So here we are. Day 27 of the government shutdown in America, with both sides not even talking to each other and the economy slowly imploding I wanted to know what you people think about this and how it has affected you
Trump is trying to blackmail the government to give him the funding for the wall by holding it hostage.Wow, is that all because of that anti-mexican wall? Or is it something else?
Trump is trying to blackmail the government to give him the funding for the wall by holding it hostage.
Yeah they tried that earlier and it was rejected. What was that thing about insanity again?Democrats are refusing to even negotiate for fear that any compliance with Trump will turn their voters against them. It's not like only one side is the problem here, the president is just 1 man who can be overruled by a sufficient majority. Democrats could easily leverage this into expanded Medicare or amnesty for the illegal immigrants already in the US. Instead they use partisanship as an excuse to be obstinate while trusting their radicalized base to blame the evil Drumpf for everything.
You're a coward for insinuating Tinman is wrong and then running away before he can respond and an idiot if you think this kind of inoffensiveness isn't going to grind this conversation to a full stop. Come out for your truth, step on some toes, don't let the chuds define reality.As much as i want to retort to Tinman's comment, this just isn't the place for it. So... no more blame-laying, unless you are one of the federal workers affected by the shutdown. Back to the original purpose of this thread?
Agree to disagree? Whoever is in the right, political arguments in places like this is akin to arguing for the sake of arguing. Nobody is going to convince anyone. At most, the loudest, most obnoxious poster will get a ban when this thread is locked.You're a coward for insinuating Tinman is wrong and then running away before he can respond and an idiot if you think this kind of inoffensiveness isn't going to grind this conversation to a full stop. Come out for your truth, step on some toes, don't let the chuds define reality.
Agree to disagree? Whoever is in the right, political arguments in places like this is akin to arguing for the sake of arguing. Nobody is going to convince anyone. At most, the loudest, most obnoxious poster will get a ban when this thread is locked.
I'm sure somebody told him, at least once. But if you asked him how or how many or any other kind of detail you'd get nonsense back. This shouldn't be a surprise at this point.I have many qualms about what basically amounts to our leader throwing a tantrum because he isn't getting his way. Like my brother's pay cut, or the food stamps my high school sister lives on being in jeopardy. But all that aside, he does know most illegal immigrants can come over by plane or boat, yeah?
I'm not going to go down this rabbit hole too much but I think he just wants to stop the more or less uncontrollable immigration of on-foot groups that can be anywhere from a single person to a caravan that spans the horizon. At least by plane and boat there are already laws in place that allow a tight grip on immigration through water and air transport. Controlled immigration leads to growth, uncontrolled immigration eventually leads to collapse. Nevertheless, a total shutdown is uncalled for. A slowdown would have been more appropriate, or funding of the wall with his own finances(excuse me if he is already doing this and I'm unaware of it).But all that aside, he does know most illegal immigrants can come over by plane or boat, yeah?
Democrats are refusing to even negotiate for fear that any compliance with Trump will turn their voters against them. It's not like only one side is the problem here, the president is just 1 man who can be overruled by a sufficient majority. Democrats could easily leverage this into expanded Medicare or amnesty for the illegal immigrants already in the US. Instead they use partisanship as an excuse to be obstinate while trusting their radicalized base to blame the evil Drumpf for everything.
I have many qualms about what basically amounts to our leader throwing a tantrum because he isn't getting his way. Like my brother's pay cut, or the food stamps my high school sister lives on being in jeopardy. But all that aside, he does know most illegal immigrants can come over by plane or boat, yeah?
Actually, Democrats proposed to increase funding to border security and introduce a slew of immigration laws and penalties in order to have the effect everyone wants the wall to have but at a fraction of the cost. Cause, you know, that is responsible. They even looked the other way when Trump was creating Hispanic orphans aka additional wards of the state by deporting the illegal parents of legal American citizens (yes I phrased it that way on purpose).
Hell, The Democrats are still sitting at the table. Just 5 hrs ago AP news reported that Democrats have put forth yet ANOTHER budget for immigration law reform with drastically increased funding (that is still a fraction of what the wall would cost). It would be a win for Trump to accept it but, like a tantrum-throwing toddler, the president elected by the electoral college that is supposed to protect us from demagogues (yes I phrased it that way on purpose, he did lose the popular vote, and he is a demagogue) refuses to compromise. He even said so himself.
Then, on top of everything, the wall he wants so badly would just be a major waste of taxpayer money. I, personally, don't expect responsible legislators to say we'll build that expensive wall if you use even more money to expand Medicare. Where is the money for those two expensive undertakings going to come from with all these reinstituted tax breaks for the rich? The middle class can't handle they're already fucked after those fake tax cuts for the middle-class Trump initiated, all of which doubled the amount of taxes people in my income bracket, which is below the middle class, have to pay. He even took away specific itemized deductions that everyone but the upper class depends on. All the tax reform we saw during Obama's "everyone pays their fair share" campaign to prevent another economic catastrophe have been destroyed or loopholed at the expense of education, healthcare and anyone middle class or lower.
The moral of the story is that the wall would be an irresponsible way to spend tax payer money, no politician should be supporting such a stupid method of border control... period.
But all that aside, he does know most illegal immigrants can come over by plane or boat, yeah?
Democrats went into this shutdown openly admitting they would not negotiate. They offered that money yesterday, after Trump canceled their flight plans for a PR campaign
another way of looking at the "Hispanic orphans" is that illigal immigrants attempted to manipulate a system that was designed to prevent discrimination. Besides, most of those children are raised by extended family. And the number of parents being deported is actually down. 2017 only saw about 27,000 parents of legal citizens deported compared to the 31,000 of 2015.
Again, this could be an opportune time to grant amnesty/citizenship to these people. Giving 10,000,000 people a quick path to citizenship (and voting) would undoubtedly be a huge victory for Democrats.
Illegal immigrants giving birth costs the US government a minimum of $4 billion per year.
You're both probably just repeating what you've read (I really hope you're not intentionally lying) in the news, but the manipulative way the information is being presented essentially results in both sides operating on different facts. Hopefully in a couple hours the shut down will be officially over. However, there will probably be more in the future unless people stop spreading misinformation.