Game featuring exotic genitalia

Apr 11, 2016
I've played all the popular games with various animal genitalia in them.I'd appreciate if anyone could share games with this type of content. Can be animal like dog, horse or more fantasy stuff like dragons etc.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
I have been keeping an eye out for games with any focus on that, but so far I haven't really found any. To try to remedy that I started making one myself. It's not in a state I would deem playable yet though. I'll make a showcase post for you guys when I feel it is complete enough to enjoy.

You can find it on if you want to have a look or share ideas. If you fire up the game and go to the Medical Bay -> Change DNA you can see the options for genitalia.

I can't think of any games other than CoC/TiTs that are actually fairly complete. Sorry :(
Apr 11, 2016
What have you already played?

CoC, TiTs, FoE, Flexible Survival, Breeding Season, Flesh Cult, Nimin

I have been keeping an eye out for games with any focus on that, but so far I haven't really found any. To try to remedy that I started making one myself. It's not in a state I would deem playable yet though. I'll make a showcase post for you guys when I feel it is complete enough to enjoy.

You can find it on if you want to have a look or share ideas. If you fire up the game and go to the Medical Bay -> Change DNA you can see the options for genitalia.

I can't think of any games other than CoC/TiTs that are actually fairly complete. Sorry :(

That's cool to hear you have a project relevant to my fetish! :D

Regardless the state of the game I'll surely keep an eye on it. 

Thanks for letting us know about your game. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Night games has a bunch (Firey, Succubus, Cybernetic, Flower Vaginas for example. I think there is also several types of cocks).