I think all the games need a foil to the free-spirit free-love more hedonistic characters. Yeah it's a porn game but it helps to show how it looks from another angle.
Something I found in the original CoC that isn't really seen at all in the sequel or spin-offs are foils to the rampant over-sexed cast of monsters and villains and even heroes.
Other than that hot-headed mouse-lady in the old town ruins, Amily and Jojo, is there anyone else that's a foil to the sex crazed cast in the later games? Both are mice, I'm not sure if that's on purpose to be ironic or what. But it was a breath of fresh air. Right now I'm playing all 3 games at once and trying to make hero in all three what isn't an just flat out good. I know the games are written with the idea of party-animal-rock/porn star ideas in mind. But I just don't like that.
Sometimes you just want to have a romance and not it degrade, IMO, into hedonism or perversion. Like with the gargoyle in the cathedral. Another well written character who seems to have self respect and integrity. When I first played the games, years ago, I admit I latched on to any character in CoC or TitS with well written sex scenes and cool character art and female. But I wonder if I was just being too easy. Wasn't I being guilty of instant gratification? And for me, that's a no-no. Game or not.
When I make a character, they're never a saint, but they're never mean or shallow either. I just don't want to repeat that as I retry CoC, CoC2, and TitS now.
In closing, just like how a average Joe is often put into a super hero or action movie to show how a nobody would rise to the challenge or view crazy over the top events. I think the CoC2, and TitS games could benefit from taking a chapter out of the original's book and having more foils who find it odd or nasty to just stick their dick in everything.
Something I found in the original CoC that isn't really seen at all in the sequel or spin-offs are foils to the rampant over-sexed cast of monsters and villains and even heroes.
Other than that hot-headed mouse-lady in the old town ruins, Amily and Jojo, is there anyone else that's a foil to the sex crazed cast in the later games? Both are mice, I'm not sure if that's on purpose to be ironic or what. But it was a breath of fresh air. Right now I'm playing all 3 games at once and trying to make hero in all three what isn't an just flat out good. I know the games are written with the idea of party-animal-rock/porn star ideas in mind. But I just don't like that.
Sometimes you just want to have a romance and not it degrade, IMO, into hedonism or perversion. Like with the gargoyle in the cathedral. Another well written character who seems to have self respect and integrity. When I first played the games, years ago, I admit I latched on to any character in CoC or TitS with well written sex scenes and cool character art and female. But I wonder if I was just being too easy. Wasn't I being guilty of instant gratification? And for me, that's a no-no. Game or not.
When I make a character, they're never a saint, but they're never mean or shallow either. I just don't want to repeat that as I retry CoC, CoC2, and TitS now.
In closing, just like how a average Joe is often put into a super hero or action movie to show how a nobody would rise to the challenge or view crazy over the top events. I think the CoC2, and TitS games could benefit from taking a chapter out of the original's book and having more foils who find it odd or nasty to just stick their dick in everything.