Fox's Trot (Xatarias)


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015

Name: Tyne

Gender: Male

Race: Half Kitsune

Build: Lithe/Muscular

Fur/Hair/Tail Color: Red and gold

Eye Color: Amber


Strength: 1

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 1

Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 0

Charisma: 2

Alertness: 4

So a few defining traits for Tyne would be careful, solitary, and insanely lucky. He was raised by an old widow (really more of a witch) deep in the forest and never really got out much. Not having much exposure to the outside world, he's pretty naive, but has had enough bad run-ins to know that humans don't really like him. He has a strange knack for getting into dangerous situations, but always seems to get out of it one way or the other.

I imagine the story starting maybe a few months after Tyne's adoptive mother has passed away. He was never really sure how the old woman made her money, but she always seemed to have food on the table. Now alone, Tyne has been doing the best he can to provide for himself foraging in the forest and doing odd jobs when he desperately needs the money.

Lately, strange things have been happening to Tyne- and that really is saying something for a half-kitsune. He often wakes up, not remembering the last several hours. One time, he woke up with several pieces of jewelry in his pocket and a note from someone named Wendy ("come by some time, sexy <3). Knowing where the valuables came from and not wanting to cause trouble, Tyne returned the valuables, no doubt causing the locals to regard him even more suspiciously. All Tyne wants to do is live quietly, but these strange episodes are starting to make that goal seem impossible.

Tyne's alter ego is a spirit known as Greed. He's actually one of Tyne's ancestors from the foxy side of the family and, deciding that one lifetime of trickery wasn't enough, decided to possess his young descendant. Greed thinks Tyne is a poor excuse for a Kitsune and would much rather see the furry youth living the high life of a scoundrel rather than hiding in some backwater. Tyne isn't aware of Greed's presence, but it's only a matter of time...

The first bright rays of sunlight finally broke through the foliage of the forest, sending long shadows across the winding paths and a hut hidden deep inside the woodland. Birds chirped in the sky, as well as the thick blanket of leaves covering the area. Inside of the hut, a small rodent scurried away as the male occupant seemed to stir in his bedding. It had been several months since the Half-Kits caretaker had passed after a very long life. While the Half-Kit had managed to fend for himself since her passing, it hadn't been quite as easy, and the isolation was oppressive at times, though going to the village to break the solitude was ill-advised, as his kind...or anything that wasn't a pure human wasn't trusted or liked by the village people. Lately they seem even more uneasy at the sight of what they seem "Monster Children", some even talking and pointing at the Kit when once in a blue moon he would see a group of humans in the forest. A scream, the voice belonging to a young female, obviously quite a far ways off finds the Kit's powerful ears, finally waking him up from his slumber, though it is over fairly quickly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne layes curled up in his typical sleeping spot near the hearth, snuggling into a thin blanket and swishing his tail over his cold ears. Sleeping on the bare stone floor was more force of habit than anything else, he had a bed after all, but something about staying in the center of the snug little hut always made him feel safer. Besides, he never could get comfortable with the idea of sleeping in Magret's bed, even though the old woman would have surely told him he was being silly.

As morning light peeks through the dwelling's single window, the half-kitsune groans and rolls over, trying to sleep even in the face of the sun's glaring reproach. If he was asleep, he couldn't be hungry, which meant stretching his already meager food stores another day. Anything to keep him away from town and-

Tyne's sleepy logic is cut short by a painfully loud tummy-grumble.


Just about to consider if it was worth it to put the kettle on, Tyne's foxy ears perk up and swivel in the direction of a far off scream. Was that?... No, he was miles from the village and no one would bother venturing this deep into the forest in the morning. Besides, damsels in distress didn't exactly have half-kitsunes in mind when they cried out for some hero to save them. Tyne busies himself with a pot of tea, trying to avoid his conscience making a dumb decision for him.

"Aw hells..."

Tyne puts aside the kettle and dons his cloak, grabbing his daggers and sling from a nearby shelf before slinking off into the forest. Hopefully it wouldn't turn out to be any real trouble. The half-kitsune quickly treks off in the direction of the scream, staying out of sight whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
As the half-kitsune leaves his home, the door shutting behind him as he makes his way.

