FubMistress Art Thread // New; couple commissions


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Gonna go and make an art thread for myself so that i won't clog up the whole Art subforum.

I'm not sure how long a thread can go before getting archived, but i try to add some art every now and then to keep that from happening.

- New images will be posted to this thread as new posts, so start scrolling!

- Interested in a commission? PM me and we'll see about it! See prices below


(Rates are in USD)

Pretty much all kinks and fetishes are a-ok.

I reserve the right to:
- Slightly alter the price for various reasons. Most commonly due to character detail/complexity or themes (extra nasty stuff, a nast-tax, if you may.)

- Fub.



- Quick Strawpoll test, go vote on your favorite idea so i know what kinda nasty character type i should try designing next!

- Made a couple lovely cow-ladies to test out "adoptables". Check them out below and PM if interested. 10 USD for lady and buyer gets original sized pic with no watermark. XOXO

- All sold, this was really fun!



To kick it off, have some New Texas cow-ladies. Plus a dude who got some very unfortunate side-effects from their Treatment. I believe those are called faux cow's here? (dunno)

Oh, and a one more minotaurian lady. I kinda wished peep's from New Texas were actually more bovine than, you know, treated humans.

EDIT: pics are way too big, click them to another tab to see best.


- I assume these are all form the family/clan. Probably keep a restaurant little off the town center. Only tend to keep daughters around. Damn i love diversity.

- Most likely matriarch of the said clan.

- Poor kid. I can see them being very pissed and flustered all the time, but would secretly love if Steele "helped" him with those milkers. He's the exception to the clans "tend to keep daughters around" rule.

- More bovine lady. TBH i just wanna snug a giant minotaur man.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Love the pictures :D
The matriarch though. Unf!
And 11/10 would milk(bang) the last bovine cow. She looks so nice/hot and that heart mark spot is so lovely <3

And if you're looking for more bovine looking gals, look forward to Dr. Lessau's assistant Cynthia and her TF Holstaria :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nice work with the sketches, can't wait to see what they'll turn into.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Gonna go and make an art thread for myself so that i won't clog up the whole Art subforum.

I'm not sure how long a thread can go before getting archived, but i try to add some art every now and then to keep that from happening.

- Fub.


To kick it off, have some New Texas cow-ladies. Plus a dude who got some very unfortunate side-effects from their Treatment. I believe those are called faux cow's here? (dunno)

Oh, and a one more minotaurian lady. I kinda wished peep's from New Texas were actually more bovine than, you know, treated humans.

EDIT: pics are way too big, click them to another tab to see best.


- I assume these are all form the family/clan. Probably keep a restaurant little off the town center. Only tend to keep daughters around. Damn i love diversity.

- Most likely matriarch of the said clan.

- Poor kid. I can see them being very pissed and flustered all the time, but would secretly love if Steele "helped" him with those milkers. He's the exception to the clans "tend to keep daughters around" rule.

- More bovine lady. TBH i just wanna snug a giant minotaur man.
Just a little FYI, faux cows actually don't grow a milky pair of boobs. They stay flat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Just a little FYI, faux cows actually don't grow a milky pair of boobs. They stay flat.
What if he had boobs initially? Could the treatment make him lactate then?
*Imagining someone sneaking in at some mid treatment guys room and put boobswell pads on him while he´s sleeping. Wakes up the next day with milky tits.
Just a prank bro.
"You´ll let me fondle them, right?"
"...No homo, right?"
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Dankest T

Nov 5, 2016
Do you have another website where you post your works such as tumblr or deviantart?
Love your work so far, love to see more.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Just a little FYI, faux cows actually don't grow a milky pair of boobs. They stay flat.

Oh so they are called faux cows. i was rather confused on that one. And they don't grow milky pair of boobs as we know so far. New Texas is a huge place with lot of people, one or two is bound to have such side-effects from treatment.

Do you have another website where you post your works such as tumblr or deviantart?
Love your work so far, love to see more.

I have my normal SFW tumblr which i will not share here, plus a NSFW one under the same nick Fubmistress. However that place has very little artwork (and what there is is rather meh and old), as i prioritize my other art over smut. One reason i joined this forum is that i have a reason to make more smut.

