Ruleset 2 - Feminization
Just as a forewarning, this ruleset will require you to keep track of points after every single battle and sexual encounter.
The way this works is that after your score reaches a certain threshold you consume a tf that increases/decreases your femininity. Then your score resets to 0 and you repeat.
I want to stress that these numbers are created for my playstyle, which occasionally involves making 'mistakes', such as 'forgetting' to sell an expensive egg I picked up. If you are going to be taking this seriously, you'll want to adjust the numbers to make it harder. As for a reference, in my most recent playthrough by the time I got to Tarkus I had taken one Man-Up and one Estrobloom.
A. Score - Every time one of these events happens, add or subtract from your current score. (Note: Although I do think the scoring system should be different for girls, I've never actually gotten to that point with my character, so these numbers for "if Female" are all pulled straight out of my ass.)
1. Positive Scoring
a. If you are cool in public
i. +1 if Male
ii. +2 if Female
b. If you defeated a boss
i. +1 if Male
ii. +1 if Female
c. If you defeated a masculine enemy
i. +0.4 if Male
ii. +0.4 if Female
d. If you defeated a feminine enemy
i. +0.2 if Male
ii. +0.2 if Female
e. If you defeated many easy (i.e. low level) enemies
i. +0.1 if Male
ii. +0.1 if Female
f. If you have sex
i. +0.1 if Male (+0.3 if you are dominant)
ii. 0 if Female (+0.6 if you are dominant)
g. If you father a child
i. +1 if Male
ii. +5 if Female
2. Negative Scoring
a. If you lose your (vaginal) virginity
i. -5 if Male
ii. -5 if Female
b. If you are humiliated in public
i. -1 if Male
ii. -2 if Female
c. If you are gang raped
i. -3 if Male
ii. -2 if Female
d. If you are raped analy and oraly (by same creature)
i. -2 if Male
ii. -1.5 if Female
e. If you are raped analy
i. -1.5 if Male
ii. -1.3 if Female
f. If you are raped vaginaly
i. -2 if Male
ii. -1 if Female
g. If you are raped oraly
i. -1 if Male
ii. -0.7 if Female
h. If you are raped oraly by a female (cunnilings)
i. -0.8 if Male
ii. -0.4 if Female
i. If you have submissive sex
i. -0.3 if Male (-1.0 if it is humiliating)
ii. -0.1 if Female (-0.4 if it is humiliating)
j. If you are defeated by health
i. -0.6 if Male (-0.8 if enemy is feminine)
ii. -0.4 if Female (-0.8 if enemy is feminine)
k. If you are defeated by Lust
i. -0.4 if Male (-0.8 if enemy is masculine)
ii. -0.6 if Female (-0.8 if enemy is feminine)
l. If you masturbate
i. -0.2 if Male
ii. -0.2 if Female
m. If you give birth
i. -5 if Male
ii. -3 if Female
n. Per day pregnant
i. -0.2 if Male
ii. -0.1 if Female
B. Feminization (Feel free to make your own game like Amazon to Bimbo)
1. Game 1 - Bull to Bimbo
a. If your score reaches +8, reset to 0 and:
i. Take a Man-Up
ii. OR if your masculinity is greater than 0
s. 20% chance to take a Man-Up
s. 80% chance to take a Man-Up + ReductPro(Breasts)
iii. OR if your masculinity is greater than 40
l. 30% chance to take a Man-Up + Suma Cream + ReductPro(Breasts)
o. 20% chance to take a Man-Up + Throbb + ReductPro(Breasts)
l. 50% chance to take a Mino Charge (Take 2 first time you roll this)
iv. OR if you masculinity is greater than 69 get treated (BULL)
b. If your score reaches -8, reset to 0 and:
i. Take an Estrobloom
ii. OR if your femininity is greater than 0
r. 10% chance to take Estrobloom
o. 70% chance to take Tittyblossom
f. 10% chance to take Tittyblossom + ReductPro(Cock)
l. 10% chance to take Estrobloom + Pussybloom
iii. OR if your femininity is greater than 40
r. 10% chance to take Tittyblossom + ReductPro(Cock)
o. 10% chance to take Estrobloom + Pussybloom + ReductPro(Cock)
f. 30% chance to take Tittyblossom + Pussybloom + ReductPro(Cock)
l. 50% chance to take Bovinium (Take 2 first time you roll this)
iv. OR if your femininity is greater than 69 get treated (Bimbo)
2. Game 2 - Bull to Faux Cow
a. If your score reaches +10, reset to 0 and:
i. Take a Man-Up
ii. OR if your masculinity is greater than 40
l. 30% chance to take a Man-Up + Suma Cream
o. 20% chance to take a Man-Up + Throbb
l. 50% chacne to take a Mino Charge (Take 2 first time you roll this)
iii. OR if you masculinity is greater than 69 get treated (BULL)
b. If your score reaches -10, reset to 0 and:
i. Take an Estrobloom
ii. OR if your masculinity is less than 30
l. 80% chance to take Twink-ease
o. 10% chance to take Estrobloom
l. 10% chance to take Estrobloom + ReductPro(Cock)
iii. OR if your masculinity is less than 21 get treated (FauxCow)
C. Sexual Temptation - This rule was created to help me settle (ridiculous) dilemmas like "Wow I have 90 lust I shouldn't be able to resist Brynn's cock. But on the other hand that would be pretty gay I think I'll just leave." So I guess 99% of you guys won't find this interesting, but just keep in mind that my scoring system accounts for these these occasional submissive fucks.
Under this rule, you compute an equation and if the result is greater than or equal to your maximum lust, you have to do whatever your Steele is being seduced into doing.
(Note: Will != Will + Resolve)
(Note 2: d20 means you generate a random number between 1 and 20)
1. Lust + [(1/WQ) * 10] + d20 + A + B + C
a. A =
i. 0 if the situation will give you a negative score (i.e. raped oraly gives you -1 score)
ii. -1 * [(Masculinity * 2 + 40) / (8 * X)] else, where X =
r. 1 if humiliating sex
o. 1 if blowjob
f. 0.67 if anal
l. 0.5 if gangbang
b. B =
i. 0 if the character who is seducing you has no addiction or dominance score.
ii. X/4 else, where X = your score out of 100%.
c. C =
i. 15 if you have Breed Hungry perk and sex will be vaginal
ii. 5 + A if you have Buttslut perk and sex will be anal
iii. A if you have Corrupted perk
iv. 10 if you have Cum Highs perk and you are not high and sex will be oral
v. 5 if you have Dumb4Cum perk and sex will be oral
vi. 5 if you have Easy perk
vii. 5 if you have FaceFucker perk and sex will be oral (recieving)
viii. 15 + A if you have Omega Fever perk and sex will be anal
ix. 0 else
d. If you have Weak Mind or Weak Willed perk, divide your Will by 2