[Game Version: 0.69.420-PUBLIC#1798] Perdita doesn't leave for a week when exiting from her shop menu


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2022
On Perdita's first meeting if you decide to buy directly from Perdita and then either back out or buy something you will be booted back to Kally's bar.
This prevents the function leavePerditaBeforeFlirtingFirstTime() from being called meaning that her week long timer never starts and you can instantly talk to her again and she'll act like she's just got off her vacation.

Perdita - Shop Menu.png

Perdita - After 'Hoilday'.png

I think being sent back to Kally's bar might be caused from the fact that no shopReturn was put into her shop keep screen.
But at the same time I have no idea how the shop menu code fully works.

Original Code (perdita.js, line: 328)
        shopkeeper: shopkeep,
        // Should be a shopReturn to her meeting function if I'm understanding the code correctly.
        saleableFilter: (item) => types.includes(item.type) || types.includes(GLOBAL.ALL),
        calcSalePrice: (item) => Math.round(item.basePrice * shopkeep.buyMarkdown),
        calcPurchasePrice: (item) => Math.round(item.basePrice * shopkeep.sellMarkup)