Contrary to the tittle here I decided to comment because I downloaded the latest backer version and decided to start a new game. Well, I was kinda surprised when I discovered that one of the favorite short names that I give for my human (usually tech specialist) triggers an automatic shift to galotian. I was browsing around the forums here for a bit and I found out about a couple others. The thing is I found that regardless of clicking accept or deny fate it seemed to forced Steele to be a galotian. Its not a big deal really but I wasn't exactly shooting for naming my Steele after any particular characters. At least I don't recall anyone in game by the name of *******. I dunno maybe there was one and that's why it happens. I know two specific characters that also influence startup factors. But they also don't trigger that special dialogue as far as I know. I suppose I'll just use my other favored name when I don't want to have a goo girl run. It was pretty funny though when I discovered it.
PS I edited out the name now so that nobody else can see it hopefully.
PS I edited out the name now so that nobody else can see it hopefully.
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