[Finished] Tessa Expac.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017

After long hours of toiling away, I've finally finished up my first wave of expansion content for Tessa. If you want to take a looksee, and see what's in store, here ya go.

Tessa 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1duYMwbWL7U3j_UgLZnI-MU77iEQfZ8wZAdX5R6JJ-dQ/edit#

But if you don't want to be spoiled that's good as well. And before anybody asks, no knives are held to anybodies throats this time around. I'm going to leave it for a few days, take and consider edits and suggestions, then submit it Monday or so.

Hope people like it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Its a nice day for a white wedding.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
So from my understanding, the whole knife to the throat-thing was undesireable? At the very least please note that at least one person's Steele likes to live dangerously.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
I'm weak. I spoiled it for myself. I'm so damn weak. But God! Tessa is so endearing!

But yes! Finally! Real Tessa cuddles! How long until romance becomes a thing?
But fuck, man, that was one hell of an ending! Not just asking us to take on Black Void contracts, but also going after the man/woman/whatever pronoun you use who birthed her as if they were some sort of monster. Gotta admit, that pulls some heartstrings. I can't wait to see this in the game, and to see where her story goes.

At this point, I can safely say that Tessa has climbed her way to the top, finally landing as my second favorite character in TiTS, beaten only by the Neko queen Fisianna. Good on you, Sir Frosty. You've done well. Here's to a good future (and hopefully a good continuation)!


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2017
Gonna read it, bet it's good.

Edit: yuuup
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
Actually, there's a little question I have regarding some of the later content of the Xpac.
I know, or at least, I'm pretty sure that Fen has a rule against killing characters. However, since you're now being offered a Black Void contract, from a trained and professional assassin nonetheless, you're given the choice to kill the bounties or spare them and leave them to their fate (which is also most likely certain death). So, will this choice be made for you, with Steele opting to be magnanimous and spare the bounties?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Actually, there's a little question I have regarding some of the later content of the Xpac.
I know, or at least, I'm pretty sure that Fen has a rule against killing characters. However, since you're now being offered a Black Void contract, from a trained and professional assassin nonetheless, you're given the choice to kill the bounties or spare them and leave them to their fate (which is also most likely certain death). So, will this choice be made for you, with Steele opting to be magnanimous and spare the bounties?

If they accept the contract, the player would be given a few ways to resolve it. I think it's important to allow players the ability to choose what to do, so I'd make sure to provide a few different options with varying degrees of pay off. If they player wanted, they could even just let the target go altogether, and not bother with the contract.

As for killing, I can't say for sure if there is or is not a rule, but I assume there isn't (or at least isn't a hard rule against it), because the player can kill Queen Taivra after the beat her in combat if they wanted. I assume as long as alternative options are on the table to resolve it, there should be no issue.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2018
I think the 'no killing' rule is more about snuff and people with murderboners. Killing a person if its an actual important, meaningful part of the plot is fine - but if its just being done casually, for fun or is in any way sexualised, its a big flat no.

I might be wrong, though.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
If they accept the contract, the player would be given a few ways to resolve it. I think it's important to allow players the ability to choose what to do, so I'd make sure to provide a few different options with varying degrees of pay off. If they player wanted, they could even just let the target go altogether, and not bother with the contract.

As for killing, I can't say for sure if there is or is not a rule, but I assume there isn't (or at least isn't a hard rule against it), because the player can kill Queen Taivra after the beat her in combat if they wanted. I assume as long as alternative options are on the table to resolve it, there should be no issue.
Considering what Steele can do in game (Tarkus, Myrellion), killing isnt a big thing, also there enemies that can kill you, so as long as it stays in reasonable area, and wont ruin the plot for sake of appealing to murderboners, it should be okay. After all, TiTS is not only about everyone just fooking each other everyday (kidding ofc), we have a Cold War analogy with ants, slavery, evil scientists, mindwashing and e.t.c.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2017
Just curious, what's the timeframe if the submission is accepted?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
Alright. I wasn't entirely sure on the killing rule. Though that Murder Gore boner thing sounds believable

The Krispiness

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018
Under your bed.
The Jan thing felt like it was missing a payoff or some retribution. Something like her getting thrown out of the party because she tried to start shit again by trying to hook up the bride with her brother-in-law and hook up the groom with the maid of honor. In another vein, hint at a redemption of her character for future ex-pacs and make that her planned story arc.

