[Game Version: 0.9.001-PUBLIC#2028] Azariah’s 'You're not bad' Talk keeps repeating

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
After increasing azariahsAttitude() above 4, The next time you enter Azariah's brothel you're meant to get a one-time scene of Azariah basically telling you 'You're not so bad'.
But everytime you re-enter Azaraiah brothel that 'one-time' scene always plays.

This is because of an incorrect if statement in repeatAzariahApproachies(back = false)
// Continue here if Azariah’s attitude towards the PC is less than 4
if(azariahsAttitude() < 4 && flags["AZARIAH_ADMITS_LIKE"] == undefined)
    output("\n\nAs soon as Azariah sees you, she taps on the right one’s hood, instructing her to stop. <i>“The young meat is back,”</i> she says, her lips curling upward into a sultry grin, with the organic right half of her face smiling higher than the cybernetic left half. As soon as the slyveren working her pole sees you there, she understands, and vacates the spot next to Azariah without complaint.");
    output("\n\nYou take your usual seat next to her, sitting on the massive lounger in the audience of the stripper theatre. Between the myriad of slyveren women surrounding you; Azariah’s long, thick naga tail to your left; Azariah and her unoccupied cock to your right; and the theatre of slyveren dancing on the stripper poles in front of you, there is certainly no shortage of ‘entertainment’ to keep yourself busy.");
// Continue here if Azariah’s attitude towards the PC is 4 or more; one time event, then go back to the previous two paragraphs
    flags["AZARIAH_ADMITS_LIKE"] = 1;
    output("\n\nAs soon as Azariah sees you, she taps on the right one’s hood, instructing her to stop, although this time, she’s unusually silent and contemplative. When the girl servicing her sees you, she understands and gets up without another word, vacating the seat for you to occupy.");
    output("\n\nYou take your spot beside her without her instruction or invitation. Azariah’s eyes are on you, watching you with an expression you can’t quite read – somewhere between appraisal and predatory, as if she’s trying to judge you. If you were being tested on something, you aren’t sure what it was.");
    output("\n\n<i>“You know,”</i> she says after a tense moment, letting her breath out through her nose. <i>“You’re not bad, [pc.name].”</i>");
    output("\n\nYou don’t respond; you doubt it was your turn to speak.");
    output("\n\n<i>“I trust the girls to only give the invite to my brothel if they’re confident in the person they’re inviting,”</i> she continues. Her left hand idly rests on the hood of the girl blowing her left cock, stroking her scalp as if she were a lapcat. <i>“But I prefer to make my own assessments. You can never be too careful, especially in this shithole of a planet.”</i>");
    output("\n\nShe takes a deep sigh through her nose, and you doubt it’s a bodily reaction towards the blowjob she’s receiving. <i>“There’s a Terran saying that I took to heart when I first heard it. ‘If you want to test a person’s character, give them power.’ You’d be surprised how often people confuse sex with some kind of power struggle, especially if they hire a hooker. They think that just because they paid for it, or they were invited to a brothel, they can treat the women like tools. That these aren’t women with preferences and feelings; that they aren’t struggling to make ends meet in a world that doesn’t want them; and they aren’t doing what they need in order to put food on the table.”</i>");
    output("\n\nYou get the feeling that Azariah might be telling you more than her words might be conveying. It’s a surprisingly tender side of her that you weren’t expecting to see – especially considering where you are and what she’s doing right this second.");
    output("\n\n<i>“What I’m trying to say is,”</i> she continues, then pauses as she considers her words. Seeing her so apprehensive is new to you. <i>“You treat my women right. I don’t see that often enough in this world. I guess it figures that the one to show my girls some respect would be an off-worlder.”</i> She leans back into her chair, her right arm coming up to rest its elbow on the backrest. She doesn’t turn to face you. <i>“You’re alright.”</i>");
    output("\n\nKnowing her, that’s probably the highest praise of your character that you’re ever going to get from her.");
if(azariahsAttitude() >= 4 && flags["AZARIAH_ADMITS_LIKE"] == undefined)
    flags["AZARIAH_ADMITS_LIKE"] = 1;
    output("\n\nAs soon as Azariah sees you, she taps on the right one’s hood, instructing her to stop, although this time, she’s unusually silent and contemplative. When the girl servicing her sees you, she understands and gets up without another word, vacating the seat for you to occupy.");
    output("\n\nYou take your spot beside her without her instruction or invitation. Azariah’s eyes are on you, watching you with an expression you can’t quite read – somewhere between appraisal and predatory, as if she’s trying to judge you. If you were being tested on something, you aren’t sure what it was.");
    output("\n\n<i>“You know,”</i> she says after a tense moment, letting her breath out through her nose. <i>“You’re not bad, [pc.name].”</i>");
    output("\n\nYou don’t respond; you doubt it was your turn to speak.");
    output("\n\n<i>“I trust the girls to only give the invite to my brothel if they’re confident in the person they’re inviting,”</i> she continues. Her left hand idly rests on the hood of the girl blowing her left cock, stroking her scalp as if she were a lapcat. <i>“But I prefer to make my own assessments. You can never be too careful, especially in this shithole of a planet.”</i>");
    output("\n\nShe takes a deep sigh through her nose, and you doubt it’s a bodily reaction towards the blowjob she’s receiving. <i>“There’s a Terran saying that I took to heart when I first heard it. ‘If you want to test a person’s character, give them power.’ You’d be surprised how often people confuse sex with some kind of power struggle, especially if they hire a hooker. They think that just because they paid for it, or they were invited to a brothel, they can treat the women like tools. That these aren’t women with preferences and feelings; that they aren’t struggling to make ends meet in a world that doesn’t want them; and they aren’t doing what they need in order to put food on the table.”</i>");
    output("\n\nYou get the feeling that Azariah might be telling you more than her words might be conveying. It’s a surprisingly tender side of her that you weren’t expecting to see – especially considering where you are and what she’s doing right this second.");
    output("\n\n<i>“What I’m trying to say is,”</i> she continues, then pauses as she considers her words. Seeing her so apprehensive is new to you. <i>“You treat my women right. I don’t see that often enough in this world. I guess it figures that the one to show my girls some respect would be an off-worlder.”</i> She leans back into her chair, her right arm coming up to rest its elbow on the backrest. She doesn’t turn to face you. <i>“You’re alright.”</i>");
    output("\n\nKnowing her, that’s probably the highest praise of your character that you’re ever going to get from her.");
    output("\n\nAs soon as Azariah sees you, she taps on the right one’s hood, instructing her to stop. <i>“The young meat is back,”</i> she says, her lips curling upward into a sultry grin, with the organic right half of her face smiling higher than the cybernetic left half. As soon as the slyveren working her pole sees you there, she understands, and vacates the spot next to Azariah without complaint.");
    output("\n\nYou take your usual seat next to her, sitting on the massive lounger in the audience of the stripper theatre. Between the myriad of slyveren women surrounding you; Azariah’s long, thick naga tail to your left; Azariah and her unoccupied cock to your right; and the theatre of slyveren dancing on the stripper poles in front of you, there is certainly no shortage of ‘entertainment’ to keep yourself busy.");
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