The forest becomes eerily quiet as he gets closer to the location the scream came from. All that can be heard is the occasional pitiful wail, childish and needy. Though Tyne is obviously getting closer, the wails and cries for someone, anyone!

Tyne comes upon a trail after about ten minutes of movement, the eerie sound unnatural cries come from the west, though from the sight of broken sticks and displaced mud, someone had obviously gone to the east.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne paces indecisively for several seconds, growling in frustration. His fuzzy ears flit with worry as he tries to make a decision.

Just go home!

But what if they really need my help?

No one would help you if needed it.

The foxling kicks a tree and imediately regrets it, hopping on one foot before running east along the trail of broken sticks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The crying turns into a frustrated yell but no more sounds come from that direction.

The trail goes on for quite some time, leading upwards into the hills in the forest, tall spires of grass and trees, From past experience Tyne should know, taught by his late caretaker to stay away from that area, as there is a surplus of wildlife. Despite this knowledge, any animals that the half-kitsune sees are sprinting away, fear in their eyes. Even the birds are gone, the forest eerily quiet.
Ahead is a small cave dug into the side of one of the large hills, though outside there is a young, daft looking Imp Girl. She's wearing a loincloth and a band of fur around her large chest that barely hides her nipples. She doesn't seem to notice Tyne yet, though conversation from several voices can be heard inside of the cave.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne startles at the sight of the demon girl, skidding to a halt and diving behind a tree before she can see him. What did he get himself into?

He soon realizes that the imp isn't alone. His better judgement tells him to move his furry tail back home, but curiosity wins out. Peeking around from cover to make sure his hiding spot remains- well, hidden- he, perks up his sensitive ears and tries to listen on what the cave occupants are saying.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The impish girl looks up curiously as she hears a bit of the dirt on the trail scraping as Tyne ducks behind the tree. Despite this she shrugs lightly and keeps doing hwat she was doing...which upon further inspection showed she was ripping feathers off of a bird, a hawk no less.

ALT Roll: Req: 13 D20 roll: 16+4=20. (Lucky you :p )

The voices can be picked up clearly by the half-kitsunes powerful ears. A frustrated woman's voice, though it's smooth and almost hypnotic to listen to is the first to be heard. "-you said I could have her, you lying Halfling!" Followed by another woman's voice, sounding regal and well...a bit pompous. "You'll get the next one, Lilith always brings in someone." A deep rumble of a laugh echoes outwards, sending chills down Tyne's spine. "She's only giving you one so you won't leave her stupid imp out of commission for a week like last time."

At this the Imp Girl looks inside the cave, looking down after and obviously upset at being insulted by the terrifying voice inside the cave.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne freezes, fearing that the imp girl had spotted him. When she turns back to her grizzly pastime, he slowly exhales, trying to calm his thundering heartbeat. As far as he could tell, he remained undetected.

What wasn't so good was the troup of bad guys shacked up a few minutes away from his home. He wasn't sure what these people wanted, but Tyne is fairly certain that anyone keeping an imp in their employ was bad news. The forest wasn't going to be safe with these strangers roaming around. The real question was, what was he going to do about it?

Tyne gulps nervously before quickly slipping from his hiding place. He needed to take a closer look and get a sense of who- or what- he was dealing with. If things got dangerous, he would make a break for it and lie low for a few days. It wouldn't be the first time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The imp girl looks around as she hears Tyne moving closer, squinting against the morning sun, the bright rays working in his favor. Despite not quite seeing him through the sun she stays alert, grabbing a short bronze sword from the ground.

As the half-kitsune steps closer to the entrance, part of the cave is revealed, to his surprise...possibly at least, there appears to be quite a few beings in there, though only three are in view, as well as what appears to be a table sculpted by stone with a young, rather attractive girl from the nearby, whom Tyne had spotted once or twice, the girl usually picking berries, or delivering mail to some of the country folk, village unconscious on it.  Strange symbols were drawn on her bare body, a large one on her midsection, while a smaller one was drawn into her forehead.

