Has anyone gotten floppy ears or can verify if they are or aren't in the game?
They aren't.
//Grow wolf ears
if(pc.earType != GLOBAL.TYPE_CANINE && changes < changeLimit && rand(4) == 0)
if (target.earTypeUnlocked(GLOBAL.TYPE_CANINE))
kGAMECLASS.output("\n\nYour ears begin to itch uncontrollably. You desperately try to scratch at them, but the itch spreads and grows... as do your ears! Your ears twist and morph, growing a thin layer of " + pc.furColor + " fur as they reshape into a pair of perky points, towering over your head. You experimentally move them, feeling them perk and flop at your command. And you can hear so much better than before, every slight creak and rustle around you is so clear now! <b>You now have an ausar's wolf-ears!</b>");
else kGAMECLASS.output(target.earTypeLockedMessage());
As you can see, they are the same generic canine ears with some extra note during TF sequence.