Fifth Galomax


Jun 6, 2016
Where is it possible to acquire a fifth Galomax? The wiki says you can get two from Zo'dee and one from Gene and one from Sera, but is it possible to get the fifth? I've yet to find the final one.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
nope not yet

you can always cheat though


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I recommend cheating unless you want to wait for a (probable) few more months for the fifth dose to become available on Uveto.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I do not recommend cheating as it may introduce bugs and problems that wouldn't be in you save otherwise and unnecessarily inconvenience fen&co when you inevitably report it as a bug.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
The only thing I can think of that could go wrong if you cheated is whatsherface reacting to you as being 4 doses in when you are 5 doses in if you meet up with her again for the 5th dose, but that I'm not sure of as I don't even know if she reacts to your goo level for the doses she gives you in the current game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The only thing I can think of that could go wrong if you cheated is whatsherface reacting to you as being 4 doses in when you are 5 doses in if you meet up with her again for the 5th dose, but that I'm not sure of as I don't even know if she reacts to your goo level for the doses she gives you in the current game.

Apparently things are more complicated than that code-wise. There is a reason whenever someone asks them about is the devs using cheats on the game.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Meh, I cheated and got the 5th dose and have been fine since. The worst thing that could happen to you is a newly tracked flag.


Jan 8, 2016
Meh, I cheated and got the 5th dose and have been fine since. The worst thing that could happen to you is a newly tracked flag.

I dunno. I haven't looked at the Galomax code, but if your hypothetical 'galomax pills consumed count' exceeds what it should for the subsequent scenes that assume you've only taken 4, you're definitely going to run into some trouble. Assuming the flag for tracking the consumption is already in the game, there is nothing a dev could do to "correct the error", because you've already fudged it. I guess they could invent a new flag and transfer the old flag's value to it, just making it cap out at 4, but that's going to cause its own boatload of problems. Anyway, in order to avoid you skipping scenes (like immediately finding a scene that's only meant to be accessible after 7 pills because you cheated a few in) there'll have to be additional checks to ensure your goo score isn't higher than it should be. This wouldn't be such a big deal if the goo stuff didn't also affect your appearance, but maybe they can just hide stuff under the hood and have the player be none the wiser.

Tl;dr you won't run into any problems yet, but it is highly likely you will in the future when more content is available for it. Pretty sure Fen and Savin have both warned people about this, actually. Wouldn't be surprised if they just went without error checking and you'll have to deal with the consequences, but don't quote me on that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@Wsan Actually, judging by the way Appearence screen is set up and the existence of Celise's hot primordial soup action scene, all the bits and pieces for the 5th dose are already in place, and AFAIK it is supposed to be the final step in transforming into a goo person.

So even if some more scenes with conditions based on the number of pills taken (or Goo-score; or whathaveyou) exist, or are going to be written, they already account for all possible outcomes.

So all you can possibly lock yourself out of that way is the scene for obtaining the 5th dose, and that's assuming that it won't just be sold by a vendor.