This is a the work-in-progress first part of a project I've been working on since finishing up with the Hyena-TF, Cackler, Fen reviewed it and liked the idea of a Leithyena or something similar, and that kinda spawned this. Though Cackler is kinda in limbo since I did Fen's edits.
Basically she's a big leithan hyena that was a bit of a fan of Victor, but with his recent passing lets just say the quest wasn't your only "inheritance". Do to boredom, too much to drink, and a suggestion from Quiet Coyote she really likes the color purple, will have a fight and bad end, and a power fist will be used in more ways than one(or was it just for her to use a power fist?), respectively. If you beat her in the fight I plan to do something on Zheng Shi down the line though we'll have to see where that goes.
Hope you enjoy, and if you want leave some edit's, a suggestion, or feedback. Just been slowly working on this in my free time, so, like anything I'm working on, this'll take some time.