Fenoxo Isekai - how would you react?


Active Member
Feb 6, 2021
So, just a random thought that occurred to me today that I'm curious about. Lets say tomorrow you get a visit from Truck-kun and end up waking up in one of Fenoxo's game worlds (CoC, CoC2 and TiTs). How would you react and why? For me it would be:

CoC: Panic. Why? Because its a world where you are guaranteed to get fucked. Literally. Unless you live in the city or possibly the dog girls farm, you are guaranteed to get jumped and raped by something nasty unless you are uncommonly skilled and strong, which a random mook from our world wouldnt be. Ya know, without Isekai plot armour.

CoC2: Less of an issue, but I'd still be worried. My understanding is that things only got rapey over there after the Cult brought Kyrs through, so my main issue would be trying to survive in a pre-industrial society. On the other hand, it doesnt seem like that bad a place to live from the small area we see and not everything is out to shove something big and spiky somewhere tender.

TiTs: I'd actually be OK with it. I'm more into fantasy than Sci fi, but living in a world like that would be downright awesome. Assuming your not a Rusher, your unlikely to get attacked by anything out to stick something spiky where it shouldnt be and the ability to shape your body however you want for the right price sounds pretty damn rad to me.

What about you lot?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
  • CoC: awful. Possibly caught by imps and hooked on that machine. If possible, I'd try to befriend Ro'Gar, Lottie or the Musician Satyr, or ask them whether they could be so kind of letting me meet with guys their own race. I could also do with a hellhound companion.
  • CoC2: less awful. Possibly froze to death if popping up on Savarra.
  • TiTS: probably awful, with Taint and caught in indentured servitude. I'd just touch non-sexual mods, e.g. ones that would improve vision, retain youth, whatever Sera used for keeping her chest perky, etc. I'd have more than enough if I could visit Ceria for an everlasting hairdressing session, take a couple of Lemon Loftcakes and stack on Easy Fit, ChillPill, ReductPro and Sterilex.
In either case, I wonder how far scavenging could take me...
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
CoC the First: Yeah no LOL. I would be fucked. Literally and figuratively. If I don't end up hooked to one those machines, I'd probably get demonified within the first 2 weeks. And that is potentially the death of personality.

CoC2: Much more optimistic. Could abuse transformatives before Savarra gets post apocalyptic and become some rando wandering witch or mercenary. I'd probably high-tail out of the frost marches the second things got weird though.

TiTS: Also abuse transformatives but live a quiet life. Maybe I'll occasionally monologue about that quiet life.

Also Truck-kun is best girl, fight me.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2020
CoC: Yeah fuck that. The only chance would be managing to find Tel'Adre and hoping it doesn't get discovered / invaded by demons.

CoC2: Are we there at the same time as Kasyrra? If so, just a vaguely better scenario than CoC. If not, probably decent if the existence of healing magic covers the lack of medical technology well enough. I'd try and get into a hopefully non-quarantined Khor'minos for some semblance of modern technology.

TiTS: Legal slavery existing is obviously terrible, but it's definitely the nicest setting of the three to be in if you can avoid it. Having a decent job on a core world would probably be an upgrade over real life considering the superior technology and sexual acceptance.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2021
CoC2: Are we there at the same time as Kasyrra? If so, just a vaguely better scenario than CoC. If not, probably decent if the existence of healing magic covers the lack of medical technology well enough. I'd try and get into a hopefully non-quarantined Khor'minos for some semblance of modern technology.
More of a general timeframe than anything else. I considered it based on what we know of the world in genaral, not the events of the game thats happening around us.

Personally, I dont think that the whole slavery aspect in TiTs is nessersarally that widespread. As in, unless your REALLY unlucky, your not likely to get snatched off the streets. Just dont make any stupid deals with shady lone people and you should be fine.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
CoC: I would like it, I could then visit Urta and Loppe, two great characters that I enjoyed immensely. Even if poor Loppe never got finished

CoC2: Hell yeah, the first thing I would do would be is find Evelyn.. have some fun as her sub, then I would find Evergreen, have alot of fun with my fav mommydom.. also lots and lots of fun with Kas until she wants my soul, which I would happily give to her. I'm not using it anyway.

TiTs: hmm not sure how I would feel tbh.. although I would save Kiro, have lots of fun with one of my fav Tanukis.. go find Anyxine and again lots of fun. Maybe New Texas and try the treatment, would be interesting to see what kinda cow I would be, knowing my luck I would be a bimbo. Literally I would just shag around with all the hot futa ladies, maybe be a cow or a mod to be an Ausar. Syri and Anno threesome/moreaome if we add Keade. Verusha for sure..
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Well-Known Member
I'd be completely screwed in both CoC games; I'm just too used to advanced technology, which is why I'd fit better in TiTS. Unless I landed on a rush planet, and assuming English hasn't changed too much in the intervening ~5,000 years, my main problems would be getting a job and somewhere to stay; once those are taken care of, I'd probably save up for mods to make myself more attractive (including a full race change) as well as get up to the sexual standards of the game. I don't know how much sex I'd wind up having, though; I'm too introverted to seek it out or frequent places where others could proposition me for it.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
CoC: Well the imps and demons wouldn't get me that's for sure lust magic and teasing no. I'm to busy trying to kill the thing attacking me but to the point magic is for weakass people (no offense to those that favor it I just prefer to be up front and in the enemy's face). My goal would to find Tel'adre (I don't know about it yet but that's the point to find a save haven) and take a few wolf TFs and earn enough gems to get weapons and armor someone to train me and hit the gym to stay in shape and then take the fight to the demons and not be taken alive.
CoC2: Depending on where I am as long I'm far away from the sailgraves just fuck slavers.
TiTS: Either become a merc leader and lead honorable people or join Kiro (non sexual unless I become a woman or a herm and take Ausar TFs) and take the galaxy by storm.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2015
(This is all assuming I’m aware I’m in a game ofc. : p I’m out of shape, don’t know how to fight and too reliant on technology so realistically I’d only survive in the TiTS verse if I’m lucky.)

