If you don't feel like reading the conversation in
this thread, then tl;dr it kind of looks like you are shown whatever races you have traits in common with. Thus the following 100% human Steele's genecode stats (from a brand new character):
Genotype Grades
- Human: 100%, 16/16
- Kitsune: 25%, 4/16
- Kaithrit: 22.22%, 3/16
- Ausar: 20%, 3/16
- Amazon: 20%, 3/16
- Feline: 14.29%, 2/16
- Dzaan: 12.5%, 2/16
- Ovir: 11.11%, 1/16
- Huskar: 10%, 1/16
- Zil: 10%, 1/16
- Harpy: 9.09%, 1/16
- Gryvain: 9.09%, 1/16
- Sirin: 8.33%, 1/16
- Reptile: 7.69%, 1/16
Kitsune, kaithrit, and ausar have lots in common with humans - skin type and face structure, for example. You may not be able to turn into a dzaan, but you do have those in common with them as well (and it's not too hard to make yourself tall, dark-skinned, and pointy-eared, with an aphrodisiac dick). Eye type may matter as well; I know it did in the previous genetic system.