On the side of the table that is visible, Tyne can see a rather attractive, pale Monster Girl  with a cute pair of bunny ears on her head, a bow around her torso, and a nervous smile pasted on her face, hough she looks rather uncomfortable each time she looks at the girl on the stone table. Next to her is a slightly peeved woman, a pair of horns atop her head betraying her demonic ancestry, if the odd skin and unsettling eyes didn't give it away.  A studded set of leather armor covering her breasts, arms and her waist, down to her mid-calf, leaving a visible bulge down her thigh under it, though it leaves her midriff bar, making it somewhat ineffective. "This is taking too long..." Tyne can see her say, revealing her voice to be the first one he had heard. At the end of the table, pressing a hand down on the human girl's unconscious head, is a rather imperious looking demon woman, wearing little to cover her beautiful skin, not to mention her large breasts, an expensive looking clothing hides them, but not well, and the same goes for her crotch. "Shut your mouth, I'm trying to concentrate." Cuts in her voice, slicing the air like a knife and forcing the group quiet, though the first demon Tyne spied looked quite angry, though there's a hint of fear in her eyes as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Oh hells

Part of Tyne is really wishing he had just stayed back in his cottage, but he finds himself lurking closer to the cave, desperately thinking of how to stop... Whatever it was these strange women were up to. Far from an expert on demonic behavior, Tyne had a general idea of what these types did to fair young maidens and none of it was good.

And what do you think they would do to a scrawny half-kitsune, dummy?

He pushes the thought away and focuses on the task at hand. As much as he feared ending up a foxy slave to these alluring villains, he couldn't let them have their way with that girl. A knot of anxiety grows in Tyne's stomach as he thinks about the numerous times he had tried to win the acceptance of normal humans- all the times he had tried to help. It didn't take him long to realize that people weren't willing to look past his fluffy ears and tail even for all the favors in the world, but some part of him hopes that this time will be different.

Tyne picks up a few choice throwing rocks and begins rummaging in his pouch.

He needed an opening, which meant distracting that imp. Retrieving the biscuit he had been saving, Tyne tosses the treat easily within sight of the imp, rolling it away from the cave entrance. It wasn't much, but the pastry was a hell of a lot tastier than raw hawk. Hopefully the she-imp would be curious enough to turn away and then...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
As Tyne comes within sight of the cave, he spies another small demonic looking girl, her small breasts exposed and a snall loincloth covering her most private area. Each demon towers over her, as does the large scythe she's holding, a playful look dances across her eyes and face, smirking at the other demons as they argue like teenagers.

The Impish girl shakes her head in annyance, clearly trying to figure out where the noise is coming from. Her eyes flick to the biscuit and watch it roll away on the ground. Tyne's rather lucky, as she hadn't eaten that day, and she soon starts walking over to it, short sword at her side, practically dragging along the ground. "Who's there?" She asks as she looks around, picking up the biscuit and dusting it off carefully. Examining it for a little bit before biting into it, about ten-fifteen feet away from the cave entrance. The obviously unintelligent Imp eats the biscuit slowly, looking around the woods carefully.

Inside the cave, the imperious demon's eyes narrow and she stops doing...whatever exactly she was doing to the human girl on the table, who suddenly seems to wake up, gasping in breath and thrashing wildly for a bit before she clearly gets sick and falls back against hte stone table. The demon in the studded armor bursts out laughing and pints at her. "Wow, good job. You almost killed another one, why don't you let the shrimp do it? She actually knows what she's doing at least." The imperious woman turns to her, fire practically burning in her eyes. "Shut your mouth, now. This one is resisting it more than the rest we've gotten from the village." The taller demon looks to the short one as the girl laughs a little, stepping up to the table and trailing her fingers over the terrified human's face. "I'll just kill her....she'd make a good servant...better than if she waas alive. No chance for her to disobey...""I


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne breaths a sigh of relief when the girl turns out not to be -or worse. This quickly turns to sheer terror as the psycho scythe demongirl starts talking. How in all nine hells could someone be a servant after they were dead!? He didn't want to find out.

Not much thinking goes into Tyne's next action. He takes the rocks he picked up from before and chucks them at first the imperious looking demon, and then the armored one, aiming between the eyes. Maybe he could provide enough of a distraction for the girl to make a break for it and then...

After the deed is done, Tyne's common sense kicks in. He was severely outnumbered by several demons and decided to throw rocks at them? Tyne curls up behind a tree and prays that his hiding place remains undiscovered.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
d20=11+3=14. Difficulty=12. Passed.