Also, in a galaxy where over-the-counter mods exist, it's kinda weird to see only the basic races. I imagine my 7'6" Amazonian Treated Half-Kui-Tan slow dancing with Tess among a sea of normal humans and ausar.
Throw and odd mention here and there of the types of people you'd see in this space age galaxy. For example, have the bar be catered by Kally's bar! Kally working the drinks as the bartender and Del bouncing around in a slightly less skimpy outfit offering hors d'oeuvres. Kally using Kaede for shipping all these crates of champagne and kegs of Kally's "creamy" and standard alcoholic brews. Kaede's just hanging out at the bar until they reload the junk and she can ship it back to New Canada. Don't necessarily have to write dialogue for them, just *You wave.* and *They wave back.*
Just something to bring the fantastical elements of TITS in.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2017
The Jan thing felt like it was missing a payoff or some retribution. Something like her getting thrown out of the party because she tried to start shit again by trying to hook up the bride with her brother-in-law and hook up the groom with the maid of honor. In another vein, hint at a redemption of her character for future ex-pacs and make that her planned story arc.

Also, in a galaxy where over-the-counter mods exist, it's kinda weird to see only the basic races. I imagine my 7'6" Amazonian Treated Half-Kui-Tan slow dancing with Tess among a sea of normal humans and ausar.
Throw and odd mention here and there of the types of people you'd see in this space age galaxy. For example, have the bar be catered by Kally's bar! Kally working the drinks as the bartender and Del bouncing around in a slightly less skimpy outfit offering hors d'oeuvres. Kally using Kaede for shipping all these crates of champagne and kegs of Kally's "creamy" and standard alcoholic brews. Kaede's just hanging out at the bar until they reload the junk and she can ship it back to New Canada. Don't necessarily have to write dialogue for them, just *You wave.* and *They wave back.*
Just something to bring the fantastical elements of TITS in.
I mean, none of that really makes sense though. These people come from a small Outpost where body customization and mods likely weren't a thing. Tessa was likely the oddest thing there. Even then, sure their outpost possibly became sufficiently advanced but people aren't actually that heavily modified even In the rush. People like Steele are an oddity. If I can point to Sera as an example, heavy body modifications are fucking expensive, and honestly unnecessary in most cases, you're just used to seeing them because people write interesting people to fuck. The majority of the people you walk by are likely only lightly modded at most.
The reason it's pretty much all ausar and humans is because that's who the bride and groom would have known growing up, it was a combined human ausar colony. Steele is meant to stand out, that's why Tessa brings them. Also this is a wedding, invite only. Kaede wouldn't be there because how the hell would she know either the bride or groom? Same goes for kally and her catering the wedding. No offense to her but her establishment doesn't really seem the type to fit a wedding, and I doubt she knows either of them as well.
This scene is about Tessa, learning more about her and forming a more intimate relationship with her (even though that's likely not what she planned). In that regard it worked flawlessly in my opinion, but crossovers like you mentioned don't serve a purpose here.

Edit: also in terms of Jen, sure we don't have an immediate payoff like her getting thrown out, but I feel the point is to introduce her as a problem later down the line. Be patient, I'm sure fr0sty has a plan for her.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2017
Somewhere Somehow
Fellas, the expac isn't even in the game yet. Stop making excited for the next one with yer speculatin'!


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2017
I can speculate all day, baby

I have to ask though, is there a chance to mend Tessa's and Adra's relationship later if we miss it in the wedding?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Just saw the update and boy am I pleased to see it!

Cannot wait to crash that particular wedding!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
I have some issues with your lack of meaningful variation, but this is much better than the og doc imo.

Without the Doc turning into a 300 page choose your own adventure novel, I had to keep it rather stream lined. There is for sure a part of me that would have loved to do that, but I think it would have killed me to write it.


Feb 25, 2019
Without the Doc turning into a 300 page choose your own adventure novel, I had to keep it rather stream lined. There is for sure a part of me that would have loved to do that, but I think it would have killed me to write it.
I can imagine. Going through helping with the edits has given me a new appreciation for the huge amount of work that goes into writing TiTs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
I created a new character and wanted to play them in the Tessa expansion. Because I <3 Tessa. I redid the Jade nip stuff to unlock the breast scene for Tessa and got me wondering if, maybe, you had tenta-nips or something else fun planned for the busty lizard's fun-bags in the next Tessa expansion? Because I would be all about that. If not that is OK too, she is your character and you have done a great job with her so far. Just loved the expansion and having more Tessa. Left me loving her even more and really looking forward to what you plan to do with her next. :D
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