- Fub.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh so they are called faux cows. i was rather confused on that one. And they don't grow milky pair of boobs as we know so far. New Texas is a huge place with lot of people, one or two is bound to have such side-effects from treatment.
Both the two specimens of faux-cows that appear in the game are flat chested and there has to be a way to differentiate them from cum-cows and normal cows.
In the end, that'd would be up to Fenoxo.

What if he had boobs initially? Could the treatment make him lactate then?
*Imagining someone sneaking in at some mid treatment guys room and put boobswell pads on him while he´s sleeping. Wakes up the next day with milky tits.
Just a prank bro.
"You´ll let me fondle them, right?"
"...No homo, right?"
That's also an possibility.

Though, Don't be silly! There's no such thing as "straight" or "homo" on New Texas. :p
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
So this is some species i brainstormed a while ago already. I was in Uvento, and after running into few of the fluffy korgonne ladies and a frost wyrm (of which after meeting if fucked right off), i felt like the place needs some more natives.

between the moment i drew these up and now, i know that Milonians have been introduced and they can technically fill this spot, or use kotgonne for this too. I still wanted to share this idea anyway, for giggles. can't say this is a super serious concept, i just like brainstorming.

Whole idea would be to make Uvento more immersive, life-like. This species isn't possibly a sex-able one. It brings it own problems on how it would technically them enrichen the game, but like i said, for giggles. I'm rarely serious about any concept i do.

So the species is (no name atm, gonna call them doggos) basically a quadruped beast, native to Uvento. They are giant canine-ish creatures with large tusks and heavy fur, a fuzzballs of death, at first glance. Like most things from Uvento.

What sets them off from others, is that despite their beastly first appearance, doggos are filed as sentient species by U.S.C. They live in societies similar to 10 000 BCE humans. While they move around on all fours, they have front paws limber enough to use as basic fingers, allowing them to craft things. They are known to decorate themselves with primal jewels, carve their tusks, wear minor leather garments (rare sight but not unheard) and even use minor primal stoneblades in battle.

Due to their unique appearance for a sapient species, they were considered mere beasts at first and we're rather cruelly tested on before it was found out. They are currently under protection from most private corporates. Despite their initial introduction to the galactic society and their rough appearance, doggos are rather social and calm species, with only hunters being aggressive.

Steele can meet two variants of doggos in Uvento; a hunter (may come in pack of max 3) that they have to fight, or a trader, a random encounter that has a single random item for sell. Everything but armor or weapons. Credits don't work with doggos and if Steele want whatever the trader is offering, they need to to trade some item from their inventory.

Having a sex-encounter (this is TiTs after all) is a bit questionable atm. They are sapient species around primal human level intelligence, and do recognize and socialize with most aliens. They however still are very animal looking, so it might be a too close case of bestiality to get into that.

I might write a codex for these, so that i get some writing practice. Nevertheless i'm still gonna do some more concept art. If nothing, i can always recycle this species into personal projects ...


- fur variants

- Currently, these are "nude", as they have no deco on them. Basically imagine some metal jewels, bone charms and strips of leather on them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
They pass the Harkness test, therefore they are allowed to be fucked!

Doggos ( i think "Yor" is a winning name atm) language currently isn't translatable via universal codex, and aliens have difficulties speaking or learning it, due to it consisting mostly of barks and whimp-like sounds, that are hard to recreate with most alien vocal chords. Some ausar seem to get a hang of it, or at least it's a tad easier to them in theory. Doggos in turn seem to understand to a limited degree the universal trade language, and snippets of some other dialects.

Travel agencies recommend generous use of hand gesturing and body language during encounters for maximum communication. If i remember correctly, turning around and bending over is pretty universal sign across the galaxy ...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
If i remember correctly, turning around and bending over is pretty universal sign across the galaxy ...
"But sir, I was just just bending over to clean some dust", the Ausar maid said teasingly as she got mounted by the Yor male.
Not catching the teasing tone, the Yor male gets quite flustered, the red blush seeping out and coloring his white fur. But he´s way to embarrassed and horny to stop now, resolving to give her a good enough pounding to be forgiven.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016

I seriously hope you find a better name for those beings.

Thanks! Yeah, i guess i can see it now.

Currently, Yor is the name i'm going with. I want it to sound viking-esque, Nordic.

