[Finished] Male Zil Impregnation


Jul 11, 2016
No, that does not mean you can impregnate male zil, weirdos.

Anyway, this was a commissioned piece, and the first piece of pregnancy writing I've ever done, and quite a complicated one at that. It allows generic male zil to impregnate you.

Basically, I've been working with someone else (who is writing the female half of zil pregnancy) to handle bunch of new lore they created for zil with this. The big thing here is pheromones, as in if you get knocked up by one, you're going to start producing pheromones that are specially attuned to the zil you mated with, making you very, very attracted to one another. Because of this, you can me the zil that impregnated you in the jungle for some sexy times.

Along with this special, repeatable sex scene (taur compatible), there's the usual pregnancy stuff like timed blurbs and birthing, as well as child interaction for when your bee-babies are in the nursery.

Here's the doc: Male Zil Impregnation

Like I said, this was the first piece of pregnancy content I've ever written, so any feedback is appreciated. Additionally, I hope to be able to recycle some of the blurbs and birthing for say... Liamme preg and stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I've always found it a little weird that the player can check if a pregnancy took immediately in the codex, but the Steele never seems to notice for weeks/and or months. Not to bash you Hugs, just a general detail of TiTS' preg content.

EDIT: The pregnancy makes all your fluids into honey :eek: My perfect snowflake character will no longer be perfect!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
The pregnancy makes all your fluids into honey :eek: My perfect snowflake character will no longer be perfect!

No, now they'll just be extra sweet!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I've always found it a little weird that the player can check if a pregnancy took immediately in the codex, but the Steele never seems to notice for weeks/and or months. Not to bash you Hugs, just a general detail of TiTS' preg content.

EDIT: The pregnancy makes all your fluids into honey :eek: My perfect snowflake character will no longer be perfect!

Yeah you would think they'd get a pop-up or something once pregnancy was confirmed by their codex, they shouldn't have to figure it out the old fashioned way, but hey we get little enough preg content as is, I'll take it with a smile if it gets me more of the stuff.

Also darn that means my vanae milk will turn into honey... luckily that's easy to fix and my dick/pussy already produce honey so not much changes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
It's still a bit of an irritation to get fluid types back just because you got knocked up.

Especially when some fluid types are one time only obtainables like milk cum (at least as far as I'm aware) or are a massive pain to obtain whilst retaining your physical looks or without losing it to regain your physical looks after whatever you changed to get your fluid type back. To say nothing of the fluid types that are of a grab bag for a TF.


Jul 11, 2016
It's still a bit of an irritation to get fluid types back just because you got knocked up.

Especially when some fluid types are one time only obtainables like milk cum (at least as far as I'm aware) or are a massive pain to obtain whilst retaining your physical looks or without losing it to regain your physical looks after whatever you changed to get your fluid type back. To say nothing of the fluid types that are of a grab bag for a TF.

Alright, yeah, great, I understand that the content is not going to be perfect for every single player. There's a save editor if it's really that much of a hassle.

Now, I'm looking for actual feedback on the writing aspect of this pregnancy rather than just flat out stating features about the content you don't like, or at least give some constructive criticism.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It's still a bit of an irritation to get fluid types back just because you got knocked up.

Especially when some fluid types are one time only obtainables like milk cum (at least as far as I'm aware) or are a massive pain to obtain whilst retaining your physical looks or without losing it to regain your physical looks after whatever you changed to get your fluid type back. To say nothing of the fluid types that are of a grab bag for a TF.

On top of what Hugs said, I will add this: as a relatively mild fun of pregshit, a lot of the different changes to mother's body that are aimed at making it a better suit for rearing the babies are hot AF. So I wholeheartedly agree with Hugs' ideas here.

On the other hand, feeding babies fucking milk-*cum* is something worth of million RREEEES.:catstare:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Okay I'll admit I could have put that forward better, but it's still the only big thing I have to comment about. Everything else was excellent bar a few small things that I'll get into later. My point is that, as far as pregnancies go, this is one that is something of an irregularity. As aside from the water queen pregnancy, none of the others actually change Steele much or at all outside of inducing lactation. I get why it's a thing from a writing perspective and agree with the logic involved, I just don't think that it makes for much fun as a gameplay thing unless it only changes the pc's fluids if they were normal to begin with or if the coders won't bite your head off for having them make some sort of mechanic that would reset your fluids after the zil pregnancy was over or a short time after it's conclusion to their state before the pregnancy.

As for the small things, the other thing I think that you could improve your document with is maybe some changes to dialogue if the PC happens to be a morph that is native to the planet.

quick edit: oh and maybe a reference to the plantation quest if the PC has done it as your village doesn't seem to be the same one, unless i'm misunderstanding something.


Well-Known Member
My point is that, as far as pregnancies go, this is one that is something of an irregularity. As aside from the water queen pregnancy, none of the others actually change Steele much or at all outside of inducing lactation.
Actually the Bothrioc Eggnancy slowly change Steele's body, but for all I know you aren't counting that as it is not a normal pregnancy.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Actually the Bothrioc Eggnancy slowly change Steele's body, but for all I know you aren't counting that as it is not a normal pregnancy.
I hadn't actually done their content yet, so I didn't know what it did and kinda forgot they had a thing in yet. Going over the doc though, I'm rather hesitant to call it a normal pregnancy since it's a rather big thing that you can get out of. Plus the effects that it does incur outside of the unique perk are all much more easily fixed changes to the sizes of various bodyparts


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Steele could already have cute bee babies, now Steele can have more cute bee babies faster :catte:


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
A-alright... *I begin to take off my clothes and disappear into a nearby closet, coming out 5 minutes later wearing black shiny leather clothes and holding a riding crop) This good?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
C'mon guys we have an entire subforum for RP's. Project threads are for authors to post progress updates and people to give feedback on projects. They're important threads that are usually watched closely by authors and fans alike, please don't RP in them.

You are absolutely welcome to go start up an RP session in the RP subforum, though. It's what it's there for.
Yes, please! Guys, we need more people down there!


Jun 24, 2016
The shitpost meme almost made me forget.

This event line isn't level-locked like the new addition of Mhen'ga or anything, is it? Started playing again recently and saw that and then this was finished. Might give an incentive to make a FILTHY BREEDER one of these days, since I'm a fan of the buttbuzzers.

Captain Kiera

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2017
C'mon guys we have an entire subforum for RP's. Project threads are for authors to post progress updates and people to give feedback on projects. They're important threads that are usually watched closely by authors and fans alike, please don't RP in them.

You are absolutely welcome to go start up an RP session in the RP subforum, though. It's what it's there for.
Sorry, it won`t happen again Mom(sorry if this is taking it to far.)

On a side note, good job as usual Hugs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
possible Able prego scene though? or that one zil from the zil village. He needs more scenes too.