The stone flies through the air, the unsuspecting, imperious looking demon flicks her head in the direction of the stone rather quickly, though not in time for it to hit her. It does a dissapointing amount of damage to her, and she just steps back and clamps her hands over her face, practically screaming in anger. "Ugh, what the fuck?!" Comes her voice as Tyne throws the second rock, the armored demon getting hit and stumbling back, falling on her rather nice looking rear end an readjusting her helmet before getting up.

The bunny girl draws her bow and aims it at Tyne's direction, though she can't obviously see him behind the tree. The imp girl outside looks around confused before starting to head into the forest. The armored demon practically charges out, almost looking excited.
"Think I got my next toy!" She says with a laugh and heads out into the forest, in the direction of Tyne's tree, though not directly so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne freezes with fear as the armored demon girl sets off towards his hiding spot. What was he going to do!? He couldn't fight one demon much less a group of them. He was going to die or worse, end up as a mind-broken pet. All for some girl he didn't even know. It was hopeless, hopeless...

"Come on...," He growled, clenching his fists. There had to be something to get him out of this mess. Weren't fox's supposed to be lucky?

Willing himself to stop shaking, Tyne rises behind his tree. If the demons knew where exactly he was, they'd have gotten him by now. He still had the element of surprise, which meant...

Tyne scoops up another rock and hurls it away from his hiding spot, hoping to draw them away from his position. Keeping low, he locates a hollow log and takes a deep breath before yelling into it.

"H-Hey sweet cheeks! That's a fine ass you've got there. How's about I take it for a spin?"

He hoped that fear he was feeling didn't creep into his voice. With any luck, the acoustics of the log would throw his voice and make it sound like he was farther away. If he could get most of them to search in the forest, he might find a way to free the imprisoned girl.

How about you just run for it instead?

Tyne ignores the thought and instead slinks off towards the cave, doing his best to remain hidden.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The odds seem to be in Tyne's favor, despite being outnumbered, outgunned, and undertrained, the demons can't seem to find him with his trick with the log. An arrow buries deep into a nearby tree, though it was obviously meant to intimidate and not actually hit anything in particular. The Imp girl is looking about forty feet to Tyne's right, heading deeper into the woods and calling out. "Heeey, this isn't funny. Come here human, we'll give you endless pleasure~" The girl says in a somewhat seductive voice.

The armored demon laughs a bit as she hears Tyne's call into the log, confused about where it came from. "I'd rather take yours for one~but just come out and we can discuss it, eh?" The imperious looking demon stands on the trail, annoyed, glaring into the woods as she searches for the human that had disturbed their little ritual. Still in the cave, was the small, almost child-like demon, who was actually laughing a little at the fact her comrades had been struck with rocks by a mere human. The girl on the table groaned in discomfort, thrashing ever so slightly against her restraints as she did. "I wanan pat this human on the back, watching you idiots stumble around the woods is fucking hilarious. And the whore's waking up..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne is nearly at the cave's entrance now. The girl was waking up- with luck, he might not have to carry her. But she was still tied up, and there was still that midget demon to contend with. Despite her child-like proportions, the half-kitsune suspected that she was in fact the most dangerous of the bunch. Then again, she didn't seem as interested in killing/mind-fucking as the others... Maybe...

Tyne pops up from a bush while the others backs are turned and strolls up to the cave in a manner he hopes appears nonchalant.

"Hi there!," he says flashing the small demon a bright smile. "I think you have something that belongs to me."

If the others turned around, they would have an easy time seeing him. Hopefully the smaller one would be amused enough to let him keep talking before he was shot/stabbed/fucked brainless.

"Now I know what you're thinking- "why should I give up this maiden I worked so hard to abduct, just cuz some pipsqueak asked me to?". Well, my fair and beautiful demoness, I don't come empty handed. You're looking this forest's bonafide Kitsune in residence. I know this forest like the back of my hand and am generally a good person to know."

He might be overselling it a little bit, but hey, desperate times... Tyne just hoped that they wouldn't recognize his flitting tail as a sign of nervousness.

"You could tie me up on that table and have yourself one more brainless slave. But I think you'll recognize that me owing you a favor is much more valuable than having one more fuck-doll added to your collection."