CoC: If I don’t immediately get caught by demons, I’d hoof it over to Tel’Adre and learn magic at the library. Once I’m able to protect myself, I still wouldn’t leave the city often but I’d occasionally visit the spider morphs in the swamp or hang out with Izma at the lake…

TiTS: If I’m lucky I’d be a civilian on a station like Tavros instead of being sold off to slavery. I’d save up the money to buy some aesthetic mods. (but I’d stay away from The Treatment if I visit New Texas; the side effects are too scary.) If I had access to a ship, I’d travel to Mhen’ga to help out the Zil.

CoC2: This is the game I’m the least familiar with, but once again I’d learn magic to protect myself. And go visit the hunks in Khor’minos…

In all 3, I’d be either a cow girl or a cat girl.


Aug 31, 2021
It really depends on how much 'game logic' is still present in the isekai'd universe, but I wouldn't be very happy; I'd at the very least need some major protagonist plot armour.

For starters, let's look at the combat. In CoC 1 and 2 enemies frequently use brutal weapons such as swords, axes, claws etcetera. In-game, after getting stabbed you just faint like some pokémon but you're otherwise OK, you can just sleep your injuries off. With more realistic logic, at best you're maimed and at worst you just outright die. It's even worse in TiTS, because guns.

Next up is how consent is handled, or the lack of it if you ever stray out of civilized areas. While our hero MC can get gangbanged by demons, forcefully violated by oversized centaurs or otherwise forced to do sexual acts - they'll just get up, orifices still leaking, dust themselves off and think "Oh those rascals, I'll get you next time!". IRL such things would be a bit more traumatic, but even handwaving that you'd still likely be forced to do stuff you're not in to (unlike the MC who basically enjoys everything).

And lastly; if you get dropped in any uncivilized area, you're (gonna get) boned unless you have some kind of military training or find a benevolent character willing to help you out. As badbreadpuns said above, not knowing how to fight + being reliant on technology means you're gonna have a bad time with all the monsters in the wild.

On the other hand, the descriptions of these encounters (even the non-consensual ones) with the locals are almost always described as an amazing time, so as long as you don't accidently stumble into a Bad End, it could be worse.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I don't know.. some of the bad ends wouldn't be terrible. While I like Jerynn bad end in TiTs, I certainly wouldn't enjoy it IRL, I like my limbs the way they are. Not sure about CoC bad ends as I tried to avoid those. CoC2 bad end with Kas at Winter City I liked.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
CoC: 50 Shades Of Fucked
CoC 2: 50 Shades Of Fucked 2 Electric Boogaloo
TiTS: avoid Treatment/enslavement -> get $ -> augment yourself to the point where your average gabilani cyborg looks perfectly natural -> profit and praise be to The Omnissiah

Gothic Purple Goblin

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2016
Depends, if I knew what I know about any of them and retained said knowledge in said world, I would have a blast I'm sure. I would vastly prefer the TiTs universe though, that would be fucking amazing. If I didnt know a damn thing well, TiTs would still win. (sex, busty cat girls and high tech video games...well high tech everything) Really thinking about it CoC would have the potential to absolutely destroy you, mind body and soul and not in the fun way if you just stumbled around clueless.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
My stance would depend on how the game's logic is handled I guess. Another guy mentioned combat and all the sexual stuff. I'd be concerned about that too. But the games tend to kind of have a Pokemon-ish approach. Get beat up? Healing magic or sleep it off. But if things are literal, CoC 1 and 2 would be a bad time with medieval weapons and whatnot. So there's that. Also, would be dropped in as our irl selves or as our characters? Because if we get dropped in as our characters, that would probably take a lot of the edge off, given how broken you can be ingame. But if it's your irl self...oh yeah I'm fucked.

CoC1: overall worst case scenario. Best hope is finding the city and hoping it doesn't get overrun. Too many ways to casually walk into a bad end.

CoC2: Slightly better scenario given the overall safe hub areas scattered around. Would probably have to learn basic combat and magic to get by when exploring. Might just hunker down and work on getting by in town.

TiTS: Best case scenario, despite issues with pirates, mercs, etc etc. If you can afford it, you can mod yourself to your heart's content and carve out a decent life.
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