General Questions and comments I've had about the game and the forum's history


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2022
1. Do people not like JimT because of Embry? (Been on my mind for a while)
I've read around and most times when I look up Embry stuff on the forum, on a post nearby is someone bashing the character and Jim because how they were made (Monkey that are more resistant to drugs). Also that when anyone tries to complete his work mysteriously disappears (goes offline for long periods of time), is it just a coincidence or what?
1.1. I don't understand why some people couldn't suspend disbelief long enough to see a monkey girl want to grow a vagina and boobs with the help of super drugs. (Could have worded better but didn't know how to make sound not condescending) (not shaming or judging anyone, literally confused as to why people got mad back then):confused:

2. What is Gedan's Profile picture?
Mostly out of curiosity, I cant tell if its an ahegao dog or dragon or dino. whatever it is, its great and I love it.:gedthumbsup:

3. God, i wish i could support this game (seriously).
I know there is a Patreon and stuff, but my money comes from my parents, so it be weird to have to explain why there is suddenly a monthly subscription to a porn game on their bank statement.

4. Artwork and writing: Chef's kiss
Everything i've read so far is great for dialogue, to the fetishes, to the ambiance, amazing. the posters, the character busts and designs, the sex art, my god it makes me feel things i probably shouldn't (;)). I wish that the gallery worked so i could see it all without having to save hop.

5. Hated Riya my first playthrough, now I have her kids.
When i discovered she was a space racist, i actively avoided her. On my sixth restart I realized its a game set in space with furry aliens and i was mad at text on a screen. I started thinking of her as a (I dont know a better word) "patriotic" Dom if her nationality was humanity instead of space Nazi. It's a lot more fun now. I would avoid anyone like in real life, but I'll make an exception for video games.

6. This game awoke something deep in me.
I did not know how much I would enjoy the impregnation fetish this much. I would never impregnate this many women IRL (not that i could) but the idea of it sets me off now anytime I think about.

7. If this game were real, how many people would honestly try to be a spacer in the rush.
So many people would die, either due to wonton pirate attacks or hostile aliens on a distant planet. If you lost a fight between an alien getting "probed" is the least of your worries. If humans and aliens were compatible sex wise, does that mean that every living thing really did come from one source and just spread throughout the universe until we all grew up looking different from our common ancestor??? (Conspiracy theory)

8. This game is great and i feel like I need to say thank you to everyone working on the game for putting it out into the world.

My intention was not to aggravate anyone; I feel like i have to clarify that anytime i write my opinion in any comment section. If you did get mad, that's on you.

Thats my rant, happy fapping.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1. I don’t think that’s the case. It was less of a suspension of disbelief issue and more of how he created a problem in a videogame that wasn't his to begin with just to insert a friend (regardless of how noble Jim's motives were, it makes for a good case on why mixing fantasy smut with real life might not be a good idea). He also happened to shove a dramatic Public Service Announcement on racism/xenophobia/diversity for Ben/Bess. Of note is that scene where a TiTSverse city suddenly boos at Steele because of fancying a grey robot.
I wasn’t too fond of his writing style either, what with the hentai clichés and exclamation marks every two paragraphs.
As for the "curse", JimThermic created lots of varied contents of relative depth, which is why RandomWriter#40958485 can't and won't catch up to whatever Jim contributed.
2., I guess.
6. Yeah, that’s something nice the games are for – kink exploration.
7. I wouldn’t. I'd just like to bring non-sexual mods, e.g. ones that would improve vision, retain youth, whatever Sera used for keeping her chest perky, etc. I'd have more than enough if I could visit Ceria for an everlasting hairdressing session, take a couple of Lemon Loftcakes and stack on Easy Fit, ChillPill, ReductPro and Sterilex.
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Well-Known Member
7. If this game were real, how many people would honestly try to be a spacer in the rush.
So many people would die, either due to wonton pirate attacks or hostile aliens on a distant planet. If you lost a fight between an alien getting "probed" is the least of your worries.
Not me, but then again I'm not comfortable putting myself in danger. Or just being away from big cities in general.
If humans and aliens were compatible sex wise, does that mean that every living thing really did come from one source and just spread throughout the universe until we all grew up looking different from our common ancestor??? (Conspiracy theory)
Word of Fenoxo is that TiTS has no precursors, and thus no common ancestor for all the various races.
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