 and increase your intelligence by 5 for 1 hour, but will only remove 5 lust if used again before the effect has worn off. If you have more than 25 lust, take a focus pill, wait an hour, and repeat until your lust has diminished.

Gear-wise, make sure to get the Atma Armor Mk. I on Mhen'ga, which will be your best armor option at least until you get access to spacesuits on Zheng Shi (stick with 'Airtight' tagged armor). For weapons, I recommend purchasing the vamp blade on Myrellion, and using that until you get access to the Custom Shock Gear or (if avoiding Great Majin) the Reaper 'AA' Stun Rod. For your ranged slot, the Warden Shield you can get on Tarkus will serve you well for most of the game, though you can swap it out if with the FZN FSS if you want the (nerfed) frozen-crushing combo or just a more feasible ranged backup option.

I also suggest getting the Jetpack or Dove Balm for better melee engagement. Dove Balm is potentially available as soon as you get access to Tavros, while the Jetpack isn't available until Uveto (but you'll be fine waiting until then without much issue). You can also find other melee tech specialist build guides on here, so defer to them for more if you need it.

You will be dealing with the "blue balls" (or female equivalent) effect either for the remainder of the run or until you reach Tarkus, but take it from me that you will barely notice it if at all.

Once you reach Tarkus, Dr. Lash can remove your genitals, which has the benefit of removing the lust weakness status effect in addition to outright preventing certain events from triggering. Whether you want to go ahead with it or keep your organs and allow those challenges to your chastity to occur is up to you.

2- Challenges/roadblocks:

There will be certain events/situations that will be made more difficult by your chastity, and if you're not careful you may be forced into losing it without a choice. The most obvious is losing in combat, in which case I suggest you always reload a prior save. You should also save frequently and check your number of orgasms/genital virginity regularly to ensure you didn't lose it without noticing. Nothing sucks more than realizing you accidentally came a couple of hours ago and have to lose all of that progress.

More specifically, the biggest challenge you will face (or that I faced) will be the Great Majin event. Frustratingly, this includes an unavoidable sex event unless you have Anno in your crew, and Anno cannot be unlocked without having sex with her at least once. Now, there is an option to pleasure her with a dildo, which doesn't effect your virginity or give you an orgasm, but does include some mention of getting sexual fluid in your mouth in the scene and is a bit of a violation of this build on principal. In my case, I went into the save editor and change the variable "ANNO_SEXED" to 1, recruited her, then changed it back to 0. There doesn't seem to be any effect on your virginity statistics if you do go through with the scene though, so the option is up to you.

According to the wiki at least, the Great Majin event should be avoidable if you don't respond to the distress signal, however it is the only way to get what is arguably the best melee weapon, the Custom Shock Gear, and crewmate Anno also serves as the merchant who will buy your junk for the highest price.

Note: if going for the Custom Shock Gear, be careful when boarding the docked Great Majin, as sex scenes can be very easily triggered in this area, especially when dealing with Shizuya.

There is another similar situation involving Akane and her quest, however in that case I believe it will force an orgasm if you don't cheat. For this reason, I suggest using a save editor to modify the flags, or avoiding it altogether.

3- Conclusion:

You should pretty much be set from here. I've been able to make it to Phaedra II without having sex once, and I must admit it was quite satisfying.

Stay chaste, peons.
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