Game Version: 0.9.056-PUBLIC#3423 Anno voyeur scene getting caught says PC has a tail


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
Heyo so I was playing and the anno voyeur scene (idk if this is only on myrellion, but that's where I encountered that scene), when Anno leaves with someone, you follow, stay, and then 'escape' and get caught, in the scene it references a tail:

"It doesn't take long for his hands to reach your unavoidable feature, and you bite your lip as he toys with your tail. "Tailed sluts are the best," he grunts approvingly, tugging lightly enough that you don't move, but still hard enough to cause your butt to raise towards him, brushing against his alien member. "Represent!" Anno cheers from the bed, grinning widely. Her comment draws a snicker from the thraggen, who finally puts down your tail."

My character doesn't have a tail, I know this is really minor it just confused the hell out of me, attached is a save file in front of the bar on Myrellion, with Anno inside and when talking to her the voyeur thing triggers. (I'd assume there is just some check there gone wrong?)

If I can help more somehow I'd try my best to provide more info etc. Even if it's super minor ig


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