You are unable to properly Fight kane at the bottom of the waterfall when retrieving RK Lah.
Attacking/Shooting him results in no actions being taken for the PC or kane.
"You're Fighting Kane. Your Shield crackels but holds. (S: -X)" typically 4-6 shield dam with no source.
will often have kane make dialogue including describing some attacks but no damage follows. His health may/may not go down by 10. No source is described.
seems to operate normally but PC still recieves unknown shield damage.
Attached is a screenshot of me trying to shoot and a save file just prior to the combat encounter.
You are unable to properly Fight kane at the bottom of the waterfall when retrieving RK Lah.
Attacking/Shooting him results in no actions being taken for the PC or kane.
"You're Fighting Kane. Your Shield crackels but holds. (S: -X)" typically 4-6 shield dam with no source.
will often have kane make dialogue including describing some attacks but no damage follows. His health may/may not go down by 10. No source is described.
seems to operate normally but PC still recieves unknown shield damage.
Attached is a screenshot of me trying to shoot and a save file just prior to the combat encounter.