"But sir, I was just just bending over to clean some dust", the Ausar maid said teasingly as she got mounted by the Yor male.
Not catching the teasing tone, the Yor male gets quite flustered, the red blush seeping out and coloring his white fur. But he´s way to embarrassed and horny to stop now, resolving to give her a good enough pounding to be forgiven.

Pretty much that, yes. ;)c

Cool that you brought up the white fur BTW. White color is seen very attractive by Yor. It's excellent camouflage in the Uvento snowfields, so mothers want to bang a stud that can provide such genes to their pups.

Pure white Yor is a rarity due to the color being recessive, any male with more than 40% white is pound to get drowned in fuzzy pussy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Thanks! Yeah, i guess i can see it now.

Currently, Yor is the name i'm going with. I want it to sound viking-esque, Nordic.

Pretty much that, yes. ;)c

Cool that you brought up the white fur BTW. White color is seen very attractive by Yor. It's excellent camouflage in the Uvento snowfields, so mothers want to bang a stud that can provide such genes to their pups.

Pure white Yor is a rarity due to the color being recessive, any male with more than 40% white is pound to get drowned in fuzzy pussy.
...Now I´m afraid that my male Steele might get kidnapped by Yor´s...

It seems like you´ve got some nice lore attached to them. I´d definitely recommend you to make a codex one day.
But if you decide to put them in your personal projects, give us a heads up.
Might be interesting to see what else you can use them for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks! Yeah, i guess i can see it now.

Currently, Yor is the name i'm going with. I want it to sound viking-esque, Nordic.

Pretty much that, yes. ;)c

Cool that you brought up the white fur BTW. White color is seen very attractive by Yor. It's excellent camouflage in the Uvento snowfields, so mothers want to bang a stud that can provide such genes to their pups.

Pure white Yor is a rarity due to the color being recessive, any male with more than 40% white is pound to get drowned in fuzzy pussy.
Now I can't stop imagining Dane being the big Ausar albino he is, Huskarified and finding himself in such an situation....
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
...Now I´m afraid that my male Steele might get kidnapped by Yor´s...

It seems like you´ve got some nice lore attached to them. I´d definitely recommend you to make a codex one day.
But if you decide to put them in your personal projects, give us a heads up.
Might be interesting to see what else you can use them for.

Don't worry, Yor females (so far) only go for their own species.

It's the wandering males you gotta look out for. Darker and tricolor males are less lucky with getting some, so they are very frustrated and pent up while roaming around Uvento ...

I'm gonna make a codex for practise, and maybe some tests for encounter texts.

Doubt i'll put them into event submission though, i don't see something like this getting into TiTS.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Doubt i'll put them into event submission though, i don't see something like this getting into TiTS.
Well, you can already be fucked by a robot doggo so I don´t really see the problem there. But whatever. It´s your idea do what you want with it :D


Jul 11, 2016
Doubt i'll put them into event submission though, i don't see something like this getting into TiTS.

I can see it getting put in, it's a very good, fleshed-out Idea from what I see so far, plus Uveto needs content, and what shadefalcon said, we can already fuck snakes with normal people vaginas.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Well, you can already be fucked by a robot doggo so I don´t really see the problem there. But whatever. It´s your idea do what you want with it :D

I can see it getting put in, it's a very good, fleshed-out Idea from what I see so far, plus Uveto needs content, and what shadefalcon said, we can already fuck snakes with normal people vaginas.

I can always give it a try at least ...

I can't currently find a Codex template atm, what with wiki having shit itself. OH WELL guess that means i just gotta draw stuff instead. Oh boy, how will i survive ...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
more concept for the Yor-doggos. Traders this time.

Yor traders can be met occasionally at Uvento. These are yor that scavenge the arctic for anything valuable. They also travel between alien settlements and other yor clans for supplies. While they won't outright steal from off-worlders, it is very important to seal your belongings to crates or vehicles when not used, as these traders see anything simply left lying in the snow free for taking ... even if the owner is just mere meters away taking a piss.

Steele can trade with these doggos, but they don't accept credits, and instead Steele needs to give something from their inventory in exchange. Almost everything goes. The trader upon encounter will have a single item it offer for sale, it being randomized everytime, with the items rarity and normal store-price affecting the percentage on how often it might show up. Almost everything except weapons and armor can be found from yor traders.


I also wrote some encounter-text between Steele and the trader. Wonder if i can put it under a spoiler here.