[Fixt] [Minor Bug] Extra Descriptors in Overqueen [Mouth(Cunt)] Scene for Female_Steele

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New Member
Aug 12, 2016
[Minor Bug]
Getting 3 Extra Descriptors as a Human Female for her cunnilingus scene.
"Ausar, Kathrit and Gryvain" in the Scene by William, [Mouth(Cunt)].
Currently Running: [0.69.420#1028].

Girl-cum drools from your slit in thin streams, and then she’s pushing back in, swimming upstream the channel whilst discovering the limits to your elasticity. Ysolte is unfazed by the ecstatic clenching, no force of compression strong enough to squelch her ministrations. She incants a particular spell, siphoning the ardor from you in an unflinching trance. Sometimes firmly and sometimes slowly, she remains gracefully entwined with your pink sex, whispering delicately and lovingly into it.

Husky notes are then growled against the reddening surface of your dog-twat, and other sounds you’d never think apparent nobility would make. "A powerful heat... and smell," she murmurs, kissing the swelling fatness up and down, making it wink. You can only think she derives the same pleasure as you do, just watching the glittery slopes puff up into a thicker, more obscene clasp. "This is for breeding. What a lucky girl you are, Aurora."
|The petite narrowness of your feline cunt is easily overcome by an alien patience. Pure joy shudders through your legs as Ysolte lunges far and withdraws so quickly that you clench against your own walls. The tightness is eye-wincing and toe-curling. "Lovely... I have an affinity for kaithrits, my sssavior. Although I prefer meatier meals, there’s an energy to you here that pleases me."
|Ysolte employs a number of gryvain and that is the likeliest explanation for how she is so intensely aware of your draconic hole’s unique qualities. Instead of one exterior clitoris, there are several bulging nubs texturing the pink stretch of your pussy’s walls, and with a tongue many-feet thick and long she flattens all of them in heavily-lubricated thrusts, scattering your conscience to distant galaxiesServile sensation washes through you as Ysolte laps at your marecunt hard and fast. It’s so fucking gratifying to make someone so self-controlled and unburdened lose themselves entirely to a sexual act. She’s practically inebriated by the potent pheromones pouring out of your rubbery sex. Words and propriety are cast aside so that she might better savor the filthiness, kissing and fondling the bulging petals and forcing incredible shudders through its wide, gluttonous capacity. Vaginal pleasure at its absolute dirtiest.

A multitude of flicks brings your pink flesh to a sparkle. Warm dew collects on the glittery slopes, sweated out by Mel’s hot breaths. She mops her face into your nexus, buffing her scales in the seeping nectar, steering her glowy tongue to the hood. Controlled ravenousness. From outside and within, lurid rhythms are drummed on untouched clusters.

(I posted the paragraphs before and after the extra descriptions as well to locate it.)
((PS: Not Screen Capturing because it's a pain in the ass with Dual Monitors.))
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Excellent! Text is better (for copy/pasting), and I think I actually fixed two bugs in that chunk of text. Somebody coded it with the CoC2 parser system, so I had fun trying to figure out how it worked :3
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