Forced TF's


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I dont want to remind anybody of the Dr. Badger nonesense, but would you be fine with forced TF'ing as a result of possible future combat losses? Maybe have it so that these scenes dont proc on easy mode or only proc on hard mode? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I wouldn't mind if it was from a loss against a main/side boss; assuming losing doesn't already result in a bad end. Having forced TF on random encounter loss could be a little irksome though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
I wouldn't mind if it was from a loss against a main/side boss; assuming losing doesn't already result in a bad end. Having forced TF on random encounter loss could be a little irksome though.

Well, I assume that forced TF's would be reserved mostly for later game where things are more challenging + probally will not proc upon EVERY combat loss so I dont think it would be overly annoying.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Even solely late game, random encounters provide no chance to prepare or save. And unless running is 100% successful; and even then, people will complain. Loudly and frequently. Not everyone wants to check their appearance after grinding and discover they are now a squid. At least bosses give some forewarning.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I wouldn't mind if it was from a loss against a main/side boss; assuming losing doesn't already result in a bad end. Having forced TF on random encounter loss could be a little irksome though.

This. +1

Even solely late game, random encounters provide no chance to prepare or save. And unless running is 100% successful; and even then, people will complain. Loudly and frequently. Not everyone wants to check their appearance after grinding and discover they are now a squid. At least bosses give some forewarning.

Also this.


Aug 26, 2015
Well, I assume that forced TF's would be reserved mostly for later game where things are more challenging + probally will not proc upon EVERY combat loss so I dont think it would be overly annoying.

In addition to the above points, I think you can count the number of RPGs that become more challenging the further you go in them on one hand.  It's just kind of the nature of the game format that they get easier after the opening stages.


Sep 14, 2015
only for named encounters, random mooks shouldn't have that kind of power


Aug 27, 2015
I've considered the idea of "voluntary" forced TFs in the margins whilst writing for my characters. Let us say, for the sake of argument, a demonic domme NPC is a well-known TF merchant. The PC observes that other subs the NPC plays with exhibit physical changes. The NPC explains that, after mutual consent has been established, they are using TFs as part of their fun. Now, for example, if the sub cums without permission to do so, the NPC administers a TF that suits the NPC's preferences, or simply something they wish to test the results of. The PC can then ask to be treated in the same way.

This, to me, seems like a good way of catering to an oft-stated fetish, without removing choice from a wider audience.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I thought SSTD's were supposed to be random forced tf's the player got from sexing random mooks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Maybe the best way is make them disabled by default unless you change the settings in the options menu? Allowing or disabling scenes where your TF punished after loss.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe the best way is make them disabled by default unless you change the settings in the options menu? Allowing or disabling scenes where your TF punished after loss.

Something like the worms in CoC might work for that. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Something like the worms in CoC might work for that. 

Some sort of initial encounter procking a choice for every TF-capable foe? Sounds reasonable. May be framed as a reaction to a warning delivered by your Codex or something. 

Additionally, being able to change your mind about it would be nice. One can really change his opinion on the matter after reading a Codex entry for a particular foe or exploring the fetish in question for a bit. PC's super fancy surgeon nanorobots should be capable of interacting with his Codex and set to allow, block or immediately revert such things. Feel free to ignore this part if coding the flags this way will turn out to be too much work.
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Aug 26, 2015
I think forced TFs are fine as long as it makes sense in context. A lot of the ones in game already do--such as Vanae and Venus Pitcher altering fluid production and/or ball size, Cunt Snake and Mimbranes force attaching themselves upon the loser.

I look forward to the SSTDs and how they tie in as well. I guess consent/approval choices would be ideal for the more extreme TFs and there are always the TF item drops like the Naleen Nip, Zil Ration, and Ruskvel. Obviously there shouldn't be only one way of transformation and the variety makes it interesting, I'd say.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think forced TFs are fine either as a bad-end in a boss fight, or when given enough heads up that you're engaging in that kind of content, giving the players a proper out. For instance, a big sign that says "Beware: X lies ahead. Tresspassers will be X'd", or someone leaping out and going "Hey dude, don't go in there, or else you'll get X'd!" etc. The Codex warning is a good idea too. Alternatively, the idea to click [Give in] or [Don't] to something; to 'give up the ghost' and lie back and take it, or roll away at the last second.

I don't think big TFs after every generic fight is a good idea. Something very minor is possible IMO, like the Vanae giving you extra cum production and larger balls, so long as precautions are taken. With the Vanae in particular there was a sign *and* a fountain of 'undo potion/uthra sap' put in the location to migitate any gripes about forced TFing on loss. 

Multiple losses might be a good way to middle-ground this, like five consecutive losses to the same enemy.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I thought SSTD's were supposed to be random forced tf's the player got from sexing random mooks.

AFAIR, PC's dad made the first part of his 'parting' gift (surgeon nanobots) partially for that reason. He knew that nothing should stand in a way of his offspring banging streaks. The only person we know that has suffered from random forced TFs is poor Steph, and for all we know she didn't have microbots capable of preventing those or even had ones that reinforce such effects installed by those sneaky network executives.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nonesuch's thing is fine, but encounters should be optional, either by literal in-game options or very obvious gates.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My understanding based on what Fen has said before is that these things would be in special optional side areas with clear warnings before you go in through the codex.  I'm pretty sure its in one of the game documentations in event submissions.

It's pretty much as everyone else has said in here.  It needs clear warnings and needs to be optional or easily avoidable.  A side-quest with an unavoidable TF is fine.  A bad end with forced TFs in it is fine.  A random encounter that the PC might not be able to deal with probably wouldn't be.

As for the SSTDs, I strongly suspect that you'll be able to undo their effects without too much trouble or that you won't suffer from their effects unless you don't get them treated.  It would be fairly similar to the parasites and how you can just get them removed if you don't want them.
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Aug 29, 2015
Not sure i can back forced TFs from combat, as we got flexible survival to do that. However, I would love to see forced TFs from events, and specially if it is big T trying to scam the PC into signing a contract to become a dairy cow.

I wouldn't mind if it was from a loss against a main/side boss; assuming losing doesn't already result in a bad end. Having forced TF on random encounter loss could be a little irksome though.


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I don't see Big T bothering to really try and scam someone; he's pretty laid back.

You can get sort of (kind of, not really) Force TF'd if you trigger one of the Bad Ends in a safe location (I forget which). Basically you overdosed on something and you get rescued but since you don't have enough money (assuming), they experiment on you and give you a third breast or testicle.


Aug 27, 2015
I don't see Big T bothering to really try and scam someone; he's pretty laid back.

You can get sort of (kind of, not really) Force TF'd if you trigger one of the Bad Ends in a safe location (I forget which). Basically you overdosed on something and you get rescued but since you don't have enough money (assuming), they experiment on you and give you a third breast or testicle.
Regardless of temperament British Telecom has no motivation to do anything to the PC. Is he really in desparate need of cash, milk or a blowjob dispenser?

And yes, if you make your boobs or balls too big, that will happen to you. But people who do absurd things to their bodies get what they deserve.