I hope so because I don’t have any options to give her the steele suit or see her in a maid costume yet after the bet.yes, all content is the same
Yeah, I’ve read it over a lottttt of times. Maybe I misssed something.Syri - Trials in Tainted Space Wiki
Maybe she does, I didn’t really look through her wiki. I’ve skimmed through Syri’s like 10 times now though, so yeah just a bit sad and confused as to why there’s no interaction wit it.I thought Anno was the one who went around in a maid outfit?
I mean thanks I suppose, but it’s not the fact that I do not understand how to do it, it’s the fact that it just isn’t triggering.https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Syri#Special_scenes i cannot teach you reading comprehension, however