Fertility, preg speed and Virility questions

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
What is the maximum Fertility rateing the player can have.

What is the maximum Virility (cum quality) the player can have.

I think for both the answer is 1.00 (at least, the maximum number at which going any higher has no aditonal effect), which if my understanding of TiTS is correct, equates to 100% chance for both, but im not entirely sure, I would very much like someone to confirm this, thankyou.

And for pregnancy speed, is there a maximum? if so, what is it? And what is the egact effect that pregnancy speed has? (does a pregnancy speed of 2 simply means its twice as fast?)

Thankyou for your help.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
My character has 10000% Fertility and 1000% Virility, lol. Fertility Speed Modifier of 200% and a Fertility Quantity Bonus of 1.

pc.cumQualityRaw is Virility and pc.fertility is fertility. I had them set to 100 and 10, respectively. Going to go ahead and change the former to 10 as well now, though.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Since that perk is the only thing in the game that can increase pregnancy speed, 200% is effectively the maximum. Though if you go into a save editor and set your preg speed higher, it will probably work. I don't think there's an actual 'limit' until you get to numbers so high they break the variable they're stored in. Most likely, you would reach a speed where you'd give birth as soon as you took one step away from the encounter long before that point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Since that perk is the only thing in the game that can increase pregnancy speed, 200% is effectively the maximum. Though if you go into a save editor and set your preg speed higher, it will probably work. I don't think there's an actual 'limit' until you get to numbers so high they break the variable they're stored in. Most likely, you would reach a speed where you'd give birth as soon as you took one step away from the encounter long before that point.

It would take about 100,000% speed to bring a sydian (at 270 days, roughly the same time of a human) down to under four hours, presuming my math is not horrible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
It might not even be possible to edit Pregnancy speed, it doesn't seem to be a variable stored in the save.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It might not even be possible to edit Pregnancy speed, it doesn't seem to be a variable stored in the save.

pregnancyIncubationBonusFather(Mother)Raw(Mod) of PC and the NPC in question are the stats that determine the speed of each pregnancy, which is then stored in a pregnancyData as pregnancyIncubationMulti.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Where there's a will, there's a way. Or just write a status effect for it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
pregnancyIncubationBonusFather(Mother)Raw(Mod) of PC and the NPC in question are the stats that determine the speed of each pregnancy, which is then stored in a pregnancyData as pregnancyIncubationMulti.

There must be more to it than that because I compared those values in my save (where I picked incubator) to a new save (where I picked something else) and all of those values are the same between them.

So either it's just checking for the presence of the perk when it creates the timer in pregnancyData, or the perk is currently doing nothing.

Maybe none of this does anything right now. I'm looking at https://github.com/OXOIndustries/Trials-in-Tainted-Space/blob/master/classes/GameData/Pregnancy/Handlers/SydianPregnancyHandler.as and seeing no reference to any of these values, or the perk; all of the stages seem to be hardcoded numbers.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There must be more to it than that because I compared those values in my save (where I picked incubator) to a new save (where I picked something else) and all of those values are the same between them.

So either it's just checking for the presence of the perk when it creates the timer in pregnancyData, or the perk is currently doing nothing.

Maybe none of this does anything right now. I'm looking at https://github.com/OXOIndustries/Trials-in-Tainted-Space/blob/master/classes/GameData/Pregnancy/Handlers/SydianPregnancyHandler.as and seeing no reference to any of these values, or the perk; all of the stages seem to be hardcoded numbers.

If you look at the BasePregnancyHandler.as you will find this:

// Setup the pregnancy data for the Mother

var pData:pregnancyData = mother.pregnancyData[pregSlot];

pData.pregnancyType = thisPtr.handlesType;

if (thisPtr.debugTrace) trace("Knocking up " + mother.short + " with pregnancy type " + pData.pregnancyType);

pData.pregnancyIncubationMulti = (mother.pregnancyIncubationBonusMother() + father.pregnancyIncubationBonusFather()) / 2.0;

if (thisPtr.debugTrace) trace("Calculated incubation acceleration multi as " + pData.pregnancyIncubationMulti);

pData.pregnancyIncubation = thisPtr.basePregnancyIncubationTime;

if (thisPtr.debugTrace) trace("Total incubation time as " + pData.pregnancyIncubation);

public function updatePregnancyStage(tarCreature:Creature, tMinutes:int, pregSlot:int):void


var pData:pregnancyData = tarCreature.pregnancyData[pregSlot];

var modTDelta:int = Math.round(tMinutes * pData.pregnancyIncubationMulti);

if (_debugTrace) trace("Incubation change of " + tMinutes + " * " + pData.pregnancyIncubationMulti + " = " + modTDelta);

var oldInc:int = pData.pregnancyIncubation;

var newInc:int = pData.pregnancyIncubation - modTDelta;
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
If you look at the BasePregnancyHandler.as you will find this:

1) Still not seeing any mention of the incubator perk

2) Is this code even used? From what I saw earlier every pregnancy seems to have its own handler.as?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
1) Still not seeing any mention of the incubator perk

2) Is this code even used? From what I saw earlier every pregnancy seems to have its own handler.as?

1) Dunno about the perk, it does seem to not function properly, or at least it doesn't change the stats I think it should change. But the stats themselves work as intended, because changing them via .Minerva does speed up pregnancies.

2) Those are used to specify the way the pregnancy occurs: can it be butt pregnancy, can it fertilize eggs, is it calculated based on fertility and verility etc. 

It also describes how various stages of that pregnancy change things: what blurbs trigger at a certain stage, when and if milk production starts/changes, how belly rating is added etc.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Hay guys I play the game on my phone so I don't know how to work any of the that on phone
This thread is old enough that it's very out of date. It would probably be better to make a new thread and ask specific questions.