Game incorrectly considers character a cowgirl when she has equine legs, tail, pussy and ass.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I attempted to make a satyr-demon thing, but whenever I add equine legs, the game weirdly calls my character a cowgirl instead.

She does have horns, but they are demon horns, not bovine horns.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
You can post your save I guess, but this sounds like it's working as intended. Hooves, horns, furred legs, furred tail, and largely human everything else is all cowgirl stuff. You may not have any actual bovine descriptors, but your tags and human features and such match a cowgirl. It's possible some race is added in the future that's closer to a demon-satyr, but for now a cowgirl is pretty close.

One way to think about this is, if a stock human and stock catgirl were to both get dog ears and tails, the catgirl is closer to her original form because she already had a tail. Therefor, the catgirl score would be higher than the human score. Meanwhile, the lupine score would be very low because lupines are furry with digitigrade legs and muzzles and long tongues and... you get the idea. So if you are a dog-eared dog-tailed "human", you're really the closest to a catgirl. The only thing missing to be 100% catgirl is your ear type and tail type, after all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
But the horns are specifically demon horns, not cow horns (I assume these are differentiated in code due to the appearance screen being able to describe demon horns as "heralding demonic taint") ; they should not count for the bovine score. The wiki also claims there is a difference between hooved equine legs and hooved bovine legs; equine legs should not count for the bovine score at all, despite having hooves.

I didn't expect a demon-satyr race name to show up (chimera or maybe at a stretch marefolk was the most I expected), but cowgirl is just incorrect regardless of how it's sliced.

It sounds to me that the race descriptor casts a far too wide net, so you catch a ton of false positives. In the example you give with a stock human/catgirl given canine ears and tails, I'd say that neither of them should be called lupines, but neither should be catgirls either (since, both examples lack the crucial defining element of catgirls, namely cat-ears and cat-tail with the rest being mostly humanoid). Since lupine ears and lupine tail should not count towards a catgirl score, both example should have equal racial scores in all aspects, and would proobably be best described as "human" or maybe "chimera" (though that depends on how low you want to define the chimera bar I guess)

>The only thing missing to be 100% catgirl is your ear type and tail type, after all.

IMO, this is a really strange way to put it... It makes it sound like the only important part is that htey have the same class of part, not what type that part actually is. As if you could take a human, give him equine legs, equine tail, equine face, equine ears, and demon horns, and call the result a "minotaur" because it has hooves, a furred tail, a muzzled face, animalistic ears and a form of horns... Which I suppose is basically what happened in my save, execpt I didn't have an equine face or ears.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Having 2 horns increases your cowgirl score. If they're bovine horns it increases it even more. In the catgirl case, you're 90% catgirl, why wouldn't you be considered one? Again the only thing different is your ear and tail type.

You see certain things as "defining" in contrast to being a regular human. In the game world humans are just another race. Having "human" skin is just as critical to being a cat girl as having cat ears is. The dog-eared and dog-tailed creature is objectively closer to being a catgirl than being a human. You say you would call them human, but they are missing the defining characteristics to be human of having human ears and no tail at all. Cat ears and "human" skin are no more defining to cat girls than human ears and human skin are to humans. Likewise, having a tail is just as defining to being a cat girl as not having one is to humans.

The alternative is to make cat ears and cat tails the only thing that matter to being a catgirl, in which case I guess a lupine with cat ears and a cat tail would be a cat girl.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I can see your point, but that is still likely to result in a lot more false positives, which can be really annoying to play with.

I have a suggestion though that'll probably be way easier to implement; if we could see our racial scores, and if we could get to chose which one of the highest scores to "identify" as, that'd solve pretty much all the problems. It would, like now, default to whatever the system thinks you are, but you could get the option to specify that you are something else if you have another racial score close to the default.

As an example, if you have a lupine score of 10, and that's your highest score, the system defines you as a lupine as normal. But, if you also have a Fox-score of 9 at the same time (somehow), a menu could give you the option to override the race with "fox" instead. Though it'd have to be close enough to whatever you default to avoid getting every option, so something like within 2 racial score of highest score or something, and ignoring scores of 0