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The short demon turns her attenton away from the girl on the table, looking at Tyne with an unimpressed air. Raising her eyebrow and actually looking a little amused at how bold he was as he talks. She raises a finger to her lips and nods out of the cave, showing that the others havent seemed to notice him quite yet.

(Speech Check. CHA Check. Need: 15. #d20-18+2=20. Seriously, the rolls you get are crazy lucky. XD)

The demoness rolls her eyes at him and thinks for a bit, nodding slightly after a while. "You're kind of ballsy. I can respect that. Though we'd need to have a way to keep track of you, y' least me. The others may not be so willing to work with someone of your..." She says, making a dismissive gesture at his ears then thinks. The small demon girl starts strolling over to him with a smirk on her face,clearly planning something to "keep track of him" though considering demons in general, giving one knowledge of your whereabouts may not be the best idea. If Tyne were to look out of the cave, he would see most of them still looking for him, though he makes brief eye contact with the bunny girl, who simply shakes her head and pretends to keep looking in the forst, perhaps not as mindless as most demonic slaves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne gulps, absolutely amazed that his plan was working. He makes a mental note to give thanks to the foxy gods the next chance he got. But his hesitant smile vanishes as soon as the little demon suggests some sort of tracking device for her newest furry toy. Scared as he was, Tyne wasn't overeager to let someone know his whereabouts.

"I-I don't suppose you'd be willing to just trust me?" He suggests weakly, knowing what the likely answer would be. He looks at the captured girl and straightens a little bit. "Alright, but you have to give me a show of good faith. Untie the girl?"

Hopefully he could figure a way out of the demon's schemes later, but as it stood, he didn't have many options beyond complying with her request. Double-crossing could come later when he wasn't facing down multiple opponents, each far more powerful than he...


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
(CHA Check. Difficulty: 16)
(Roll: 11+2.=13. Speech check failed. D: )

The small demoness looks a little less amused then laughs a bit, derisively. "Right, trust a fox. Hmm, those creatures best known as sneaks and tricksters. That'd be almost as dumb as trusting one of those idiots." She says with a gesture to outside of the cave, where the armored demon is calling out "Come out foxy~If you come with me you'll have the sweetest and most pleasure filled life any toy could~" With a happy air about her words. The short, childish demon walks closer to Tyne , and a glance towards her fingers would show what looks to be close to fire on the index and middle finger, an annoyed expression on her face. "Last chance, if you'd prefer I could just give you to the bimbo and you could be her little ass toy." She casually threatens before a big smile comes across her lips, tapping her chin before speaking once more. "Or you could tell me a good, secluded spot where several humans pass through...preferably alone each day..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tyne visibly gulps. Cowardly as he might be, he was not down for providing this demon girl a buffet of innocent peasants. He needed to think of something and quick.

"I think I'll take the second option," He stammers, trying to keep his smile in place. "I know just the place. Farmers from distant meadows use a path to get their goods to market. You should encounter one, maybe even two people a day. If you like, I could show you."

Tyne is partially lying. There was indeed a path and farmers did use it, but to getting to it would require Tyne to lead the party of demons through the deepest part of the forest. There lay all sorts of dangers- tentacle monsters and dryads to name a few. With luck, he'd get the demons hopelessly lost and abandon them to the perils of the deep woods. The tricky part would be getting the girl free...


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
The short demoness gives him a confident smirk, feeling as if she had won. Putting her hand down, the heat seemed to go from her fingers as she looks back to the girl lying half awake on the table. The human girl's eyes were wet and scared, blinking at him, having only heard the last sentence or two, though still quite out of it. "I'll be sure to let her go...Demon's Honor. If you like, we could take her with us, though I'll keep a tight hold on her until we see this spot." The small demoness tells him as she looks out to the field. Beckoning towards the bunny girl, who returns to the cave slowly, wearing a pair of shorts meant for exploring in the woods, and a vest, though it was open and showed her bra and ample breasts. The bunny girl appraises the fox with a critical gaze before turning to the small demon. "Yes, Ma'am?" Despite clearly being a slave, there's a hint of contempt in her voice. "We're striking a deal with the foxy. You're shoot him in the back if he's lying." The demon girl says, with a menaingful glance to Tyne, the bunny girl simply nods, and looks to the fox boy for a second, mouthing silently. "She isn't worth it/"