Not even an item really, more like an event. I was thinking along the line of if you are sufficiently galomaxed(4 and up) and you had sexytimes with the ganrael more than 5 times a day(24 hours in game time) it'll have a 50/50 percent chance of either giving you a warning "It would seem your malleable body has been absorbing some material from the ganrael you've been having fun with, It might even imitate the functions of the ganrael if you keep on doing it without a rest period." or the actual transformation "After that last bout of fun your body is now more ganrael than galotian and the majority biomass is taking over, as it does so you see crystalline objects forming inside you and on your skin until you're almost indistinguishable from the crystalline organisms you've been fucking."
Whatever galomaxed based mentions/transformation/moifications from here on out will have a little extra "crystalline" or "crystal" descriptor added to it unless you completely ungalomax yourself, could even give you a few extra points of armor.
Whatever galomaxed based mentions/transformation/moifications from here on out will have a little extra "crystalline" or "crystal" descriptor added to it unless you completely ungalomax yourself, could even give you a few extra points of armor.